Why is it that I purchased DEAD MONEY and HONEST HEARTS to get nothing but absolute glitched-to-hell content?
I understand there's mistakes and bugs, oversights in product development and more.
But why is it so difficult to play your own content on every console and fix every problem before releasing the said content?
I had to clear my cache, delete patches, repatch and redownload EVERYTHING. I've tried offline and online solutions, pre-patch and post-patch, and I STILL have yet to get what I paid for.
YES, you've made patches, but they DO NOT WORK.. for the most part.
You miss all of the glitches that sit in front of our faces? How? You are a professional organization.
Pre-Gala glitching that forces you to restart Dead Money just to make it past the Fountain gathering..
We can't even leave the damn bunker because a KEY is required, even if we escape, the rest of the game becomes unplayable, patch or not.
NO this hasn't happened to all of us, and of course YOUR machines and systems may not ave this problem because they're YOUR machines to begin with. Everything is adjusted so it would work for YOU and hopefully work for everyone else.
Stop avoiding the calls for fixes and adjustments by simple answers like, "Clear your cache, redownload, stay online as you play" and so on and so forth.
Some of us don't have consistent access to Xbox Live, and we all love Fallout, we love Oblivion, we love all your work.
Why can't you all just give back to your community and FIX what WE paid for?
Stop using our money to forward your next project and leave us with broken content.
Fix our product, and do it right.