I'm complaining again

Post » Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:50 pm

I've changed my style of play several times. Currently I am using retriever surveillance and ordnance alert(got it to level III). I like playing a supporting role with recon arrows and counter sniping. I cloak until it runs out and then I Do some pistoling till my stealth recharges switching up my predator bow surveillance spot. This is fun to me.

Until... My team starts getting decimated by a dude with AA maneuverability rapid fire. I'm trying to help my less talented teammates and get a team win(crash site usually). Then this guy will come in and harvest noob kills to the point where I am getting swarmed and emp'd and gunshipped. All the while he's bunny hoping around and the only thing I can do is fight fire with fire providing I still have a try hard class set up.
It is lame especially since I can only get 1 arrow into him before he's bunny hopped his way back towards his teammates. It is rather funny to see him crumble when I do the same tactics. But it's annoying that its such an obvious power class.
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Jodie Bardgett
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