I genuinely believe that it will.
As many people on the forum know, my 'special interest' is finding obscure patterns and hidden connections with information from the footage, the perk chart, and various other sources. With many other games, this would not necessarily be as relevant, and would perhaps be a little OTT. But the way that Bethesda put their games together, there are always a ton of these meaningful hidden references, and with Fallout 4, it looks like they've really gone to town.
The information I have discovered in the layout of the perk chart alone literally proves that our couple are directly connected to the US Navy and the Marines. The male protagonist is a Navy SEAL, and the female protagonist is a Marine. I am even fairly confident of the specific units/regiments that they belong to, and it's all in the numbers. For the record, there are a number of images in the concept art that show the male protagonist wading through swamps, which is one of the terrain types covered in the rigorous http://www.military.com/special-operations/training-to-be-a-navy-seal.html training programme. Also note that there even seems to be a possible WWII connection with JFK, who actually founded the SEALs in 1962. To add further weight to all of this, the SEALs even have their own special attack dogs who are also water trained, such as the one shown http://navyseals.com/2163/the-dogs-of-the-navy-seals, who happens to look an awful lot like the dog we have seen in the footage and even the trailer.
Speaking of the dog, I think there is a very important reason why the trailer is shown largely from his viewpoint, and I believe this is tied in with one of the perks.
Note that none of the above information would make much sense unless you also had lots of water areas that were filled with wreckages and other features to explore, as well as being potentially very dangerous. Apart from the lakes, rivers, and swamps, the area in which the game is set also happens to include an enormous underwater area in the form of Boston Harbor, which is known to have a large number of wreckages, submarine mines, and according to the concept art, underwater creatures including giant squid.
EDIT: I shall post up my proof once I have completed the rest of the update for the remaining perks