Complainers, whiners & nay-sayers:

Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:11 pm

I tell you the root of the problem...but first let me tell you; those who complain won't like what I'll have to say (most people can't handle the truth). With that said, here goes;

Yes. Many people complain that this game is too buggy to play. UNTRUE. Does the game have issues? Yes. Does it make the game "unplayable"? NO. What makes the game unplayable to these people are; lack of knowledge/skills with playing the game and the complainant's connection issues which COMPOUND the game's minor issues and prevents an enjoyable experience for said users. Let's look closer.

The major issues people complain about are hit detection, lag and glitches (not listed in any order of prominence). The hit detection works great but can become an issue if you lock into a room with a bad connection. The glitches are evident but do not make the game "unplayable". On occasion the game selected host will not have enough bandwidth which will lag other players.

Glitches. With some maps, on rare occasions, I've gotten stuck in the air, the game will start with no scope on my weapon (which will 'spawn' on it a few seconds later as a pink scope before being drawn in properly). But the game is still playable. If I get stuck, it's actually to my benefit as I can't be killed. But I usually have to back out to the dashboard. Again that is rare and has only happened to me 2-3 times.

Hit detection. You'll see that the kill cams, many times, will just plain svck! This may be a glitch, have to do with hit detection or a combo of the two. The melee kills are especially noteworthy. I've been the victim of many melee kills where the cam clearly shows the melee didn't make contact with me. However, this doesn't make the game "unplayable"! And to compare with Black Ops' kill cam; how many times have you seen or been the victim of a kill when the killer's gun was not pointing anywhere close to your direction (which also goes to show how bad the hit detection is in that game)? Now, I've never...NEVER seen anything similar with the guns' hit detection in Crysis2. With that said; my guns are less effective when I'm in a room with a bad connection. But with this knowledge, I will just try to get the advantage of surprise even harder (which I've been pretty successful with, if you check my stats).

Lag. LOL. I laugh because this game is one of the best at handling lag. Don't believe me? Let's compare a little. Lag will generally make a player skip around all over the screen, as noted in BRINK (pre-patch). I've been in many rooms where everyone's connect was in the red but no one is skipping around the screen. The lag will also affect you even connecting to a room. Remember Homefront (pre-patch)? You couldn't get into a room with any party unless you played by yourself and later invited your friend in the room. Gears 1 & 2 had these same problems. Both devs had more experience than Crytek with console gaming and multiplayer gaming. Lag will also affect hit detection (which it does to a degree in this game). However, with a little more effort, you can overcome this, as I noted above. In most other laggy games, it wouldn't matter how much effort you put in, your gun's hit detection would be useless (look at laggy games in other CoD games which have better hit detection than Black Ops). Now Crysis 2 does tend to pick a bad host quite often (say 4 out of 10 games), though the lag in this game doesn't make it unplayable.

To note my connection; And I am only picked as host no more than 3/10 games - even if all the 11 other people stay in the room. Now you may also have good bandwidth, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you have a good connection! Is your ping high? Is your NAT open? These will have a detrimental effect on your connection, no matter how much bandwidth you have! And in turn, your connection will only compound the amount of lag and hit detection issues you experience.

LASTLY, though this game has many of the same formulas as CoD (perks, etc.), it still requires a higher learning curve to be successful at playing it. Many people I play against don't know how to level up their armor, etc. They don't know which perk does what or that the perks themselves need to be lvl'd up. Their KNOWLEDGE of the game will further compound their issues. Knowing when to use your abilities and when not to will also increase your survival. Many ppl neglect to turn on armor mode prior to a gun battle or turn on Nano vision when they suspect an enemy nearby who may be invisible. Also, most ppl don't know how to mark enemies. And I've been frustrated many times because ppl don't even understand that a player with a red arrow over their head is marked and should be an easy kill for them, even if that enemy turns invisible-the mark stays there.

Also, the formula for success with CoD was fast-paced action (run & gun). This is really evident after playing games like Halo and especially Ghost Recon games. Crysis 2 not only amplifies that formula (the game is way faster paced - like everyone has the lightweight perk from CoD) but it also enhances it; run & gun while lone wolfing will get you killed a lot more often. It is better to stick with a group. This is a SKILL. Skill is also needed to be successful at using your abilities (invisible, power jumps, armor mode, etc.) to increase your chances of survival. There is a difference between knowing when to use them and actually doing it! Getting killed by a marked enemy shows a severe lack of skill. And it takes skill to be able to move so fast and continuously while aiming for kills and dodging death! This is what MOST players can't handle!

Sorry to be so lengthy but this is the heart of the complaints I see both here and on The heart of the problem is these ppl either; have no skill or knowledge at playing this game or have a bad connection due to their ping or NAT more so than the game's known issue with picking occasionally picking a bad host. Any of the above issues combined or separately will compound the games minor inherent problems. However the game is most definitely playable AND enjoyable!!!

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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:07 am

As I said earlier, very well said :) Thanks for posting it here (I'm leatherface6468 from the xbox official forums) ;)
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:17 pm

LOL, that's a lot of useless info. Thanks for posting. ;)
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:03 am

Alittle late to the PARTYYYYY

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Alister Scott
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:47 am

@Demanufakture & Sia; Actually, I agree, as most ppl have moved on already & gave up on this game. Sad, knowing that they went back to games they can easily (less skillfully) get kills in such as Black Ops (cause they're used to it) or Homefront because it's CoD imitation is almost 100% (not graphically speaking of course).

Funny how quickly ppl forget how "unplayable" games like Brink, Homefront, Black Ops, Battlefield 2, Gears 2, etc. were when they 1st came out! This game's main issue was loud music between rounds and some other minor issues when it came out but because of ppl's lack of knowledge & skill at playing this game, they attributed it to the game's problems.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:16 am

@Demanufakture & Sia; Actually, I agree, as most ppl have moved on already & gave up on this game. Sad, knowing that they went back to games they can easily (less skillfully) get kills in such as Black Ops (cause they're used to it) or Homefront because it's CoD imitation is almost 100% (not graphically speaking of course).

Funny how quickly ppl forget how "unplayable" games like Brink, Homefront, Black Ops, Battlefield 2, Gears 2, etc. were when they 1st came out! This game's main issue was loud music between rounds and some other minor issues when it came out but because of ppl's lack of knowledge & skill at playing this game, they attributed it to the game's problems.

I won't ever quit Crysis 2 despite playing and liking other games as well like COD, BF, etc. I love Crysis. No other game has something as cool as the nano-suit, but I do wish they would sort out my biggest gripe with the game. The grain glitch. If they would just fix that glitch I would have nothing to complain about really. Unfortunately, 79 days, or 1896 hours, later they still haven't fixed that glitch even though they said they are "working to resolve the issue." :/
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:39 am

@Demanufakture & Sia; Actually, I agree, as most ppl have moved on already & gave up on this game. Sad, knowing that they went back to games they can easily (less skillfully) get kills in such as Black Ops (cause they're used to it) or Homefront because it's CoD imitation is almost 100% (not graphically speaking of course).

Funny how quickly ppl forget how "unplayable" games like Brink, Homefront, Black Ops, Battlefield 2, Gears 2, etc. were when they 1st came out! This game's main issue was loud music between rounds and some other minor issues when it came out but because of ppl's lack of knowledge & skill at playing this game, they attributed it to the game's problems.

I still wonder how some can say people have moved on, as when I play there are always plenty of people online in TIA/IA.

But I do agree people simply ignore the fact that every other online FPS game has had almost identical issues to C2. BF2 was unplayable for almost 6 months after it came out due to extreme lag and server issues which persisted on & off for nearly a year after. Black Ops is still plagued by extreme lag and hit detection issues, and players are still complaning about "lag grace" with the game.

C2 is by no means perfect, but its doing a damn sight better than BF2 and BO at the same point after release.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:59 am

@Demanufakture & Sia; Actually, I agree, as most ppl have moved on already & gave up on this game. Sad, knowing that they went back to games they can easily (less skillfully) get kills in such as Black Ops (cause they're used to it) or Homefront because it's CoD imitation is almost 100% (not graphically speaking of course).

Funny how quickly ppl forget how "unplayable" games like Brink, Homefront, Black Ops, Battlefield 2, Gears 2, etc. were when they 1st came out! This game's main issue was loud music between rounds and some other minor issues when it came out but because of ppl's lack of knowledge & skill at playing this game, they attributed it to the game's problems.

I agree and disagree..... BRink is still not very good and not truely the same genre of FPS as say C2 and CoD. I do agree however with your point about a players lack of knowledge & skill creating a sense of a broken game. The games base mechanics are similar to Blops, Homefront, and the like.
The only difference is when you get in a lobby and you check connections before the match begins and in between re spawns and there is an almost calculated degradation of connection is the only time I feel cheated. Those are the moments I believe a host migration should be initiated. But I will save that for another discussion.

Oh and Sia you know I got your back. I agree with what you state 99% of the time.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:14 pm

I tell you the root of the problem...but first let me tell you; those who complain won't like what I'll have to say (most people can't handle the truth).

Lol, wow. That's really a great opening argument you have there. Your basically saying that I'm right and your wrong in first 3 sentences. That's not the best way for anyone to show you any type of acknowledgment when this game DOES have problems concerning all these matters.

]Yes. Many people complain that this game is too buggy to play. UNTRUE. Does the game have issues? Yes. Does it make the game "unplayable"? NO. What makes the game unplayable to these people are; lack of knowledge/skills with playing the game and the complainant's connection issues which COMPOUND the game's minor issues and prevents an enjoyable experience for said users. Let's look closer.
I only agree with the bolded sentences. Many of this game mechanics bordeline of letting the game do the majority of the work. Just because people have qualms with issues doesn't mean they lack skill. That's a bad strawman argument. That's like me saying since Crytek didn't fix the grain glitch yet that they svck at creating top of the line graphical engine.

The major issues people complain about are hit detection, lag and glitches (not listed in any order of prominence). The hit detection works great but can become an issue if you lock into a room with a bad connection. The glitches are evident but do not make the game "unplayable". On occasion the game selected host will not have enough bandwidth which will lag other players.
Now this is where I see you standing in the room by yourself with this one claim. The hit detection is flat out counterproductive to the Crysis multiplayer. This a game where players are in state of the art battlesuits and this hit detection undermines that unique fact about this game. Kills come to quick and easy without any type of tedious aiming from players. Also this game has Client side hit detection so lag doesn't play as a prominent role in kill times.

Glitches. With some maps, on rare occasions, I've gotten stuck in the air, the game will start with no scope on my weapon (which will 'spawn' on it a few seconds later as a pink scope before being drawn in properly). But the game is still playable. If I get stuck, it's actually to my benefit as I can't be killed. But I usually have to back out to the dashboard. Again that is rare and has only happened to me 2-3 times. This indicates that this game was shipped out to early with a unifinished build. I actually fell through the ground in the lighthouse and was swimming underneath the map looking for a way to kill myself. Thankfully somebody dropped tactical strike and I swam towards it to kill myself and actually get back to playing the game. I agree the game is still playable but I can look past little grievances IF the game mechanics are solid.

[Hit detection. You'll see that the kill cams, many times, will just plain svck! This may be a glitch, have to do with hit detection or a combo of the two. The melee kills are especially noteworthy. I've been the victim of many melee kills where the cam clearly shows the melee didn't make contact with me. However, this doesn't make the game "unplayable"! And to compare with Black Ops' kill cam; how many times have you seen or been the victim of a kill when the killer's gun was not pointing anywhere close to your direction (which also goes to show how bad the hit detection is in that game)? Now, I've never...NEVER seen anything similar with the guns' hit detection in Crysis2. With that said; my guns are less effective when I'm in a room with a bad connection. But with this knowledge, I will just try to get the advantage of surprise even harder (which I've been pretty successful with, if you check my stats).
Now this is the #1 problem with multiplayer because this is what causing all the problems in the game's mechanics. The kill cams ARE NOT GLITCHY. The kill cams are showing clear as day what's wrong with the multiplayer. The hit detection in this game does not rewards precision aiming, simple as that. This game heavily favors spraying weapons coupled with the 2-plane hit registration& abundant aim assist and you have this inconsisent looking killcams. Again lag has nothing to do with the hit detection. This game has client side hit detection. Chances are if you can't tell how much aim assist is in this game, you must be new to console gaming.

Lag. LOL. I laugh because this game is one of the best at handling lag. Don't believe me? Let's compare a little. Lag will generally make a player skip around all over the screen, as noted in BRINK (pre-patch). I've been in many rooms where everyone's connect was in the red but no one is skipping around the screen. The lag will also affect you even connecting to a room. Remember Homefront (pre-patch)? You couldn't get into a room with any party unless you played by yourself and later invited your friend in the room. Gears 1 & 2 had these same problems. Both devs had more experience than Crytek with console gaming and multiplayer gaming. Lag will also affect hit detection (which it does to a degree in this game). However, with a little more effort, you can overcome this, as I noted above. In most other laggy games, it wouldn't matter how much effort you put in, your gun's hit detection would be useless (look at laggy games in other CoD games which have better hit detection than Black Ops). Now Crysis 2 does tend to pick a bad host quite often (say 4 out of 10 games), though the lag in this game doesn't make it unplayable.
I agree, however this hit detection is nonchalant and undermines this game's unique qualities(nanosuit)

LASTLY, though this game has many of the same formulas as CoD (perks, etc.), it still requires a higher learning curve to be successful at playing it. Many people I play against don't know how to level up their armor, etc. They don't know which perk does what or that the perks themselves need to be lvl'd up. Their KNOWLEDGE of the game will further compound their issues. Knowing when to use your abilities and when not to will also increase your survival. Many ppl neglect to turn on armor mode prior to a gun battle or turn on Nano vision when they suspect an enemy nearby who may be invisible. Also, most ppl don't know how to mark enemies. And I've been frustrated many times because ppl don't even understand that a player with a red arrow over their head is marked and should be an easy kill for them, even if that enemy turns invisible-the mark stays there.
This another strawmen when you assume players don't have knowledge of the suit's mechanics. I use armor everytime I hit the RT. However this game's hit detection makes killing so easy that even if I kill someone 1) My energy will be deplete or at low levels due to the hit detection 2) I will get dropped easily from getting shot from behind due to the easy hit detection. This 2-d plane hit registration UNDERMINES the suit's capabilites.

Also, the formula for success with CoD was fast-paced action (run & gun). This is really evident after playing games like Halo and especially Ghost Recon games. Crysis 2 not only amplifies that formula (the game is way faster paced - like everyone has the lightweight perk from CoD) but it also enhances it; run & gun while lone wolfing will get you killed a lot more often. It is better to stick with a group. This is a [b]SKILL.[/b] Skill is also needed to be successful at using your abilities (invisible, power jumps, armor mode, etc.) to increase your chances of survival. There is a difference between knowing when to use them and actually doing it! Getting killed by a marked enemy shows a severe lack of skill. And it takes skill to be able to move so fast and continuously while aiming for kills and dodging death! This is what MOST players can't handle!
Disagree with the bolded part. This hit detection basically guarntees that the target will die if you have them locked in your sites. That isn't skill. This game need to put a greater emphasis on aiming. The only thing that should limit the player's ability is themselves not this game. You shouldn't have to hold hands with your teammates to survive. If a player has top notch aiming and understand the game's mechanics, he/she should be able to take on multiple targets on a consistent basis. Teamwork should only be needed when players are a similar skill level, not the other way around.

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Kari Depp
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:19 pm

Thanks Bob, but what about the other 1% of the time? haha jk.

Full party tonight, stomping. Where did steelvelvet come from?
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:22 am

Thanks Bob, but what about the other 1% of the time? haha jk.

Full party tonight, stomping. Where did steelvelvet come from?
Dunno but he fits right in with us quite well.... it was very enjoyable last night.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:52 am

Agreed and let's see if any changes were made behind the scenes...dun dun dun
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:24 am

Thanks Bob, but what about the other 1% of the time? haha jk.

Full party tonight, stomping. Where did steelvelvet come from?
Dunno but he fits right in with us quite well.... it was very enjoyable last night.

Steelvelvet posted his gamer-tag a while back in the players on east coast topic. I added him and invited him last night when I saw he was playing, and I'm glad I did. See you guys on later tonight.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:59 am

Yeah Bleed, I checked back and saw the Topic you are talking about. I new his GT looked familiar.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:45 am

@Demanufakture & Sia; Actually, I agree, as most ppl have moved on already & gave up on this game. Sad, knowing that they went back to games they can easily (less skillfully) get kills in such as Black Ops (cause they're used to it) or Homefront because it's CoD imitation is almost 100% (not graphically speaking of course).

Funny how quickly ppl forget how "unplayable" games like Brink, Homefront, Black Ops, Battlefield 2, Gears 2, etc. were when they 1st came out! This game's main issue was loud music between rounds and some other minor issues when it came out but because of ppl's lack of knowledge & skill at playing this game, they attributed it to the game's problems.
I disagree about Homefront being a copy of CoD bull$hit, it's not.

And @ who ever started the thing about lag and games, just because you can get into a game doesn't mean others can. I do not have lag, but on many games (including Crysis2) people have terrible lag. So just consider others.
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:15 pm

The OP is talking absolute s***

I frequently play with good players (3+ KD) and they all have fast connections with low ping and all the issues on this forum exist for them. The game is basically unplayable for many and although not unplayable for me.. I still go through a hell of a lot of aggravation with it crashing my xbox and graphical glitches plus everything else that goes on all the time WHICH DO NOT OCCUR with any other game I have so it is not my Xbox.

Here is my list -

If the OP is going to reply to this post then read the list before you respond as it's apparent that the issues are very bad.

The game is basically unplayable and if you do choose to play it then you have to be prepared to suffer A LOT to overlook all those problems in that list, especially the ones regarding the lobby system. I have put up with it now since release but now with a graphical glitch I'm getting on top of normal crashing I'm having to turn my Xbox off 2+ times an hour which is not acceptable as I've played BFBC2 for about 15 hours this week and I've had no graphic issues nor has my Xbox crashed once.

I played Crysis 2 with Sa1R3d Wa1ka earlier and after two games I had graphic glitch and then my xbox froze before it got back to the lobby. Not to mention after the first game we went back to the lobby after winning to find it kicked everyone out the FULL LOBBY FOR NOT APPARENT reason, making us wait for another game AND then put is back into a 3v3 lobby which then RESET the map rotation again...

So if I want to complain, whine and be a nay-sayer I have the right as does everyone else. So play your perfect copy of Crysis 2 instead of coming to these forums telling us how great your experience because your lying as the issues mostly effect everyone and you are not immune to most issues on my list. FACT!
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:01 pm

The OP is talking absolute s***

I frequently play with good players (3+ KD) and they all have fast connections with low ping and all the issues on this forum exist for them. The game is basically unplayable for many and although not unplayable for me.. I still go through a hell of a lot of aggravation with it crashing my xbox and graphical glitches plus everything else that goes on all the time WHICH DO NOT OCCUR with any other game I have so it is not my Xbox.

The host's connection is what matters. You should know that.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:27 am

The OP is talking absolute s***

I frequently play with good players (3+ KD) and they all have fast connections with low ping and all the issues on this forum exist for them. The game is basically unplayable for many and although not unplayable for me.. I still go through a hell of a lot of aggravation with it crashing my xbox and graphical glitches plus everything else that goes on all the time WHICH DO NOT OCCUR with any other game I have so it is not my Xbox.

The host's connection is what matters. You should know that.

We are the host 90% of the time.. and changes very little.. the issues on "my" list is independent of whoever is host.
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:22 pm

Also the OP stats from his personal profile aren't exactly helping his cause. Unless the OP is played on another account he shouldn't have much of an solid opinion on the multiplayer yet. He has a whooping 25 minutes played in the multiplayer.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:22 pm

I keep saying it.

I have almost no problems with this game. I think it works better than most games. I can get good scores consistently.

The biggest issues for me are the loud menu background music and the matchmaking system, that doesn't work perfectly.
Once I'm in a game I'm having fun. I just had more than 5 games with a k/d of 5 or higher. In most of them I didn't even have 3 bars.
2 bars in crysis is better than 3 bars in cod.

I completely agree with the OP.

Now I think of it, there is one more issue I have with this game. Its the whining players who are giving crysis 2 a bad name on several forums.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:34 am

I keep saying it.

I have almost no problems with this game. I think it works better than most games. I can get good scores consistently.

The biggest issues for me are the loud menu background music and the matchmaking system, that doesn't work perfectly.
Once I'm in a game I'm having fun. I just had more than 5 games with a k/d of 5 or higher. In most of them I didn't even have 3 bars.
2 bars in crysis is better than 3 bars in cod.

I completely agree with the OP.

Now I think of it, there is one more issue I have with this game. Its the whining players who are giving crysis 2 a bad name on several forums.

Crytek has nobody but themselves to blame for the community backlash they are receiving now. I know it's not in my right to tell people how to respond when they feel like they've have been negated to the side. Do I agree with them? Not completely, BUT I understand their frustration. I try to enjoy this game but Crytek's support for their game has been second-rate for these first 2 months. I still try to support them because I believe this game still has potential to actually have longetity if they make some much needed changes that were in a better suited multiplayer build that we had in the 2nd demo.

We have had our chats before Konig so you already know what I'm about to ask. Do you the aim assist? While I'm at it, let me ask you some more questions if you don't mind. Did you play any of the demos? What's your playing style? What do you constitute as a good score? What's your weapon of choice when you play? Do you run and gun or do you are you a sneaky beaver with the cloak? Everybody is going to have an opinion on this game, what I'm trying to figure out your mental breakdown of the situation to come to the conclusion that this game is fine and balanced as it is.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:46 am


OK. It's very hard to take your post serious when you start off with; "The OP is talking absolute s***". In fact, I wasn't going to respond save to show you how you are contradicting yourself:

"I frequently play with good players (3+ KD) and they all have fast connections with low ping and all the issues on this forum exist for them. The game is basically unplayable for many and although not unplayable for me.."

I clearly stated the game has problems - I simply said those problems don't make the game "UNPLAYABLE". What makes it unplayable for "many" as you stated, are the other issues which I argue combine to compound the game's true problems. So you argue that you yourself "play frequently" and that the game is "unplayable for many yet not "unplayable for you" and you say I'm "talking absolute s***"?? Surely you jest?

And then you also state your friends "all have fast connections with low ping". Do you know for a fact that your friends have a low ping? You fail to mention you or their NAT type. Are they 'open'? Because even if all are open except for one player in your lobby - you WILL experience network issues. BTW How do you know their ping & NAT are open? Are they family or are you their network admin? Do you check everyone's connection before you play everyday that you group up with them? (Some ppl have been known to have their NAT type change on them even if they don't change any settings on their router). I'm sure you trust them to tell you the truth & you also trust that they are knowledgable enough to setup their routers so they would have an open NAT type but I don't/wouldn't. Besides you are from the UK & I'm not bragging or trying to be a d**k but bandwidth in the UK is sh**.

"I still go through a hell of a lot of aggravation with it crashing my xbox and graphical glitches plus everything else that goes on all the time WHICH DO NOT OCCUR with any other game I have so it is not my Xbox."

I'm sorry, are you trying to say that Crysis 2 is the first AND ONLY game which causes xbox's to crash or are you saying that it's the only game YOU HAVE which makes YOUR xbox crash? From your point of view, the game is the culprit. From my point of view, (I've had absolutely no crashing and have not heard any of my friends or regular people who I see/play against, complain or even mention the game crashing) it would be your particular copy of the game or your xbox. See how that works? I'm not doubting what you say is true (for you) but from the few posts I'v e seen (none whatsoever on, it casts your issue in a relative minority which further strengthens my argument that perhaps your connection issues or knowledge of the game, etc. have compounded an otherwise simple issue which now frustrates you.

"Here is my list -

If the OP is going to reply to this post then read the list before you respond as it's apparent that the issues are very bad.

The game is basically unplayable and if you do choose to play it then you have to be prepared to suffer A LOT to overlook all those problems in that list, especially the ones regarding the lobby system."

OK. I have obliged you...and have found further contradictions. I'll keep it addressed to the 'Issue list' you gave. AS A REMINDER, my OP clearly stated the game has some issues - but again these hardly make the game "unplayable"! Anyway;

"Issue 1# - Joining Matches Mid-Game" - This makes the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"??

"Issue 2# - Crashing/Freezing" - I addressed this in the above paragraph and seems by far the only valid point you make if it weren't for only a minority of users reporting it.

"Issue 3# - Lag" - Again, I addressed this in my OP as well as above. In your case I basically said; low ping + bandwidth does NOT always equal 'good connection'. Just as NAT type + bandwidth does NOT always equal 'good connection'. And if you are in a party - how can you be 100% certain that everyone in the party has good bandwidth, and open NAT and low ping??

"Issue 4# - "Retrieving Session Details" - What I do when this happens - go join another playlist and then leave and join the playlist I want to play. The game basically puts you in limbo and I've been 'in limbo for well more than 5 minutes before I figured this workaround. It works everytime but I guess you find that this makes the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"??

"Issue #5- Kicked out of Full Lobbies" - I hate when this happens too especially when I get on a good team and we're kicking butt what! Life goes on man! You join another room, play on a map that you may have just gotten finished playing but does this make the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"??

"Issue 6# - Population information in each playlist" - This makes the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"?? C'mon man! Yes, it would be useful - it would be wonderful to know how many ppl are playing on a certain playlist. I don't even try to play some playlists because I know they aren't popular and I'd be waiting a long time or would never play but according to you, I'm "talking absolute s***."

"So if I want to complain, whine and be a nay-sayer I have the right as does everyone else....because your lying". So everyone has the right to complain, etc. but since I'm basically complaining about the complainers, I'm lying?" Talk about contradiction! Again, I simply argue as to (IMO), WHY ppl complain and whine and are nay-sayers about this game. Surely you have proven me correct. Don't you agree?

Lastly, someone noted my game stats here...LOL That's my stats on the PC - look me up on XBL. LOL this is the xbox forum I'm posting in correct??? 8 P
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:54 pm

I keep saying it.

I have almost no problems with this game. I think it works better than most games. I can get good scores consistently.

The biggest issues for me are the loud menu background music and the matchmaking system, that doesn't work perfectly.
Once I'm in a game I'm having fun. I just had more than 5 games with a k/d of 5 or higher. In most of them I didn't even have 3 bars.
2 bars in crysis is better than 3 bars in cod.

I completely agree with the OP.

Now I think of it, there is one more issue I have with this game. Its the whining players who are giving crysis 2 a bad name on several forums.

We have had our chats before Konig so you already know what I'm about to ask. Do you the aim assist? While I'm at it, let me ask you some more questions if you don't mind. Did you play any of the demos? What's your playing style? What do you constitute as a good score? What's your weapon of choice when you play? Do you run and gun or do you are you a sneaky beaver with the cloak? Everybody is going to have an opinion on this game, what I'm trying to figure out your mental breakdown of the situation to come to the conclusion that this game is fine and balanced as it is.

I just noticed you send me a message. I didn't know, because it always says "2 new messages", even when there are no messages.

To answer your questions,

I do use aim assist. Most of the time, I don't feel penalized when I turn it off, but there are situations where it can make a difference. Especially in vertical targeting. This is the case with most games.

I played the two demos. I really liked them. Thats why I bought the game. I think the final version feels more solid.

My playing style is run and gun. Stealth is my least used mode. I always use proximity alarm, aim enhance and cloak tracker. It has been this way since the demos. Except for cloak tracker, which I think was disabled in the demos.

A good score for me is a score with more than 10-15 kills, depending on how long I have been in the game and how well my team is doing. A k/d greater than 3.5 is also necessary, because otherwise I would be playing below my average. Last week my average game has been around 20 kills and 4 deaths.

I mostly use the Scar. Maybe one in 20 games I use another weapon. In this case its the scarab. I often live long enough to have to pick up other weapons, so I use all of them.

I don't see a lot of players playing like me, which is funny, because in my opinion its the superior way to play the game. Running around with your SE 3 and ET 3 against someone like me is a bad idea. Most people I kill do not know whats happening around them and assume I cant see them when they are cloaked.

By the way, I didn't say the game was fine and balanced. I said I had no problems with it. To specify, in my opinion the game is better than most games when it comes to issues and how they impact the gameplay.

I'm having a good time playing the game, which is rare. I can't play cod and not be frustrated when I stop playing.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:17 am

I thought the OP was a bunch of useless info. I come home after class and now the whole thread is nothing but useless info. :P
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:50 am


OK. It's very hard to take your post serious when you start off with; "The OP is talking absolute s***". In fact, I wasn't going to respond save to show you how you are contradicting yourself:

"I frequently play with good players (3+ KD) and they all have fast connections with low ping and all the issues on this forum exist for them. The game is basically unplayable for many and although not unplayable for me.."

I clearly stated the game has problems - I simply said those problems don't make the game "UNPLAYABLE". What makes it unplayable for "many" as you stated, are the other issues which I argue combine to compound the game's true problems. So you argue that you yourself "play frequently" and that the game is "unplayable for many yet not "unplayable for you" and you say I'm "talking absolute s***"?? Surely you jest?

And then you also state your friends "all have fast connections with low ping". Do you know for a fact that your friends have a low ping? You fail to mention you or their NAT type. Are they 'open'? Because even if all are open except for one player in your lobby - you WILL experience network issues. BTW How do you know their ping & NAT are open? Are they family or are you their network admin? Do you check everyone's connection before you play everyday that you group up with them? (Some ppl have been known to have their NAT type change on them even if they don't change any settings on their router). I'm sure you trust them to tell you the truth & you also trust that they are knowledgable enough to setup their routers so they would have an open NAT type but I don't/wouldn't. Besides you are from the UK & I'm not bragging or trying to be a d**k but bandwidth in the UK is sh**.

"I still go through a hell of a lot of aggravation with it crashing my xbox and graphical glitches plus everything else that goes on all the time WHICH DO NOT OCCUR with any other game I have so it is not my Xbox."

I'm sorry, are you trying to say that Crysis 2 is the first AND ONLY game which causes xbox's to crash or are you saying that it's the only game YOU HAVE which makes YOUR xbox crash? From your point of view, the game is the culprit. From my point of view, (I've had absolutely no crashing and have not heard any of my friends or regular people who I see/play against, complain or even mention the game crashing) it would be your particular copy of the game or your xbox. See how that works? I'm not doubting what you say is true (for you) but from the few posts I'v e seen (none whatsoever on, it casts your issue in a relative minority which further strengthens my argument that perhaps your connection issues or knowledge of the game, etc. have compounded an otherwise simple issue which now frustrates you.

"Here is my list -

If the OP is going to reply to this post then read the list before you respond as it's apparent that the issues are very bad.

The game is basically unplayable and if you do choose to play it then you have to be prepared to suffer A LOT to overlook all those problems in that list, especially the ones regarding the lobby system."

OK. I have obliged you...and have found further contradictions. I'll keep it addressed to the 'Issue list' you gave. AS A REMINDER, my OP clearly stated the game has some issues - but again these hardly make the game "unplayable"! Anyway;

"Issue 1# - Joining Matches Mid-Game" - This makes the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"??

"Issue 2# - Crashing/Freezing" - I addressed this in the above paragraph and seems by far the only valid point you make if it weren't for only a minority of users reporting it.

"Issue 3# - Lag" - Again, I addressed this in my OP as well as above. In your case I basically said; low ping + bandwidth does NOT always equal 'good connection'. Just as NAT type + bandwidth does NOT always equal 'good connection'. And if you are in a party - how can you be 100% certain that everyone in the party has good bandwidth, and open NAT and low ping??

"Issue 4# - "Retrieving Session Details" - What I do when this happens - go join another playlist and then leave and join the playlist I want to play. The game basically puts you in limbo and I've been 'in limbo for well more than 5 minutes before I figured this workaround. It works everytime but I guess you find that this makes the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"??

"Issue #5- Kicked out of Full Lobbies" - I hate when this happens too especially when I get on a good team and we're kicking butt what! Life goes on man! You join another room, play on a map that you may have just gotten finished playing but does this make the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"??

"Issue 6# - Population information in each playlist" - This makes the game "basically unplayable" and if overlooked it will make players "suffer A LOT"?? C'mon man! Yes, it would be useful - it would be wonderful to know how many ppl are playing on a certain playlist. I don't even try to play some playlists because I know they aren't popular and I'd be waiting a long time or would never play but according to you, I'm "talking absolute s***."

"So if I want to complain, whine and be a nay-sayer I have the right as does everyone else....because your lying". So everyone has the right to complain, etc. but since I'm basically complaining about the complainers, I'm lying?" Talk about contradiction! Again, I simply argue as to (IMO), WHY ppl complain and whine and are nay-sayers about this game. Surely you have proven me correct. Don't you agree?

Lastly, someone noted my game stats here...LOL That's my stats on the PC - look me up on XBL. LOL this is the xbox forum I'm posting in correct??? 8 P

You've twisted almost everything I've said in order to win an argument, not going to even waste my time countering your points individually. My answers would be so simple as to be perceived by some as patronizing.

But I will say, that although individual items on "my" list may seem petty or minor when they are all occuring all at once, one after another, the 20+ items on the list, then the game can be unplayable for some and unbearable for others. I can still play the game but it's half the time a masochistic experience. I've only had my Xbox for about a year and played about 15 games on it and only Fallout New Vegas would crash occasionally.

No other big titles I've played like MW2, COD: BO, Halo: Reach, BFBC2, FF XIII, Assassins Creed 2&3, Lost Odyssey, Batman, Transformers, Gears of War 1&2, Naruto, Fable II, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 1&2 etc, had even 10% of the issues I had with Crysis 2. The COMPLAINTS on this forum from Day 1 and the 90+ page stickied thread let alone all the individual posts are EVIDENCE that this game has problems.

This game has problems.. FACT! Unplayable? No. Annoying, unbalanced, masochistic, suicide-inducing? Yes.

Also, didn't someone say you only played MP for 25 mins? I've played it probably over 200 hours (I know sad!) and I know this game like the back of my hand. Give this game another 20-30 hours and you will be on my side of the camp with the majority of the other posters on this forum that are sick and tired of the problems with the game and the empty promises and silence from Crytek.
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