To answer an earlier question, if the game only installs in part, it can screw with your PC's registry. Emphasis on CAN, but not the kind of thing you'd want to chance, especially with a game like this, which places high demands on system hardware performance.
You **** idiots. Whole reason I posted this was because of the bad business practice.
What kind of company would SELL the product then let the customers wait several hours before activing the game? It's like you going to the restaurant, order the foods, PAY first, then let you wait several hours. How pissed would you be? Very.
If they officially release the game on march 30, and everything would have been ready, I would not have one complain about this whole **** situation.
You misunderstand the situation. It may be because the disc only contains the installers for the game, and in order to complete the install the game may need to initiate an online download for the remaining software. This is because the game is HUGE in its size, and not all the data can be crammed onto a disc.
So, you need to download the rest of the stuff from an online server before the game is playable. That's not Crytek's fault, necessarily; Sony is having severe issues allocating servers for upcoming games due to their current legal/financial issues (just as one example) and it may have been a last-minute screw-up on their end, so perhaps EA made the decision that they didn't want North American players to play the game until all the servers could be in place, so they could make the download available to all three systems simultaneously.
Due to the nature of the current engine, all patches and updates are just made on the PC and then immediately made available for all three platforms, to ensure that EVERYONE gets patches and updates instead of having to code for the PS3, XBox 360 and PC separately, causing delays in when some platforms get content compared to others. So, it wouldn't make sense for EA to allow Crytek to auto-initiate the activation until Sony (at the very least) got their crap together and had severs available to support the game, because everything would update all at once, instead of one of the consoles getting it separately.
OR, it may be possible that the updates are meant to automatically come online once all the servers are available, instead of it being a manual delivery. I really don't know, but anything's possible.
Again, when you're a 3rd party developer, one of the downsides is that you have to put up with crap and headaches from other companies, namely those who own the platforms you're releasing the game on. Sony is having serious issues allocating servers for their upcoming releases - and yes, they'd be the ones to give EA servers for THEIR console - which would unfortunately delay the update for EVERYONE (see the previous paragraph).
For all you know, this problem could've popped up late the night before, well after the stores were stocked with copies of the game, simply because EA was notified by one or more of the companies dedicating servers for their platforms that they couldn't get their crap together in time for launch for one reason or another.
So don't be so quick to bash and blame Crytek and/or EA for their business practices; they're probably just as pissed, because somebody couldn't get their **** together by a deadline and Crytek/EA probably didn't find out until extremely recently. Thus is the nature of working as a 3rd Party developer; sometimes, other people screw up and it affects you, too.
If you're going to point fingers, be sure you know damn well who's responsible, instead of assuming it's someone's fault when you have no idea why this is the case, other than the servers not being online. I'm putting my money on "the game is too big for the disc, so most of the content is setup files and the rest is downloaded online, as is the case with many PC games". In that case, you'd need the servers to be up-and-running in order for that to happen, and they won't be until 10am.......
...... though SOMEBODY forgot to mention what time zone this "10am" refers to........
.... but whatever. The point is, dedicated servers are paid for and given not by the dev teams themselves, but by the companies whose platforms the game is running on, so if the servers aren't all available, then that's not EA/Crytek's fault, especially if they were told all along that everything was going on schedule and didn't find out that somebody on someone else's end **** up last minute. They're probably just as pissed as you are, and believe me when I say this kind of thing happens more than you'd think.