Running around Solstheim while that's playing is pretty epic.
Although the music itself is awesome, this is celtic. Doesn't really fit TES...
Jesper Kyd is actually a really,
really good suggestion.

His tracks tend to be quick and frantic, sometimes even electric which doesn't really help, but I have no doubt a man of his quality can make some good and epic fantasy tracks.
Another favorite game composer of mine is Russell Shaw, likely best known for his work on the Fable soundtracks. The games themselves aside, I really loved the way his often pastoral, meditative melodies evoked both whimsy and melancholy. I'd love to hear his takes on Explore tracks for the Elder Scrolls.
Not an option since he's owned by Lionhead.
Ummm, Oblivion has like the best soundtrack of all fits all the scenery just perfectly. Of course Starcraft has a special place in my heart as well but wtf why so much hate

No. Just no. Oblivion doesn't have the best soundtrack of all time. It's nice, but it's not great by a long shot. We're living in 2010, not in 2005. There is bucketloads of music that is better than the Ob soundtrack.
So my top favourites right now are, with music samples:
1. Brian Tyler (Children of Dune, Far Cry 3, Final Destination)
A musical swiss army knife. Can play all instruments you can shake a stick at, and composes an amazing variety of styles in the highest quality.
2. Jeremy Soule(The Elder Scrolls, Total Annihilation, Guild Wars)
What John Willians is to movies. Epic music is his forte and has quite a lot of experience.
3. Jesper Kyd(Assassin's Creed, Hitman, Messiah, Borderlands)
Especially fond of electronic music. Composition can only be called "absorbing". His music sounds like aural love.
If Bethesda insists on dragging Soule along to TESV, I'm sincerely hoping for KotOR quality music, because his TES music is starting to get lame. The series have outgrown his old style. I'm sure he can do it; now he needs to actually
do it.