It's not necessarily a great idea, I think. The reason being, mods are changing, evolving things. And FCOM? Well, that's for the most part simply the glue that holds together up to four large overhauls, and often a bunch of other stuff as well. Each of those overhauls has had updates, just in this last year, IIRC. Or at least two of them have, for sure. A number, in one case. So, yes, you could try to have a "complete installation guide" or whatever, but it would always be at risk of becoming outdated, and therefore misleading.
Besides, FCOM installation, though perhaps at first a bit daunting, isn't hard. Not really. You follow the instructions, and it works. Can't ask for more than that, IMO.
Besides, FCOM installation, though perhaps at first a bit daunting, isn't hard. Not really. You follow the instructions, and it works. Can't ask for more than that, IMO.

Well, I do find it daunting to say-the-least. On the MMM site it tells you to install in one order - and on here it tells you to install in another order.
Also - when looking at the Wrye Bash after the install - it tells you you need this or that mod to make this or that work.
It does get confusing - sadly. And while I would love to say I'm a smart guy (which I am when it comes to computers) even some of the instructions from all sources gets confusing and not really sure which part to install and not install and how to install - whether I can use Wrye Bast to do the install or OBMM or have to unzip and add the contents myself. Can you image a newbie trying this out - it would cause Advil's stock to increase with the sales.
I am NOT knocking FCOM - they have put together a great mod - and for free. They are doing this for the love of the game - and giving us an experience that Bethesda couldn't/wouldn't give us. So I am not knocking their work at all.
Just would have been really nice to have a better organized walk through for the installation of the all the mods; nothing more than that.
I have to look at it this way: to get the mods to work right can take four or five hours. That is not including having to download the mods - which if you had to do can take several hours (depending on connection speed) and sometimes you have to hunt for the mod.
I've actually run into issues where I did the install - and when I run Wrye Bash it tells me some esm or bsa is missing - and I have to google the info and try to get the mod just to get the missing part.