
Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:16 pm

I understand what you are saying, it did feel like that a bit some of the time last beta, but most MMOs are like that when they first release when everyone is in the starter areas. It soon quietens down.

I just imagine that I am the chosen one, but have an army of friends with me :)

I also wonder (don't know) whether we experienced more of this on the last beta due to them not having so many servers online as they were stress testing them?

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Andrea P
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:56 pm

It actually is quite easy to respec... for some reason however not in the areas the "public" beta took place in :-/

The public dungeons need some fine tuning (ie the number of players allowed in one phase of it) yes, but there where some really spectacular ones... dont want to spoil anyone but it had something to do with a Harvest ritual ;) ;) ;)

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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:39 pm

There ARE quests in Cyrodiil, I got a quest from a crate near Cheydinhal at a goblin cave to bring a musical instrument to Chorrol. Didn't manage to finish it, due to me being part of the EP...
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:25 pm

Complaints or concerns? I have none from what I have played so far, which is just a small scratch on the surface.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:58 am

I've explored a bit and found random people who give quests.

Whether I would have run into these anyway had I followed main quest I cant say.

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meg knight
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:04 am

hmm.. you know, other than nit picky stuff about graphics/character animation because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like that I really have no complaints so far. I also only got a character to level 12 so.. time will tell.

Actually, I do have one. The bow and trying to target something else after you have already targeted something. I believe they are well aware of this issue though.

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Jade Payton
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:47 pm

1) no arena(the side with more players wins 99,9% in open world pvp)...yes you can say skill>numbers, but dont forget in numbers the total skill is sumed up

2) the world is literally static and dead. No wind, no night-day cycles, NPCs are standing on same spot for at least last century, etc.

(bandits arent getting drunk or play dice, animals arent hunting each other, grass is completely static... you know what I mean?)

3) the interface is designed to hide as much info as possible from players - you dont even see class in party window! No bubbles, no combat log. One can only guess what an action would do (and is not told results since the combat provides no feedback to player)

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:16 pm

I agree with this completely. The combat animations are so clunky and artificial feeling compared to Skyrim. This might be a problem because it's an MMO, but I wish they could have made it more fluid feeling.

Every MMO does content patches every month or so (most of which people work through all the content of in several days), it's what happens in between that matters most. The randomly generated quests and AI interactions are what made Skyrim come alive, the AI more so. This doesn't exist in TESO.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:09 am

I may be missing something, but I only encountered that in the context of one of those "find three people - choose one now" quests. I.e., I choose one out of three options, the objective is marked on the map (the other two aren't), I wander into an area where one of those other two choices are, and someone runs up to me to mark my map for one of the choices not taken.

It was cool when I first saw it, but kind of disappointing (in a subjective way I can't quite define) when I realized it was really just one part of a larger quest. Made me wonder why the original quest forced me to choose just one of three options. It definitely didn't have the flavor of a random Skyrim encounter (granted, those aren't exactly deep, but they did make travel interesting).

But maybe it happens outside of those three-parter quests as well - I just haven't seen a "runner" in any other context.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:42 am

There are night and day cycles... not as dark a night as I would want but you clearly see the difference (also some stuff may change around ;))

Though its on a really long timer I think 6 hours or so

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:54 am

An ambient encounter is a very subjective thing, for me, some NPC's running up to me whilst I was running about exploring areas was pretty awesome.

My complaints:

1 - Heavy Armour looks like it's stuck to the body of the character, a minor issue, but an issue for me nonetheless.

2 - Dark Anchors should be tougher than they are now.

Can't really think of anything else, other than the various bugs I came across and reported.

Edit - I don't understand what people are saying about NPC's being static? I saw a lot of the merchants wonder around their shops/stalls, reading books and what not, as well as other random NPC's wonder about a bit, and there are night/day cycles.

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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:14 pm

Hmmm I could have sworn there was night/day cycles, but they were very long, like 8-12 hours each turn. Def agree on the minimalistic UI, not a fan but I'm confident addons will take care of most of that!

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:41 am

I think the anchors ramp up later in level. Can't have an event deter lower levels from participating.

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:29 am

I do love that they're allowing UI addons. Should be available in EVERY mmo.

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benjamin corsini
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:40 am

Unbelievable there is even now still misinformation to be spread. No day night cycles? Maybe play the game again.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:02 pm

Confirming that there are day/night cycles. Took some time out in one of the betas to watch the sun set over Stros M'Kai. :smile:

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:29 am

there are quests that only read in a paper ..... no markers anywhere :D

and others similar, i played all 3 sides, one to lvl 17 , other two to level 6-7

i had couple of quests where a NPC runs from the horizon and yells nonstop HELP HELP HELP ME HELP etc

:D was fun and i did help :P

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:06 am

True enough, although DA's being slightly more unforgiving wouldn't really go amiss, since it may give people something to think about and be like "hey I actually have to put in some effort here" I'm not saying make them ridiculously hard, just a little more challenging, I'd like to be encouraged to actively use synergies more as well.
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:01 am

Oh the one thing I loved the most (from an mmo perspective a single player gamer will not find this remarkable^^)...

there was this quest line where I solved a murder happening in the city... some time afterwards a market squaller informed the public that the murders have been solved and that they need not fear the night anymore.

Also the song they sang when I became a full member of the Undaunted was hilarious... and the bard who sings in the tavern perfect...

I literally have collected more fun memories during the short beta period then in the 1 year of playing gw2 or the 2 of playing rift....

So yeah there are quite a few minor and maybe even some bigger issues with the game, but overall its the best experience in an mmo I have had for a very long time now.

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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:25 pm

true anchor events are stepped up by levels or the area you r in perhaps, not 100% sure but i know there is different level ones.

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Tiff Clark
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:01 am

Might be worth mentioning that you can discover some quests via reading books/journals/notes, those have no markers.

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JD bernal
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:43 am

Failing damage - seemed inconsistent - either I got hurt a little bit or I died.

Having to /reloadui

This was my third beta, so I played the third starting are - Ebonheart. Contrary to some reviews, I didn't find the zone empty; I fell in love with it... and have considered changing sides from AD. I learned a lot more about Argonians in my short time this last beta than I did playing the other ES games.

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noa zarfati
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:41 am

Oh one more complaint, there really should be an fov option (range from 60 to 120 would be ideal in fps mode only)for first person on pc/mac... though since I play third person mostly thats no big deal for me but it could be for others.

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:54 am

Could be little more group friendly, and not splitting up the group so much when we zone then have to travel to other player, and then end up at a way shrine half way across the map from your group mate.

Ouside of that just a few personal prefernace things which has nothing to do with game other than my own taste.

Happy with what I see.

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victoria johnstone
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:19 pm

On OSX 10.9, the game crashed on me frequently - about every half hour, sometimes with a crashlog that could be sent, but often I just got a white screen and had to force quit. I play on an 27" iMac (model 2011 with 16GB RAM and a 2GB Radeon HD 6970M) at 2560x1440 with the suggested high settings. That must be fixed urgently, since Mac users don't have many options regarding MMORPGS (WoW, GW2 or Ryzom are the only ones I can think of atm), so they might be quite a big percentage of customers.

And then there were the freezes after talking to NPCs, also very frequently, There's a workaround (open your mail window), but it's a PITA nontheless. This should also have a very high priority.

On the positive side: everything else - frame rates were reasonable for that resolution, graphics the best I've seen yet in an MMORPG, and gameplay immersive and fun at all times and in all factions. CE is already bought and I'm looking forward to a long time of happy gaming.

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