This thread has two purposes. The first purpose of this thread is to share your knowledge of any random encounters/events you have seen/read/heard about. So if you've played the game at some expo, tell us about any random encounters/events you saw. Any encounters you may have read about in either previews, or gameplay by a forum member, let us know.
Second purpose, is so that you can come here and read about all the possible random encounters/events that have been confirmed in case you begin to doubt.
I will start us off, and will possibly add more as I think/read of more. Any new random things you read about in the coming weeks leading up to release should also be posted here.
Because of the nature of this topic, it may be full of spoilers, so read through at your own risk.
NOTE: If you can remember where you read it, or find it, say where you found it or post a link. Links ARE NOT required, but preferred. Thank you.
1. Travelers heading to a wedding with a wedding gift. (Can't remember where, but I read it, either in a forum member post, or a hands on)
2. Thalmor agents with prisoners on the road
"Thalmor, High Elf agents of the Aldermi Dominion are found throughout Skyrim. Some have been found with prisoners, one claims that they are merely there in peace, to help Skyrim through this period of transition (Possible foreshadowing of the main quest?)"