Complete List of Known Patch Requests *READ BEFORE POSTING*

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:03 pm

I dont see this anywhere done quite like this, and I think if stickied, and the rules adhered to, it will be very beneficial to the devs working on fixing these issues.

Post a short, sweet, and straight to the point BASIC description in list form, of any and all MAJOR fixes you have found within the game that are FEASIBLE to alter. I.E.: saying the suits need to be different colors is not a valid repair request and should be left out. Keep it short. No detailed explanations. let the mods come to you with PMs about specifics on your issue if they need more info. But we want this thread clean, neat, and an easy resource for quick browsing for the devs so their jobs will be easier, and we can actually get these things done.


Due to popular request, I have compiled as much information from this thread as I could, and listed it in categorized format below. All of these issues are issues complained about more than once. Some issues were left out because they were either the only complain regarding the issue, and or is potentially an issue outside of the scope of patched repair. If there is an issue you are still being plagued with and it is not listed here, please PM me with your issue and I will consider it for addition here.
Heres my list:

Graphic Related:
- Blurry picture in 1080p reported. Some users say forcing down to 720 fixes the issue at cost of clarity.
- Lighthouse map water reflection has pixelated squares over the skyline portion.
- Windmills in rooftop level have seriously noticable trailing. Probable framerate issue.
- Framerate slows down drastically when using sniper scope, ACOG, sky beam, crash site, etc..

Gameplay Related:

- Control scheme customization. Should be able to completely customize controls.
- Menu selection function is sensitive and hard to control.
- Games freezes often both MP and SP.
- Games in SP fail to load.
- Enemy AI in SP is somewhat dull in SP. Enemies dont always react in battle appropriately.
- Numerous users complain of nano catalyst resetting values at certain point in game.

Multiplayer Related:

- Opponent weapon sounds are often not heard during MP matches.
- Nanosuit voice should have its own volume control, at least in MP.
- Lobby music gets atrociously loud. Distorted due to such high volume output.
- Players own footsteps are often distorted and/or multiplied. Sounds strange.
- Connection issues keep players from staying logged in to a game.
- Connection issues also make it hard to invite friends into a game thats already started.
- More clan content has been requested.
- When using L1 to aim, the animations are way too slow for coming in and out of aim.
- Sometimes aim, reload, and fire doesnt work in MP matches. Could be lag issue.
- Lag... there, i said it. lol Lag is definitely an issue in the game.
- Hit detection feels off at times. 20 rounds doesnt always do more damage than 2.
- Bullets sometimes feel like they are delayed, and then applied all in one shot. could be lag related.
- Weapon unlocks in MP screen keep resetting the indicator for "new", which is very annoying.
- Armor mode feels very underpowered. Near useless in MP. Please investigate.
- R3 zoom indicator sometimes glitches and wont leave your screen.
- New modes requested with no aim assist allowed. Or disable aim assist after certain level.
- Add mic capabilities for squads prior to entering game lobby.
- Weapon strength has been disputed. Some feel underpowered, others are claimed too powerful.
- New modes requested. Domination, and true Assault to name a few.
- Add "warzone" style modes that randomly go through multiple game modes.

Ok guys, so if there is anything else, let me know. I will do what I can.

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:51 pm

can you please remove your multi posted spam from my page. thank you.
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D LOpez
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:07 am

Fix Character Models from joining in with Walls, cars, etc.
Fix the enemy AI of Soldiers and Aliens not responding or interacting with player while shooting at them. They stand still or even most of the times keep guard upon shooting them.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:14 pm

Great idea, hope this list will work! This game has a lot of potential, lets help push it in the right direction. I agree 100% with your suggestion to mute the sound of activating the nano suit, and also that gunssounds are wierd concerning the distance they supposely come from.

Here are my suggestions, after playing MP for around 12-15 hours:

1. Make it somehow that you connect and play with players from your local area, way too many 1 and 2 bars all over the place.
2. Please look into the framerate. We need a solid 30fps at least, to make this game playable in the long run.
3. Why is the nanosuit drained for energy when you get shot? I want to be able to jump away or slide or run in htose situations. Make it fast paced.
4. The blurring visuals when moving around quickly really hurt the overall feel of "control" when entering crowded firefights, please make the sharp. Look at the blades of the windmills in Skyline, they even have a "tail" trailing them, come on!
5. Perhaps make a gamemode without the cloak and armour, but with unlimited nanosuit for running and jumping.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:57 am

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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:59 am

Was playing just now and had a bug where no shots coming from my gun could be heard. Also my nano suit was not notifying me when armor or cloak was activated. Took place on skyline. I was using a feline. And had written a friend a message 10 sec prior to game starting if that matters
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jessica breen
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:23 pm

Let us flip L1 to L2 and R1 to R2!!!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:34 pm

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Nuno Castro
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:35 am

fix the connection crap im sick of doin all dis work and then disconnect and da lag issues dats all for me
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Ian White
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:10 pm

I'm not the only one on this one:

Re: After Pinger battle, scene not loading? I'm COMPLETELY stuck in the middle of the campaign. I want to know what happens!
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:43 pm

Another post about bugs that hopes it will get stickied and probably won't.

Anyways, I think the biggest issue right now is with the AI. Specifically it either gets stuck running against walls and obstacles, or it doesn't even turn on at all.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:17 pm

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Natasha Biss
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:57 pm

L1, R1 to L2, R2 option
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Miss K
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:45 pm

they should fix the menu selection sensitivity, you press 1 click down og up on the directional button and it goes 2-3 clicks instead, annoying as hell!
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:47 pm

slide blur doesnt reset when you stand back up on occasions.
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:24 am

Spotting in Multiplayer is 1) really fiddly, too fiddly to be useful really and 2) Very inconsistent as to whether it actually works or not - the latter may be a lag issue, I don't know.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:22 am

Lag, matchmaking, hit detection, all of what people have already said...
Although I have encountered a few others... Toggle zoom for sniper rifle stayed on screen for the entire match and I wasn't even using a sniper rifle. Weapon sounds are diminished or absent. Your OWN footsteps sound like multiple people in many occasions. One major one**** When it comes to kicking cars.... Make the radius from the car out.. If you get to close the option goes away and your stuck meleeing it and getting owned. Other than all the small patch fixes the game looks kinda crappy upclose on my 720p tv but played it on a 1080p and it looked astonishing! Game play and visuals A+, just patch simple fixes and the game will easily be the best.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:44 pm

Ummm why is NOBODY talking about team balance by making teams even!!!? Like nobody is talking about that! Everybody is crying over switching buttons and such but no even teams?!
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Wane Peters
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:54 pm

People have been talking about it mang. That will definitely get fixed.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:35 pm

Already posted this in the other bug thread, but I'll do it again here.

- The main menu music tends to overlap itself at the multiplayer screen.

- I had my scarab get stuck on 40 bullets with 0 in reserve and I was unable to obtain any more ammo for it. Later, I picked up a Scarab that had negative numbers for ammo count.

- Sound sometimes gets muffled/muted in multiplayer.

- Proximity alarm doesn't work anymore. I understand that the sound used for both the Xbox 360 demos was replaced with a new one, but the enemy can walk up behind me and I still won't hear a single beep.

- My scope disappeared in campaign once for the Grendel.

- My gun stopped firing in multiplayer on two occasions despite my HUD displaying remaining ammo for the weapon. This could have been a result of lag, though.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:32 am

Ive been playing since yesterday both multi- and singleplayer. Games looks greats plays great, just love it. But the are some issues that need to fixed:


1. New unlocks dont dissapear from the notifications(gold stars). Im still having the stars although everything has been checked

2. Sometimes the XP progress window after a session does not appear

3. I might be wrong with this one but sometimes i got the feeling that using maximal armor does not help during firefights, from time to time i survive longer being shot at with MA off.

4. As stated above footsteps. Please fix the sound.


1. As above AI.

2. After the Wall Street level im not able to collect ammo for Scar Rifle. Chcecked every weapon i could find and it seems that they are "collecting" ammo properly.

3. Sometimes when crouching with a shotgun and standing up something odds happens and the knees of alcatraz are covering half of the games screen.

Other issues for both game modes

1. One particular music track in the game menu is way to loud

2. Please give us the option to turn on/off the suits voice or adjust the volume of it. The voice is a nice touch but when you are swaping like mad between MA and stealth it get kind of annoing hearing it when you know what exactly you are doing.

Hope this will help!

See you guys on the battlefield!
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daniel royle
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:07 am

I've never had any of these problems with this game. My only complaint is the kill playback and the lies it feeds me. I hear everything loud and clear and it is definitely one of the best looking platform shooters I've seen.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:45 pm

Hell another thing to add.

CAN THIS SITE PLEASE GET FIXED. Where are my subscribed threads listed at? How come the shortcut links to previous pages doesnt work?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:30 am

Loving the game, only problems I have come across and apologies for repeating whats already been said.

- I have switched off the intro music as it seems to go to an incredibly high crackly volume every so often in multiplayer.
- The sound in multiplayer seems to get muted or lowered, would hear a gun fight right next to me then the sound would dramatically get reduced all of a sudden
-The frame rate when you are in a gun battle, im not sure if it can be sorted, but everything seems to grind to a halt when theres more than 2 shooting on screen.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:25 pm

i was running aroiund and the press R3 to zoom wouldnt get off my screen. actually, i wasn't even sniping haha. it just popped up and didnt go away.
also it keeps saying i unlocked new things but i go and check and its all my old stuff
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