Hi, I have spent a good amount of time searching clips on youtube / reading forums and getting ahold of any and all information that I could to get a better feel for this game and what it might have to offer in terms of competitive league play.
I come from counter-strike 1.6 competitive background and have been looking for a game that could eventually grow a base and might be worth the time investing to actually get good at for future competition but thus far all these new games either get stepped on by their developers i.e MW2 with no dedicated servers or others that have come our recently would just not facilitate that kind of environment for healthy competition.
So..... here I am asking the community and people who I am sure have followed this game much more closer than I if they think in the future this game could be viable as a competitive PC title.
If you think it could be please state why

Well H0RSE could explain this much better than I could but here it goes. The answer is yes. Why you might ask because this is a game built for gamers by gamers. Splash damage CEO Paul Wedgwood and the original group started from a Quake clan/moders.
http://www.splashdamage.com/history Rest is here.
As a PC gamer you might have played Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory or Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars, these were made by SD.
So in short this game is basically made by competative gamers for competative gamers and they started on the PC.
As for Brink itself, its objective driven multiplayer so you have to work as a team to be successful. I could go on but do a little research and you should see why this game is going to be awesome.