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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:08 pm

To Nitek... i mean im no chump, but you can still be a man and know when to shut up. lol the guys here, hes doing what we asked, hes asking for our help to speed up the process, its not his fault the company is stingy and doesnt want to hire testers to spend countless hours digging up our ****, and bottom line is we are the ones complaining, and we are the ones who already have DONE the beta testing, technically... so we are going to have the most accurate, and most bountiful information. 10 beta testers working 8 hour days on this game couldnt come up with the sheer volume of information that we have. think about it. we are their best resource. So in their defense, try to lighten up, and if possible, add to the solution so we can just get all this fixed and move on... its worth doing all that to be happy with the game, no?

and to Nigel.. i sent Tom a few PMs and wrote about our plight in the PC section. less than an hour later he was here storming the place up. I doubt they give a damn about our conspiracy theories lol judging by how things played out, im not even sure they were fully aware of our issues... but now they are and they seem interested. so lets sit back and wait. see what happens.

well you are right, this is the internet and you are free to speak what you wish. but this is my thread and it was specifically created for the purpose of sharing information to benefit the process of getting the bugs fixed. and trash talking just isnt part of that lineup. so please, be respectful of that. If i had the power to delete every message in this thread that wasnt purely dedicated to the cause for which it was created, believe me, i would...

as for MGS4, yeah that was epic... but its also hideo, and its also MGS.. mgs has never svcked.. period lol (im not speaking in regards to PSP titles.... those are.... casualties... but not true "games" either lol)

have you ever heard sorry from devs? for making **** game like Black Ops? For fail with corrupted savegames in Mass Effect 2? No.
Instead they want us to find them and show whats wrong. Without sincere apologise. Ever. And after release we will have to wait another MONTH (thats about time that they will release only Patch - not to mention making it)... I mean are devs really blind to see everything that's bothering us after ONE HOUR of gameplay?
Black Ops is still unplayable, Mass Effect 2 has been fixed after 2 months. And noone ever said "we messed up, we're sorry' instead of this they want us to do someone elses job. for free.
and this is internet mate :) I'm free to speak whatever I have in mind :)
and I hope no offence was taken by you.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:17 am

Change Request - Make online play, stable.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:01 pm


I get it. But someone has to say something, right? You cannot be always happy when devs gives you such crap made games. You pay for them what? 60$ or else?
I won't play C2 until next patch comes out since it isn't playable. nano catalyst counter resets after missions making getting upgrades impossible... ? waht are we? in 90s?

I haven't checked out your first post. As it's yours, you should update it now and then.

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Olga Xx
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:44 pm

do sumthin with the lame graphics (comparing it with the xbox's graphics its rubbish :'( ...)

solve LAAAAG issues (only host gets 4 full green bars :SSS ) - and matchmaking of course

shotguns - veeery weak!

pressing L2 or R2 while reloading causes reload to restart ! (thats f'n annoying)

sometimes music goes crazy in the menu and combines to track together

NANOVISION in PC and xbox recognizes all people even if they were hundreds of meters away... but the ps3 version :'( only recognizes the close up people (try it if u want on a big map)

cloak is very easy to detect (almost no use!)

K-Volt is overpowered

thats what i had in mind srry if i missed sumthin

we love this game CRYTEK, but it has too many bugs on ps3 !!! plz fix it :'(
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:49 am

Hahahaha, Nitek, Black Ops is unplayable?
I have over 6600 tomahawk kills on the Xbox and over 500 tomahawk kills on the PS3. I have over 10,000 melee kills. I never looked at my gun-kill stats, but there's lots.
It doesn't seem too "unplayable" to me. The CoD haters make me laugh.... they just won't recognize superiority.

Anyways, I have already posted my opinions on what should be fixed with this Crysis 2. My opinions reflect the other opinions out there on the board and in this thread, so I will just put some emphasis on this since it actually got stickied:

1) More controller button layout options

Since this thread is actually stickied, I will paste what I said in the other thread.
(Page 4, about 5 or 6 posts down here)

This game seriously needs a button-layout patch. This is a Call of Duty world, and you guys should know that by now.

Not being able to reverse the trigger options is a serious boo-boo.
Not being able to throw grenades with a secondary trigger is a serious boo-boo.
Not being able to assign shield activation buttons to the digital pad or the 4 pad buttons is a serious boo-boo.

These controls don't seem very well thought out. I can guarantee you that every Call of Duty veteran out there is constantly hitting their shield button when they try to shoot, and constantly hitting their Firearm trigger when they try to lob a grenade. You may not like the fact that I am comparing this to CoD, but that's life. They have upped the bar and the expectations are minimal.

I am enjoying Crysis 2, but the lack of control options makes this a much-less-enjoyable affair, and is seriously screwing up my Kill/Death ratio.

All the other stuff would be nice too, but until the trigger buttons can be inverted and the grenades are made easier to use, my ratio will continue to be crap, and I will only enjoy this game to half it's potential.
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:41 am

Hahahaha, Nitek, Black Ops is unplayable?
I have over 6600 tomahawk kills on the Xbox and over 500 tomahawk kills on the PS3. I have over 10,000 melee kills. I never looked at my gun-kill stats, but there's lots.
It doesn't seem too "unplayable" to me. The CoD haters make me laugh.... they just won't recognize superiority.

I'm not COD hater. I'm dissapointed in BO. It looks ugly as hell on 40" TV. In multiplayer it's laggy as hell. It has the worst gun sounds (like Crysis 2 ;) )
so no, I'm not enjoying C2 neither BO.
And if you think that C2 or BO runs smooth... try Modern Warfare 2 or World At War or Bad Company 2.... those are smooth running games. Not like c2 or Black Ops... which is unplayable :P
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:44 pm

Hahahaha, Nitek, Black Ops is unplayable?
I have over 6600 tomahawk kills on the Xbox and over 500 tomahawk kills on the PS3. I have over 10,000 melee kills. I never looked at my gun-kill stats, but there's lots.
It doesn't seem too "unplayable" to me. The CoD haters make me laugh.... they just won't recognize superiority.

Anyways, I have already posted my opinions on what should be fixed with this Crysis 2. My opinions reflect the other opinions out there on the board and in this thread, so I will just put some emphasis on this since it actually got stickied:

1) More controller button layout options

Since this thread is actually stickied, I will paste what I said in the other thread.
(Page 4, about 5 or 6 posts down here)

This game seriously needs a button-layout patch. This is a Call of Duty world, and you guys should know that by now.

Not being able to reverse the trigger options is a serious boo-boo.
Not being able to throw grenades with a secondary trigger is a serious boo-boo.
Not being able to assign shield activation buttons to the digital pad or the 4 pad buttons is a serious boo-boo.

These controls don't seem very well thought out. I can guarantee you that every Call of Duty veteran out there is constantly hitting their shield button when they try to shoot, and constantly hitting their Firearm trigger when they try to lob a grenade. You may not like the fact that I am comparing this to CoD, but that's life. They have upped the bar and the expectations are minimal.

I am enjoying Crysis 2, but the lack of control options makes this a much-less-enjoyable affair, and is seriously screwing up my Kill/Death ratio.

All the other stuff would be nice too, but until the trigger buttons can be inverted and the grenades are made easier to use, my ratio will continue to be crap, and I will only enjoy this game to half it's potential.

CoD isn't superior. It a game that a 5 year old can pick it up get 4 kills & let killstreaks do the rest. Cod is all about who can cheap kill. CoD is the t-ball league in fps's
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:20 am

Can't talk to friends when joining party, only when in game lobby and after that . I like to talk to friends before going into a lobby.

Yep ^^
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:14 am

CoD isn't superior. It a game that a 5 year old can pick it up get 4 kills & let killstreaks do the rest. Cod is all about who can cheap kill. CoD is the t-ball league in fps's

Pfft. If you have no skills, I can see how you would let a 5 year old raqe you with killstreaks, but that is not the case with most other players. In Black Ops, the people who are scared of killstreaks have the option of playing in lobbies that don't allow killstreaks at all.

As far as the game goes, it is the epitome of smooth playing. You can call it "T-ball" all you want, but Crysis 2 is admittedly modeled after it, and every other FPS out there is trying to compete with it.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:30 am

Music on the starting session screen in multiplayer, where it is in red and black gets really loud! It is excessively louder than the other screen loads with music...please fix!
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:31 am

Investigate Aim Assist.
Warlock has mentioned that it is TOO accurate but others, including myself don’t seem to notice it all. Is it possible half the people on here are bad shots? Yes. However if the issue is as large as Warlock and others are saying it is. There should be some cases where people who don’t see it have SOME experience with the Aim Assist issues that are being reported.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:00 pm

Oh, I get it, NigelDocker. I wouldn't want it to be just another version of CoD either. I am one of the few people that is actually happy with the game withouth listing off a million "Please fix this" things.

Crysis 2 is fun to play, and that's what I want. I do think that trigger control options are an elementary part of any FPS at this point though. It's not like they couldn't have known that people would want to customize their button layout. For them to overlook button layout options is pretty sad, but all in all I really enjoy this game.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:23 pm

horrible coding, hit detection, lag, and everything else

That's what everyone is saying about Crysis 2, plus more. It's more a matter of opinion. Lag is universal to all online game play, and you will never escape it, but the hit marker thing is not nearly as bad as what I have experienced with Crysis 2.

I hope they patch the serious issues, and especially add controller options (as I have mentioned a million times) but I am pretty happy with Crysis 2 as it stands.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:42 am

locked up twice when its starting session online :(
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:01 am

Time to contribute to this thread some. Some issues i'v noticed;

1. Completed the game and start a new one resulted in M 12 NOVA Attachments is gone. Even silencer on Feline not appering anymore due to that bug. Pistol laser seems to be locked to.. Last playthrough I didnt get a single unlock for that gun for some wierd reason. Was playing normal that time and Im on Veteran now playing around. Halfway through and no silencer or laser for it yet.

2. Multiplayer issue; Skill Assessments > Armor module Assessments> ARMOR MELEE not updating kills. Been going around killing ppl with melee in Armor mode only and still havnt had any updates there.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:04 pm

Single Player: Replay Missions - Begin with -ve Nanocatalyst; Finished game with 26140 nanocatalyst crystals. Started replay missions with -26140.

Connection issues: - "Network connection lost" - message when trying to start multiplayer. This happens way too often.

Disconnected from host - Usually right at the end of the match and more often than not I have played a blinder.
n.b. Does xp, awards etc apply to user stats if match ends early.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:35 am

Oh yeah, one other thing that gets on my nerves about this game: That woman.
Everytime anyone ever plays FFA and they don't take first place, they get b*tched out by that woman. ("I don't pay you to lose" and crap like that.) Patch her annoying voice out please. No one wants to hear that every time they play.

If I really wanted to hear a woman b*tch and complain, I would ask my wife what she thinks of my video gaming habits.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:58 pm

Besides some of the issues already mentioned( Lag, sound disappearing, frame rate, etc.) these are some of the problems I have come a cross:
  • unable to reload or fire my weapon even though I still have ammo
  • unable to stealth kill a player, just follow him around
  • I melee a enemy three time he hits me once and kills me
  • the following is sort of an issue( to me I and maybe to those who use cloak tracker) I think that kills necessary to upgrade cloak tracker should be lowered. Hardly anybody uses stealth so it's difficult to get any kills for it.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:15 am

WarlockDLX edit your topic with these bugs and glitches and problems and bold it or make it yellow red colour something so devs can read like in XBOX360 topic
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:32 pm

Aside from the P2P matchmaking issues like host choice, lag, optimizing for regional play etc etc, fix the terrible spawns and implement an intelligent spawn system.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:31 pm

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:57 pm

I've only had experienced with SP for now, so here they are :

1) LAG (during gunfire, combat, etc, but otherwise framerates' fine)

2) Bugs : certain small teenyweeny bugs really pisses off players alot (me included) coz such bugs simply destroy the realism of the game (which CryTek has worked so FRIKKIN hard for in terms of graphics)

If I kill the Pinger, or the Ceph Devastator, I don't get to see their dead bodies.

After I've collected the Nano crystals, I still see the flickering shiny powder thing right there (though when I go up to it, no crystals!)

Ammo/reloading : this is extremely pissing off. One particular level I had to hold up ground with fellow marines and defeat a gunship, I had equipped 4 JAWs, but when I aimed and pressed R1, no effect whatsoever (though R1 worked for other weapons..

Bad graphics : zooming in from the sniper rifle really dims FPS, and movement of Cephs isn't "smooth"
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:13 pm

1) the feline is sooo underpowered compared to other guns please address this

2) sometimes when i join a game which has already started the sound is not working or is missing but after the match its back to normal???

Please address to my first problem because its most frustrating
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:24 am

Issues I have noticed in MP.

- Lag ( you melee a person in your face, only to have it not count )
- Gun won't shoot, but has plenty of ammo and is on the correct mode. Just for some reason, pressing R1 isn't doing anything until I switch to another weapon and back to original.
- Hit boxes.... It seems that the legs are the best to shoot. In almost any kill cam, the person aiming at the knees seems to win the fight.... could be lag as well, or just shoddy kill cam replay.

Other than that, I haven't noticed many real issues. I think a lot would be corrected with better net coding. The main issue is really lag. If the person isn't where you are really shooting, there isn't too much you can do about that except spray everywhere and hope you hit them. But it is very noticeable when you have to melee a person 3 to 4 times for them to die, just because the first hit was not when you were at them, and then the rest are just you aiming at where you think they are.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:11 pm


No need to bump. This thread is sticked now!

For all of you that have had your weapon become "unshootable" and can not reload it, the way around this glitch is to quickly swap to your secondary weapon, then switch back. You should be able to reload and fire your primary after you do that.

I know that's not the solution to the problem, but until they patch it, that will help you.
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Ricky Rayner
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