and to Nigel.. i sent Tom a few PMs and wrote about our plight in the PC section. less than an hour later he was here storming the place up. I doubt they give a damn about our conspiracy theories lol judging by how things played out, im not even sure they were fully aware of our issues... but now they are and they seem interested. so lets sit back and wait. see what happens.
well you are right, this is the internet and you are free to speak what you wish. but this is my thread and it was specifically created for the purpose of sharing information to benefit the process of getting the bugs fixed. and trash talking just isnt part of that lineup. so please, be respectful of that. If i had the power to delete every message in this thread that wasnt purely dedicated to the cause for which it was created, believe me, i would...
as for MGS4, yeah that was epic... but its also hideo, and its also MGS.. mgs has never svcked.. period lol (im not speaking in regards to PSP titles.... those are.... casualties... but not true "games" either lol)
have you ever heard sorry from devs? for making **** game like Black Ops? For fail with corrupted savegames in Mass Effect 2? No.
Instead they want us to find them and show whats wrong. Without sincere apologise. Ever. And after release we will have to wait another MONTH (thats about time that they will release only Patch - not to mention making it)... I mean are devs really blind to see everything that's bothering us after ONE HOUR of gameplay?
Black Ops is still unplayable, Mass Effect 2 has been fixed after 2 months. And noone ever said "we messed up, we're sorry' instead of this they want us to do someone elses job. for free.
and this is internet mate

and I hope no offence was taken by you.