For some reason I had that written in my OP as Cap Counter. I've just amended it to Cap Collector 
Referring to the 'source', if we look at the relative position of the stars for each entry in the Charisma line-up, we can determine exactly how many ranks each one has. This is made easy by comparing the position of the stars with those of any of the stats, which we know have 10 each. From this, we can see that the Charisma line-up includes the following number of ranks:
1 Cap Collector, 4 ranks
2 Lady Killer/Black Widow/Confirmed Bachelor/Cherchez La Femme, 3 ranks
3 Attack Dog, 3 ranks
4 Animal Friend, 3 ranks
5 Local Leader, 3 ranks
6 Party Boy/Girl, 3 ranks
7 Lone Wanderer, 1 rank
8 Inspiration, 3 ranks
9 Wasteland Warrior, 3 ranks
10 Intimidation, 3 ranks
This gives us a total of 30, if you include the training perk. Note that this number is not typical of the rest of the line-up. Skills such as picking locks, cracking safes, and hacking terminals would require 5 ranks in order to keep things accessible from the start, so that all locks, safes, and terminals could be attempted by anyone. This would require one rank each for very easy/easy/medium/hard/very hard, which would make each progressive difficulty easier to unlock or break into.
Also, many of the perks seem to work with percentage increases (as well as quite a few 'unique abilities' thrown into the mix), and so would require either 4 or 5 ranks for a distribution of +25/50/75/100% or +20/40/60/80/100%. Also, a number of perks would require a percentage decrease, and so would require 3 ranks to allow for either -25/50/75%, or -10/30/50%. Note that there are many exceptions to this rule, including perks that also carry unique abilities.
This distribution of ranks would suggest, for example, that Party Boy/Girl would reduce the chances of our becoming addicted to alcohol, rather than remove it, much the same as how Chem Resistant worked in Fallout 3. And because it has 3 ranks, we can see that it would reduce the chance of addiction by 25, 50 and then 75%, depending on the rank. Note that there would most likely be an additional 'Charisma based benefit', perhaps even allowing for social drinking in your settlements!
Finally, I wanted to mention your suggestion to do with the Barbarian perk. When I first had the idea of including Skyrim style power attacks, I couldn't help but think of old-school beat 'em ups, and D-Pad controllers. This would give us an up, down, left and right attack, as well as a standing attack and a defensive manoeuvre. This setup would even have been appropriate for the time that Fallout 1 and 2 were released. Now, even though the returning perks seem to be taken or inspired directly from Fallout 3, I think that it's more than possible that BGS would have called this perk Slayer, as a homage to the original team at Black Isle. And as you said, this perk actually carries a great deal of history, especially when you consider that it was most likely the inspiration for our old pal Grognak!
And so I will amend the name of this perk to
Slayer, which also fits nicely with the rest of the names in the line-up, including the ones that I had questioned in my above post! (
Crusher and
Wrecker). And as always, I shall mention your suggestion in the contributions paragraph at the top of the OP

EDIT: the name of the perk has now been amended, and I have added a note in the contributions section.