I think I may have found the 'source' of said rumor on https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3hccc0/in_light_of_all_the_speculation_and_scattered reddit page, where the page's creator says: "I'd say it's at like 80% accurate right now"
I think I may have found the 'source' of said rumor on https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3hccc0/in_light_of_all_the_speculation_and_scattered reddit page, where the page's creator says: "I'd say it's at like 80% accurate right now"
And there we have it; this guy's not a dev by any means, just another chump like us.
I wouldn't think a dev would confirm that much in the first place, anyway.
I've just found out that this thread and the chart on the orcz page have been mentioned on a German gaming site, as seen http://www.storyclash.com/Fallout-4-Perks-in-der-bersicht-Achtung-noch-unbesttigt-4927143.
EDIT: here is the https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.storyclash.com/Fallout-4-Perks-in-der-bersicht-Achtung-noch-unbesttigt-4927143&prev=search page.
Heheheh Nice
So when are you going to get around to helping me with that Seduction ray gun or the invisibility belt device... I have spent years on them (looking like I do) and could certainly use some help. I promise its only for mischief not EVIL purposes.
That would be a +1 for the forum because of all the ideas and contributions from the community, including your good self
I don't quite know what to make of this lol! But I do think the Mesmetron will be making an appearance in Fallout 4.
Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot because of the sheer amount of work involved in putting all of the information together, especially because I have to check every detail against evidence in the footage and other sources, and also because I need to make sure all of the perks actually fit together in a way that makes sense. The remaining descriptions will be up on the forum as soon as I can get them typed up and verified, which will be some point over the next few days. In the meantime, thank you all once again for your patience and ongoing support
im am more interested if u can gain special points or perks that permanently raise them 4 points in general isnt a lot.
4 ranks per perk may not sound like a lot (note that in some cases this would be either 3 or 5), but this effectively covers what used to be the 0-100 range of skill points, and there are now 70 of them. And so each set of progressive ranks will usually either increase to roughly double the original value, or decrease to either half or a quarter, depending on what the perk does. On top of this, the bonus added to the highest rank of each perk gives us an incentive to take the full set, rather than just settling for one or two ranks.
As for the total number of SPECIAL points that we start with, I don't think this will prevent us from creating a really solid character build. This is due to the fact that each stat doubles as a progressive perk, and also that we can increase any of the stats as we level up, which gives us total flexibility.
Ya its good to know after a crap week of work, you can kick of your boots and read a Gk thread. And not be confused by a thread concerning the greatness of eating people, more morally grey choices, Robbery is never wrong, I hate fallout 4 because, And robot love.
well Robot Love threads are ok.
Thanks for being the Lighthouse.........
(with only a mesmetron and a stealth boy I could rule the wastes, an Unseen cupid hooking up raiders and wandering bos members, hell even legion /ncr love knows no flag)
Thank you for your support. As always, this is greatly appreciated.
Referring to your comment about cannibalism, you may be interested to know that I have completely revised my description of Nuclear Strike, including the ghoulification process. It now sits quite nicely as a hybrid between playing as a werewolf and a vampire in Skyrim, and sounds far more likely to be included in the final game.
This is not something for me.
(I am so vain, that I know this song is about me,)
But something I would fully back because I know how many people it would make happy. Crosses fingers for them.
Go ghouls!
Hey, long time no see, 2-Caps!
That people enjoy playing as a cannibal or a ghoul is something I don't get either. Just the thought of it (cannibalism) makes me queasy. Ghouls are not so bad. But to each their own I suppose.
This is one of those features that many will fall over themselves to try out, while others will avoid at all costs. But it is something that many fans have been asking about for a very long time. It's inclusion would therefore be just one of the many ways that Bethesda are opening up gameplay options with Fallout 4, and would in no way be compulsory. I would imagine that there would even be those who will end up playing as a ghoul for role-playing purposes, but would never use the feral ability.
Speaking of opening up options, after losing a whole load of notes and research following a serious crash on my laptop, I'm back on track with the next set of perk descriptions, which should be up in the next day or so. And the Charisma perks are proving to be some of the most interesting on the chart. I have a strong feeling that Charisma will no longer be regarded as a 'dump stat' once the game releases, especially with some of the suggested features regarding companions and settlements
Liam - Good to hear that you got your laptop back up and running. Such a shame about losing all of that data.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you have to say about the Charisma perk. I have always liked Charisma perk (my dump stat usually ends up being strength) but then I like playing diplomatic characters for the most part. What your saying sounds good to me.
I realize that you're doing this for fun, but wouldn't it be nice if you would get some type of official recognition for all of your hard work? Bethesda?
Looking at the updated version one thing still strikes me, why feral since all ghouls are I believe immune and/or healed by radiation and being feral (up to now) gains the ghoul no special abilities, going feral just means that the ghoul brain has rotted leaving them no ability to reason and leads them trying to eat anything that crosses their path.
I do think that the ghoul research team from F3 and the ability to make human like bodies from the institute could provide the ability to cure ghoulism which would be necessary if they added the ability to transform your character into a ghoul......also if the lightning is causing ghoulism then the locals have a reason to be investigating a cure, since unlike the other Fallout games the locals would be under threat of becoming ghouls.
So my only real complaint is the feral aspect, since unlike the Lycanthrope or Vampric transformation in Skyrim being a feral ghoul doesn't make them stronger or faster, just totally focused on mindlessly consuming those they attack.
Given that I have always wanted the option to play as ghoul or super mutant I'm really wishing your right about this one.
I have just updated the OP with a link to http://vault111.com/?page_id=21, who have very kindly acknowledged this thread as the source for their interactive perk chart.
Its like he is every where. Watching waiting spoiling hehehe
I'm hoping at some point to get a call from the Toddfather, making me an offer I can't refuse lol!
Hey, very nice of them. Thanks for the link.
Lol, wouldn't that be something?
edit: sorry for the double post
You're in danger. Your laptop crash was just the beginning.