Yes. Many people complain that this game is too buggy to play. UNTRUE. Does the game have issues? Yes. Does it make the game "unplayable"? NO. What makes the game unplayable to these people are; lack of knowledge/skills with playing the game and the complainant's connection issues which COMPOUND the game's minor issues and prevents an enjoyable experience for said users. Let's look closer.
The major issues people complain about are hit detection, lag and glitches (not listed in any order of prominence). The hit detection works great but can become an issue if you lock into a room with a bad connection. The glitches are evident but do not make the game "unplayable". On occasion the game selected host will not have enough bandwidth which will lag other players.
Glitches. With some maps, on rare occasions, I've gotten stuck in the air, the game will start with no scope on my weapon (which will 'spawn' on it a few seconds later as a pink scope before being drawn in properly). But the game is still playable. If I get stuck, it's actually to my benefit as I can't be killed. But I usually have to back out to the dashboard. Again that is rare and has only happened to me 2-3 times.
Hit detection. You'll see that the kill cams, many times, will just plain svck! This may be a glitch, have to do with hit detection or a combo of the two. The melee kills are especially noteworthy. I've been the victim of many melee kills where the cam clearly shows the melee didn't make contact with me. However, this doesn't make the game "unplayable"! And to compare with Black Ops' kill cam; how many times have you seen or been the victim of a kill when the killer's gun was not pointing anywhere close to your direction (which also goes to show how bad the hit detection is in that game)? Now, I've never...NEVER seen anything similar with the guns' hit detection in Crysis2. With that said; my guns are less effective when I'm in a room with a bad connection. But with this knowledge, I will just try to get the advantage of surprise even harder (which I've been pretty successful with, if you check my stats).
Lag. LOL. I laugh because this game is one of the best at handling lag. Don't believe me? Let's compare a little. Lag will generally make a player skip around all over the screen, as noted in BRINK (pre-patch). I've been in many rooms where everyone's connect was in the red but no one is skipping around the screen. The lag will also affect you even connecting to a room. Remember Homefront (pre-patch)? You couldn't get into a room with any party unless you played by yourself and later invited your friend in the room. Gears 1 & 2 had these same problems. Both devs had more experience than Crytek with console gaming and multiplayer gaming. Lag will also affect hit detection (which it does to a degree in this game). However, with a little more effort, you can overcome this, as I noted above. In most other laggy games, it wouldn't matter how much effort you put in, your gun's hit detection would be useless (look at laggy games in other CoD games which have better hit detection than Black Ops). Now Crysis 2 does tend to pick a bad host quite often (say 4 out of 10 games), though the lag in this game doesn't make it unplayable.
To note my connection; And I am only picked as host no more than 3/10 games - even if all the 11 other people stay in the room. Now you may also have good bandwidth, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you have a good connection! Is your ping high? Is your NAT open? These will have a detrimental effect on your connection, no matter how much bandwidth you have! And in turn, your connection will only compound the amount of lag and hit detection issues you experience.
LASTLY, though this game has many of the same formulas as CoD (perks, etc.), it still requires a higher learning curve to be successful at playing it. Many people I play against don't know how to level up their armor, etc. They don't know which perk does what or that the perks themselves need to be lvl'd up. Their KNOWLEDGE of the game will further compound their issues. Knowing when to use your abilities and when not to will also increase your survival. Many ppl neglect to turn on armor mode prior to a gun battle or turn on Nano vision when they suspect an enemy nearby who may be invisible. Also, most ppl don't know how to mark enemies. And I've been frustrated many times because ppl don't even understand that a player with a red arrow over their head is marked and should be an easy kill for them, even if that enemy turns invisible-the mark stays there.
Also, the formula for success with CoD was fast-paced action (run & gun). This is really evident after playing games like Halo and especially Ghost Recon games. Crysis 2 not only amplifies that formula (the game is way faster paced - like everyone has the lightweight perk from CoD) but it also enhances it; run & gun while lone wolfing will get you killed a lot more often. It is better to stick with a group. This is a SKILL. Skill is also needed to be successful at using your abilities (invisible, power jumps, armor mode, etc.) to increase your chances of survival. There is a difference between knowing when to use them and actually doing it! Getting killed by a marked enemy shows a severe lack of skill. And it takes skill to be able to move so fast and continuously while aiming for kills and dodging death! This is what MOST players can't handle!
Sorry to be so lengthy but this is the heart of the complaints I see both here and on The heart of the problem is these ppl either; have no skill or knowledge at playing this game or have a bad connection due to their ping or NAT more so than the game's known issue with picking occasionally picking a bad host. Any of the above issues combined or separately will compound the games minor inherent problems. However the game is most definitely playable AND enjoyable!!!