Complete Skyrim in 2 Hours

Post » Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:00 am

The speed runs are pointless in my eyes. Also the ones who did Morrowind in less then ten minutes. Last vids I saw they basically did some kind of exploit to crafting high level potions and then running through the MQ on trumped up stats from the potion making and little cash. IMO this isn't playing the game. It is just bragging rights to say how fast they went through. besides I don't consider just doing the MQ finishing the game like some people. Finish all the MQ and side quests in a fast time, then I will be impressed........ :goodjob:
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Jah Allen
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Post » Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:52 am

Thanks for clearing that up.

No problem! I just wanted to make sure everyone knows these 'speed runs' aren't representative, in the least, of the amount of hours required to beat it. I can totally imagine some people who rarely log into the forums, to see this and be turned off completely, thinking they're going to beat it in a few hours if they buy it. Bethesda has been working on their beloved title for over 4 years and judging from the information available at the moment I feel like they really took the time to do it right. They don't deserve lost sales solely because of these worthless speed runs.
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Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:32 pm

yes and the 7th day he rested. :brokencomputer:

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Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:52 pm

Speed runs shouldn't really count, there are a myriad of factors involved and results can be drastically misleading. In Morrowind for example you could speedrun the main quest in about 6 minutes because they had no prerequisite to advance. In Oblivion you had to follow the entire quest line in order to get anyplace, and they had fast travel. In Fact, i can't think of a single quest that you could skip in Oblivion, while in Morrowind you could skip 90% of them; kill vivec, take Kneeling and Sunder, and go beat down Dagoth Ur. Yet if you followed Morrowind's quest line without shortcuts, it would be much longer than either Fallout's or Oblivion's despite Morrowind being a smaller game.
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