Depends on the age of the kid. Still and all, I'm *NOT* Ok with my son seeing 'massive violence'.
The first two mods I created or downloaded were a gore remover (no blood, no dismemberment), and I went through and changed numerous text lines in the dialogues. and disassociated the sound files attached to them as well. while I could by no means remove EVERY curse word, I did manage to remove dozens of them, including a number of the combat triggered ones.
So when my kid shoots something, theres no more violence than in his favorite movie (Indiana Jones), cartoon, or video game (LEGO star wars).
I think Bethesda made a cop-out choice to go with such rampant violence.
In dozens of end to end play throughs (I mod, so I have to playtest...alot), not to mention oodles of marathon hours of short plays, with my three top mods loaded, I can count on my fingers and toes the number of truly vile swears I've heard now, and each one is on my list to nuke.
Im actually thinking of releasing it, but its very harsh, dirty editing that I did when I was first starting, so It tends to be crashy sometimes.
Furthermore, regardless of what may or may NOT appear in the game itself, or what a child may or may not be exposed to in the environment of such a game, you are missing the larger picture.
The true upshot of this post is about CLASS. Its also about LEGALITY. As a parent, I have the right to decide what my child is or isnt exposed to, and in what quantity. YOU, as some random person on a file hosting not.
The law, furthermore, does not specify when my child can be exposed to 'violence'. Thats a call I have to make, and one I addressed already above (the anti gore mods). Again, there is more violence in his Indiana Jones movie, than in Fallout 3 when he plays it with what I have installed.
Furthermore he is allowed ONE hour per day to play on the computer. Some days he chooses THIS game, some days he chooses something else, other days he forgoes the computer entirely. Hes a smart kid
Anyway, think of many of our favorite 'violent games'...Team fortress (1 and 2), Counterstrike, etc. How much uncalled for gore do you see? Very little. A little blood, maybe a head pops off in a cartoonish manner.
No, As much as I love Fallout 3, and I DO adore this game, there is no way in HELL I would let my kid play it the way it came from the box. I had to modify the daylights out of it first.
Again, if you want to make something nvde or otherwise advlt, ThATS FINE. Just dont stick the damned pics in my face all over the file archives. The Nexus is a mod download site, NOT a porm shop.