What I'm trying to achieve is the following: the player hits an actor, then such actor gets disabled. This is the first step of a 'defensive teleportation' script that I wish to make.
Code (it compiles fine):
Scriptname aasmtDefensiveTeleport extends activemagiceffect {test}Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.Disable()EndEvent
This code is attached to a Magic Effect of archetype 'Script', casting type 'Fire and Forget', and delivery 'contact'
The magic effect, in turn, is attached to a spell which also contains another 2 magic effects (that work as intended)
The spell, finally, is attached to a perk with 'Apply Combat Hit Spell' as the entry point.
I imagined that I should be able to deliver the script to the target by hitting him (since I use 'Apply Combat Hit Spell') but the target doesn't get disabled on hit so something must be wrong.
Any help appreciated!