take your time (lie spoken for the sake of politeness, while actually cracking the whip for you to work harder

). in truth, im surprised you're intending to mod instead of just play after having no rig for quite some time.
I admit, I am pretty seriously wanting to play -- especially since several of the mods that I was waiting for before my old system blew up, have since been released...
For me however, I only work on mods that I specifically want in my game (actually why 98% of my mods never get released, as they're nothing unique or special, just my own personal preference/tweaks of things that other mods do as well) - in this case, CEO is something that I've wanted from day one.
Really, as the mod stands right now in its development cycle, it doesn't do what I am REALLY after -- as the single largest thing that I've been wanting to implement is different vendors valuing currencies differently, which won't come until the NVSE version of CEO. However, I'd like to get some feedback on the work that I've already done so far - and while I do my best to test my own stuff, I work in the software industry and have long understood that it isn't easy for developers to test their own work without bringing their own knowledge to the table. In other words, I want to see what problems/issues/concerns/foibles I have missed, that you folks come up with.
...so yeah. I want to get this out there and get that process started, while I work on the NVSE version of CEO... because while I'm anxious to play (especially with my new much faster rig :drool:), I am also in that camp of "wanting this mod"...
- DU
PS. I'll accept the whip cracking, only if you accept that once it is out, if you end up liking it, you need to help spread the word...