I'm sorry to hear this. This way of playing a roleplaying game is alien to me but I guess a lot of folks do it this way.
When thinking about this issue I tend to divide gamers into two categories: those who like to be told a story and those who like to make up their own stories. I'm one of the latter. I like to make up my own stories. Oblivion is a kind of canvas upon which I paint my own pictures. I have very little interest in Bethesda's quests. I haven't finished a single quest line in the game (except for the main quest, once) and haven't even set foot in Shivering Isles. My characters and I like to explore, follow our noses, get into our own trouble. We don't need no stinkin' NPC telling us what to do.
My belief is that roleplaying is in the imagination, not in the game. As long as the player has imagination left there is still something to do in an Elder Scrolls game.
However, I wouldn't want everybody to play the way I play anymore than I would want everybody to think the way I think. It's a testament to the Elder Scrolls series that players are able to take such different approaches to play these games and yet still enjoy themselves for hundreds of hours.
Yes, I'm one of the first. I can make up a story, but I always feel that they're missing something. My imagination is wild, but it's all for my own and soon they lose all the "interesting" bit. I'm good at copying, but not at creating. Something I DO have to admit.
On another note, I'm surprised to hear you say you don't know much about mods. Your 'Auto Reset Emotion' mod is a essential, must-have mod in every one of my mod lists.

Thank you, I didn't think someone would regard it so highly :wub:
But anyway, don't use the Unique Landscape mods as a gauge when deciding whether your computer can handle mods. In my experience the UL mods can be fairly demanding. There are hundreds of interesting mods out there that you might like even more than the UL series that are very easy on a computer.
Hmm... I might try that Frostcrag Reborn mod. I heard it contains quite a quest
My playstyle has become ever so much more like Pseron Wyrd's over the last couple years.
My character has just gained some assistance for the besieged city of Kvatch from, of all places, Leyawiin. She is now working her way (with a few detours it seems) to the Arcane University to plead her case to the Council of Mages for more help. I fully expect them to ask her to complete several tasks no one ever heard of. I fear she will then be told to wait a couple weeks until the next Council meeting. Before she heads home to wait, I just know she's going to try her best to get Agronak gro-Malog to leave the Arena and go to Leyawiin to meet Buffy's beautiful fellow knight of the White Stallion. Then I bet she really will head home to Bravil to wait word from the Council of Mages. The annual archery tournament will be held there this year and promises to pull her into a lengthy web of intrigue and complex subplots. At least all that is my best guess based on traveling with her for a very long time. I never really know what she'll do in advance though. And if I ask her, she doesn't know either. For all I know, she may drag us to Anvil to see a sunset and share apple berry juice with Angel.
No quest mods, just imagination.
Always an interesting story from you and Buffy, Acadian ^_^ I envy you. I can make up a story but can't go on to the details, only the big picture (as in, someone should go here and here, and do this, but not the details of the place nor the activity)
Wow thats a big accomplishment for 2 years. I can't play the same character for that long, I've probably done everything here also just not on the same char. Anyway did you also complete all the unmarked quests?
It's mostly because of Haruka. I like her a lot: seeing her face never bores me and sometimes even would occupy my minute or two every so often, just seeing her with free cam.
.................................. wait....
Reading that statement again, I feel like pervert :confused: but that's how it is, so yeah...