When competition (scrims, ladders, leagues, etc) takes off, wouldn't it make sense for every team to have to play both sides? If so, what happens to your "badass, level-capped security character"? Can you simply switch him over to resistance with the same gear, perks, and skills?
On a similar topic, say you decide to play a soldier all throughout your first campaign. You would obviously make this character big, strong, and heavy. You would also aim to get "soldier-friendly" gear such as heavy armor, and explosives.
Now, imagine you decide to take this character into competition and picture the following scene...
At the start of the match your team is composed of:
3 Soldiers
2 Medics
2 Engineers
1 Operative
Say your operative dies, but you still managed to get the first gate down. The operative cannot be revived because he died too far into enemy territory so he's waiting for the respawn delay. Meanwhile, you (as a soldier) decide to quickly switch roles and pick the "operative class". The problem is... you're built as a really heavy character with heavy armor so your mobility is greatly reduced. On top of this, your guns are more "soldier-friendly" instead of smg's for quicker movement speed.
Is this how it works? Do body builds carry on when you're selecting roles? If so, do you need to create a new character for each specific role, say for instance a really skinny guy for playing the operative?
If the answer to all these questions is yes then we're going to end up with 8 different characters (4 resistance and 4 security) each built for a different, specific role (ie. soldier, operative, medic, and engineer). <-- That's a lot of work.