I hate that I have to come to the forums to whine about my feelings lately, I dont like to talk about this sort of stuff (too much of a stoic person I suppose) but I think I might be showing signs of mild depression. I'm ussually a happy, funny guy with lots of friends and a good family and all that jazz but ever since a couple months ago I have been having intense bouts of lonliness and un-energeticness that stick with me all day and seem to go on and off almost every other day. It's getting to the point where I'll wake up in the morning and just have that feeling that its going to be a Debbie downer of a day. I dont know whats causing these feelings, like I said before I have lots of friends whom I hang out with frequently, I dont have many stressful things in my life or any thing else that would cause this. I also tend to feed off the energy of other people, for instance if everyone is hyper and excited then I'll be the same way, but if even a friend or two is quite or seems down that day then I will be aswell, even if I'm having an otherwise good day.
I guess I'm just asking everyone if these are early signs of mild depression or just a case of mood swings. Now to lighten up the mood I'm going to watch some funny videos on you tube.
Edit: the feelings of lonliness aren't completely inacurate in retrospect it would make sense considering I'm an only child and have been single for my 17 year exsitence and every time a girl likes me and I like her I always miss my chance. This could be attributed to my extremely low self esteem....God I'm a mess

The answer you probably don't want to hear: You're at that age when your body still hasn't quite worked out hormonal balances yet, and so you get feeling all sorts of crazy stuff that you honestly and truly grow out of. Now I'm not a disbeliever in depression, but I do think rather impetuously that you have what is and what isn't, and it's a very common thing considering your age to see one thing as something else.
The answer you really don't want to hear: This is pretty much normal. For everybody. You're not special.
The answer I gave myself when I went through somewhat similar times: Interpersonal relationships are not the answer to anything, and rather the want of said interpersonal relationships was more often than not the very cause of depressive feelings, therefore all that was needed was to will away the base need for relationships, and with a little injection of http://www.hongfire.com/cg/data/25/caramelldansen.swf, I became a different, more content, person.
A bastard hermit misanthropist, but a happy one all the same. ^_^