Comprehensive Bugfix Mods CatalogFAQ

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:56 pm

Gluby's Comprehensive Catalog and Guide to Bugfixes for Morrowind

Version 2.04 (Oct. 19, 2009)


Oct. 19, 2009:
Updated. Added two new sections, Visual Fixes and Remedial Mods, to isolate those special-case types of fixes into their own sections, and made some revisions here and there. Let me know if you guys know of any new bugfixes out there, or if you know for a fact that any fix listed as still-valid has been fixed. See version notes at bottom for details.

Oct. 6, 2009: A bit belated on my part, but version 1.5 of the Morrowind Code Patch (MCP) and a new beta of the Morrowind Patch Project (MPP), verion 1.6.5b, are out -- thanks Hrnchamd and Quorn!

The last official patch for Morrowind (version 1.6.1820) was released by Bethesda in June 2003. It left a great deal of bugs unfixed. Since then, however, a great many of the bugs have been fixed by the modding community, now including many bugs that could only be fixed by altering the coding of the game's executable. The incredible and diverse work done by the community has built the game into a much smoother, more stable and immersive experience that is a major improvement on the vanilla, out-of-the-box game.

However, the problem is that almost every problem-fixing mod ever released is still available and downloadable from PES and other mod hosting sites, even if the mod is obsolete and will cause problems if used now.

In addition to introducing the most important essentials quickly for those new or returning to Morrowind, this document is intended to be an up-to-date reference containing a full annotated listing of all bugfixes mods and patches for Morrowind, along with their current status. It is intended to get rid, once and for all, of the problem of finding several mods that purport to fix the same problem and not knowing which to use or what the difference is. Dug up a fancy new mod and want to know where it stands? Check it out here.

The guide is divided into six sections:
    [1] Essential Bugfix Compilations, consisting of major and comprehensive patches with that should be installed by all players after installing Bethesda's official patch;
    [2] Important Nondiscretionary Bugfix Mods that are recommended, without qualification, for all players;
    [3] Visual Fixes that correct errant game visuals;
    [4] Optional/Discretionary Bugfix Mods that may or may not be preferred as a matter of player preference or situation;
    [5] Remedial Fixes that are not to be used unless a problem has already shown up or some event has occurred; and
    [6] Obsolete and Superseded Bugfix Mods that no longer need be used (and are likely to cause problems or conflicts if used).
Note that, for the purposes of this document, "bugfix mod" means a mod that addresses any game bug or problematic content. Thus, textual corrections (typos, misspellings, etc.), obvious quest and lore gaffes, and annoying "features" are considered "bugs."

    Note for new players: The two items listed in the first category—the Morrowind Patch Project (MPP) v1.6.4 and the Morrowind Code Patch (MCP) v1.5—are standard in the community, with a status equal to that of Bethesda's official patches. These unofficial patches fix a large majority of the problems in the game, and it is quite playable with just them as a minimum. If you are looking to jump in the game with a minimum of reading and twinking, and without any substantive changes to game content, they're your tickets. Grab them, install them, and play. When you are ready to delve further, you can return to this document as a reference to browse for bugfix mods, or to check the status of ones you have found already.
This document is always subject to revision. If there are any errors or distortions, or if you simply have useful information that should be on this list, please do PM me or post it here.

Essential Bugfix Compilations [quorn, ThePal, Baldurdash et al.]: The definitive compilation of community bugfixes, eliminating a huge amount of bugs and inconsistencies in the game. It is the successor, maintained by quorn, to ThePal's Unofficial Morrowind Patch v1.6.3b, which was previously the primary compilation patch, and supersedes it. For clarification purposes, the MPP was previously known as the Unofficial 'Unofficial Morrowind Patch' (UUMPP), but is now simply called the MPP. [Mar. 2009. Verified essential. The latest version is currently in beta status, but is by all accounts quite solidly playable.] [Hrnchamd and Psyringe]: A patch for the actual executable file of Morrowind (the game engine itself, rather than just the game data) that fixes many previously unfixable problems with the game, including savegame corruption, the short-changed 11-month calendar, many graphical glitches, obnoxious merchants wearing everything you sell them, and problematic magic effect bugs like the infamous (and deadly) Fortify Health spell bug. Also adds long-desired new features, like rain that doesn't go through static objects, over-the-shoulder camera view and more accurate projectile aiming. To use it you must have Morrowind with both expansions (such as the GotY version) fully patched up to v1.6.0.1820. [Aug. 2009. Verified essential.]

Important Nondiscretionary Bugfix Mods

This section contains mods that are strictly fixes of bugs and/or problematic game content, which do not involve a substantial degree of discretion (in other words, where the mod neither adds nor changes existing content, and where preference and taste play little part in the relevance of the mod). These are generally recommended for all players regardless of playstyle or preference. [TheOne&Only]: Fixes bugs with escorting Rollie the Guar, and fixes the Corky teleportation bug in Lurlock's Improved Followers v1.3 Beta. [Jul. 2009. Recommended for use with Lurlock's Improved Followers v1.3 Beta, listed below, but is not required to be run with it. Unverified.] [Mytch]: Fixes a dialogue error in the Tribunal questline in which, if the player chooses a certain ability as a reward, the player does not actually receive that ability, but receives a different one instead. [Dec. 2008. Unverified.] [Lurlock]: Attempts to compensate for the horrible pathfinding AI in the game (which typically causes companions and NPCs following the player to get lost and/or stuck on minor terrain features, and is a generally-acknowledged source of unreasonable frustration for players) by adding a script commonly used by companion mods to all NPCs that follow the player in the game. [May 2005.]
    Specifically, the companion script accomplishes four main things for vanilla Morrowind NPCs/pets/companions following the player: (1) temporarily adjusts their speed to the player's speed plus a certain amount so that, no matter what the player's speed, they can keep up; (2) increases their acrobatics to reduce their likelihood of deaths from falls; (3) makes it so that hitting them accidentally (an annoyingly common thing) will not cause them to become hostile (ruining whatever quest they're involved in), but instead will cause them to yell "Be careful!" or "I'm on your side!"; and (4) adds a warping script that makes them teleport to you if they become too far away.

    This version is fully functional and eliminates much frustration, but is not completely tested. Notably, it does not work well with Corky, the guar sold to the player by Llovyn Andus for resale to Drulene Falen. However, TheOne&Only's Guar Followers Fix, above, includes a fix for Corky, and is recommended for use with this mod. One can also simply use the CS or MWEdit to remove the script from Corky.

Visual Fixes

This section covers mods that fix texture mismatches, seams and "UV map" problems left in-game by Bethesda. These are of particular interest where you may be using a higher-res texture replacer, as the problems, which in many cases were hardly noticeable with Bethesda's low-res textures, become more glaringly apparent with finer ones.

Note that these are not the same as texture replacers and visual upgrades. They do not change or upgrade textures (with a few remedial exceptions); they merely fix their orientation, their positioning or other problems.

Though "essential" is too strong of a word, all mods in this category are recommended for general use. [Kahkahra]: Fixes several armors that had unassigned or missing joint pieces (bonemod and chitin, for example), resulting in visual gaffes in the armor -- bits of clothing poking out in an ugly and clearly inappropriate (and almost certainly unintended) way. [Aug. 2009.] [Nich]: Corrects the texture orientation of all exterior rocks in Vvanderfell (nearly 400 meshes), such that texture seams (which are considerably more apparent when using any of the myriad high-quality texture upgrades out there) are virtually eliminated. [Jun. 2009.] [Nich]: Corrects the texture orientation of all exterior trees and logs in Vvanderfell (nearly 40 meshes), such that texture seams (which are considerably more apparent when using any of the myriad high-quality texture upgrades out there) are virtually eliminated. [Jun. 2009.] [Alaisiagae]: Adds distinguishable left and right icons and models for all gloves, bracers, gauntlets and pauldrons in the game, including those added in Tribunal and Bloodmoon (in vanilla Morrowind, left and right items appear identically, with no visual way to distinguish). Also fixes a display bug with the Orcish and Dwemer right pauldrons. [May 2009.] [Incorporates all changes from and supersedes Lurlock's Left Gloves.] [Alaisiagae]: Gives the Templar, Imperial and Indoril belts unique ground meshes based on the belts as they appear on the corresponding armor, and implements Bethesda's unused icons for these items. [Jul. 2009. Slated to be incorporated into the next release of the MPP.] [Plangkye]: Fixes a number of visual gaffes with Telvanni exterior models, causing them to appear as they were intended—correcting 'broken' polygons on which textures are not visible, incorrect texture orientation, unsightly texture seems, and so forth. [Mar. 2009.] [Slartibartfast]: A massive correction of all landscape texture "seams" throughout Vvardenfell—points where 3 or more textures converge, causing the game to show a sudden ugly "seam" (Morrowind cannot properly blend more than two textures together on one point, apparently). [Oct. 2006.]
    Texture Fix may be considered optional for those who do not use any of the general scenery texture packs, as the "seams" are hardly noticeable when using Bethesda's default landscape textures, and the fix does have a small drawback: it decreases texture diversity somewhat. However, for those using any of the various higher-resolution texture packs, this extensive fix should be considered essential, as the slight loss in texture diversity is more than offset by the elimination of ugly spots all over the landscape.

    The Solstheim region is
    not covered by this mod; use Slartibartfast's Texture Fix - Bloodmoon v1.1 companion mod, below. The author has also made companion fixes for, and

    This mod supersedes Kung Fu Sung-Hu's Seamless Morrowind v1.0.14.1, which does the same thing but on a smaller scale and was never completed as a project.

Optional/Discretionary Bugfix Mods

This section contains mods that remedy problems, but that either ( a ) address an issue that calls for discretion or ( b ) contain additional content. [SeekerVI]: Modifies the Tribunal "Almalexia" topic so as to be limited to Temple faction members, rather than a more general lore topic. [Feb. 2004. Contains dirty GMST entries that must be cleaned from the mod before use. The MPP includes a simplified fix in the form of adding the nolore flag to the topic, but SeekerVI's fix filters the dialogues to temple members, removing it from more NPCs. It is safe to use on top of the MPP.] [Jintao]: Ameliorates a Morrowind sound bug that causes sounds to play at double volume when they occur twice in such a short period of time that they overlap. It does this by decreasing the volume of certain sounds. [Jul. 2003.] [quorn]: Implements the sound effects for ascended sleepers which were included by Bethesda in the game, but not actually implemented, making it so ascended sleepers now have attack and idle sounds. Some find the restored sounds to be awful, but some may prefer the sounds as originally recorded. [Mar. 2009.] [Havokk]: Adds previously missing rentable beds and publicans to Dagon Fel (at End of the World Renter Rooms), Gnisis (at Madach Tradehouse), Suran (at Suran Tradehouse) and Molag Mar (at St. Veloth's Hostel and The Pilgrim's Rest). Also changes the publicans' dialogue to be less generic and fixes a door at The End of the World Inn. [Sep. 2002. Arguably much more of a content addition rather than a fix.] [MagicNakor]: Bethesda designed and included a plant in the game, Bloat Spores, that it neglected to implement, making it such that the player must purchase its ingredient. This mod implements Bloat Spores into the game by placing them in select locations in the wilderness. [Oct. 2003. No longer included as a patch with the MPP, but is still only necessary if you do not use any of the Herbalism mods that include and/or supersede it. See for more information.] [Srikandi]: Fixes Bloodmoon's leveled lists, which, unlike the leveled lists for the rest of the game, only give one of any type of ammo at a given time; Srikandi's fix makes them give 5, 10, 15 or 20. [Jun. 2003. Verified. This problem is fixed in a slightly different way in the MPP; while Srikandi's mod adds more ammo in general in varying stacks, the MPP adds less ammo in general, but in stacks of 20 like in the rest of containers. Both modify the same lists, and Srikandi's fix can be safely used over the MPP if that method is preferred.] [shiva7663]: Corrects the visual and sound effects for over 40 Magic Effects, and fixes several description typos and school assignment mistakes. [Jan. 2005. Mostly superseded by MPP, and conflicts with it; contains, however, some strictly cosmetic tweaks to spell visual effects that may appeal to some.]
    The MPP has incorporated most, if not all, of the the actual corrections in this mod. What remains unincorporated into the MPP are shiva7663's changes of a number of magic visual effect to strictly reflect the effect's school of magic, such as that of the light spell and elemental shields. However, if used as it is, this mod will conflict with MPP, reversing some of its corrections—notably the MPP's amended descriptions of the Absorb Health, Absorb Fatigue and Absorb Magicka spells that better reflect what the spells do; Bethesda's original descriptions are misleadingly incorrect about how the spells work. [Aragon]: Morrowind's Unarmored skill functions like all other armor skills; it raises the player's AR (damage resistance). However, the game has an unfortunate bug (which is fixed under the MCP) that makes the skill fail to operate completely (giving no protection at all) unless the character is wearing at least one piece of armor. Aragon's mod was a workaround, from before the MCP fixed the underlying bug, that translates the Unarmored skill into a Sanctuary bonus (i.e., a chance for the opponent to completely miss) that is heavily-penalized by the wearing of armor, making it work like the Dodge skill from Daggerfall. [Apr. 2003. No longer necessary, though it can be used as a game mechanic tweak to change the way the Unarmored skill functions if the method used in Daggerfall is preferred.]
    Compare to WDog's and LDones's Dodge Mod Enhanced-WD v1.2, below, a variant that does the same thing. Both mods are versions of Horatio's original Dodge mod, which suffered from a few bugs. The difference: Dodge Bonus v2.1 is a completely rewritten version, while Dodge Mod Enhanced-WD v1.2 is an updated and fixed version of Horatio's scripting.

    Because the bug has been fixed such that the unarmored skill works in the MCP-patched vanilla game as the designers intended (unarmored skill providing damage resistance), this mod is now a game mechanic tweak rather than a bugfix, but is included in this list because of its past status as a bugfix. [Horatio, updated by WDog and LDones]: Morrowind's Unarmored skill functions like all other armor skills; it raises the player's AR (damage resistance). However, the game has an unfortunate bug (which is fixed under the MCP) that makes the skill fail to operate completely (giving no protection at all) unless the character is wearing at least one piece of armor. WDog's and LDones's update of Horatio's mod is a workaround that translates the Unarmored skill into a Sanctuary bonus (i.e., a chance for the opponent to completely miss) that is heavily-penalized by the wearing of armor, making it work like the Dodge skill from Daggerfall. [Mar. 2003.No longer necessary, though it can be used as a game mechanic tweak to change the way the Unarmored skill functions if the method used in Daggerfall is preferred.]
    Compare to Aragon's Dodge Bonus v2.1, above, a variant that does the same thing. Both mods are versions of Horatio's original Dodge mod, which suffered from a few bugs. The difference: Dodge Bonus v2.1 is a completely rewritten version, while Dodge Mod Enhanced-WD v1.2 is an updated and fixed version of Horatio's scripting.

    Because the bug has been fixed such that the unarmored skill works in the MCP-patched vanilla game as the designers intended (unarmored skill providing damage resistance), this mod is now a game mechanic tweak rather than a bugfix, but is included in this list because of its past status as a bugfix. [qwert44643]: Modifies all East Empire Company faction NPCs, flagging them as essential so that the player will receive a warning message if she kills one of them. [Jun. 2003.] [Bolgo the Madd]: A package of several fixes intended to correct minor bugs and conceptual inconsistencies in the quest revolving around Marcel Maurard in the Vivec Foreign Quarter, making modifications to the journal entry, his inventory, his AI wandering distance, and his greetings and disposition results upon quest completion. [Aug. 2008. Unverified.] [Eisenfaust]: A modular collection of three bugfixes and three logical corrections, most of which have been superseded by the MPP. However, one of its fixes remains as a discretionary logical fix: the Trebonius Artorius fix, which gives armor and a weapon to the poorly-armed Arch-mage of the Mages' Guild (who the player must later duel). [Jan. 2008. All but one part of this set of fixes is obsolete; the one remaining discretionary fix is contained in its own ESP file and may be used without the rest.] [Jan. 2008.] [Case]: Returns Fort Frostmoth to its undamaged state upon completion of the Bloodmoon story arc, instead of leaving it partially destroyed as it is in the unmodified expansion. [Dec. 2004.]
    (See Talthybius's Frostmoth Repaired for a more gradual alternative. See also Master Sam's Mournhold Plaza Fix for the Tribunal equivalent.) [Talthybius]: Makes it so, upon completion of the Bloodmoon story arc, Fort Frostmoth is gradually repaired as time goes by. Includes scaffolding and construction clutter. [Dec. 2004. Note: The title is misspelled at Planet Elder Scrolls, and will not be produced by a search. Use the link provided or search by author name instead.]
    (See Case's Frostmoth Restoration for a simpler alternative. See also Master Sam's Mournhold Plaza Fix for the Tribunal equivalent.) [quorn]: A fix/tweak that allows the player the enter the Gnisis Eggmine if they have an eggmine pass in their inventory, an item that, like the Hospitality papers, had no purpose beforehand. [Dec. 2008.] [Monica21]: Hasphat Antabolis, at the end of his first quest, recommends you buy four books from Dorisa Darvel's shop in Balmora. Problem is, she doesn't have them. This mod adds a container with the four books to her shop. [Apr. 2007. This problem is fixed by the MPP in a different way: it changes Hasphat's note to direct the player to the secret library in Vivec, where they are placed. If the method in this mod is preferred, it may safely be used with the MPP without conflict, though in this case the note will no longer mention the bookseller.] [quorn]: A fix/tweak that requires non-members of the Telvanni to present Hospitality Papers to receive services from the Telvanni in Sadrith Mora. [Nov. 2008.] [Nedlum]: A helpful tweak that modifies the shrine journal entries to not only report that you have visited the shrine, as is the case with the unmodified game, but also to contain the text of what the shrine said. [Jul. 2002.] [John Moonsugar]: From author's site: "Fixes the platform that reveals the hidden door in Shishi, so that when it's lowered, it stays lowered. Also adds ability to re-raise the platform." [Mar. 2009.] [Lurlock]: Adds Almsivi and Divine Intervention destinations in places that were woefully lacking them before. [Apr. 2005. Description taken from] [Paktu]: Modifies the enchantment for the King's Oath sword to apply its fire damage to the player's target, rather than to the player ("Self"). [Mar. 2003.]
    There are two perspectives on whether the King's Oath enchantment's damaging the player every time an opponent is hit with the sword is correct or a bug, both of which are completely plausible and have good arguments behind them.

    The first is that it is a bug because of the obvious inconsistency in a weapon with two enchantments that damage enemies and one that damages self. The conclusion that the sword should not automatically damage the player is arguably supported by lore (specifically, descriptions of the sword that state that it will harm those upon whom it is bestowed if, and only if, they betray the king) and by the fact that there are two identical instances of King's Oath in Morrowind (which could indicate that the dev team had intended to create one good version for pre-betrayal, and one cursed version for post-betrayal, but forgot or never got around to it).

    The second view is that the self-damaging enchantment is consistent with Helseth's intent (and repeated attempts) to harm the player. After all, he could just as easily have a "special" version made for his special enemy. If this view is accepted, then this mod is a tweak, not a bugfix, and wholly optional. [Kobu]: Replaces references to "dai-katana" with "daito" (the correct Japanese usage) and renames the derived attribute "Fatigue" to "Stamina," correcting all other incorrect references to"fatigue." [May 2002. Description taken, in edited form, from] [ManaUser & Wrye]: Reduces the amount of generic lore topics seen from "NoLore" characters—particularly companions and Morrowind Comes Alive (MCA) NPCs—and removes generic responses that are duplicative or no longer relevant once the related quest has been completed. [Oct. 2005. Partially superseded by the MPP, as the MPP also does some similar filtering. However, abyssmal terror reports that Less Lore filters out a few more topics than the MPP does, and that, if its broader effect is preferred, Less Lore can be used on top of the MPP.] [DeusXMachina]: A fix for Bethesda's official Master Index quest plugin, released before Tribunal, that makes the lengthy Master Index quest show up in the open and finished questlists functionality provided by Tribunal's upgraded journal. [Jun. 2005.] [Max aka ~NOBODY~]: Fixes four quests (including one for Tribunal and one for Bloodmoon), listed below. [Dec. 2003. The first two of the quest fixes are obsolete by because they are covered in the UMP, but the latter two may be considered optional.]
  • Sul-Senipul's Longbow Quest: Obsolete; this fix is included in UMP v1.6.3b.

  • Recovering CloudCleaver: Obsolete; this fix is included in UMP v1.6.3b.

  • Museum of Artifacts (Tribunal): Valid alternative fix. This problem is fixed in UMP v1.6.3b by simply eliminating the journal entry name for the museum quest (which is unfinishable). Max's Quest Fixes Mod takes a different approach, expanding upon and filling out the Museum quest via the addition of a new dialogue, a new special reward item, and a script to track the quest. Unfortunately, the new script runs constantly, is hefty for what it does, and never ceases, even after the Museum quest is complete.

  • The Patchwork Airship quest (Bloodmoon): Valid fix; see [Bolgo the Madd]: Makes a number of changes related to Sharn gra-Muzgob's quest in order to correct some logical inconsistencies and flesh it out (in vanilla Morrowind the quest was poorly implemented, and there are several aspects of her dialogue that do not actually have any effect). [Aug. 2008. Unverified.] [MidgetAlien]: The main purpose of this mod is to add a considerable amount of new content, including new goblins (complete with new meshes and textures) and goblin lairs; enchantable scrolls; thief's lairs and hideouts (even one under Arrille's Tradehouse); expanded dungeons and tombs; new quests and dialog; and more. However, it is on this list because it contains several bugfixes. [Nov. 2007.] [ManaUser]: A modular collection of individual tweaks, each in a separate ESP plugin file, a few of which contain fixes. The only mod in this collection that falls solidly in the category of "bugfix", Pelagiad Fix, is obsoleted by the MPP. However, the collection contains one other mod, Suran Ferry, that contains both fixes and discretionary additional content. The rest are either arguable/discretionary fixes (Barb Fix, DB Armor Reducer [obsoleted by MCP one way or another], Healing, Sol-Weather Tweak, and Stolen Goods Fix) or mods that change, tweak or add content (Ahnassi, Big Women, Detect Gold, Disease, Grave Goods, Hide the Skooma, It's Me You Idiot, Khajiit Eyes, Mortal Guards, Mixed Guards 2, Re-Ouch, Reikling Knock Off, Show Ammo Dmg, Silver Weapon Crate Fix, Sleep, Suran Ferry, and Tome of Spellmaking). [May 2009. Updated since last version of guide.] [Lurlock]: Makes Morag Tong masters take old writs back when completed with no bounty on the player's head, and gives a bonus award for completing a writ without needing to present papers to the authorities. Also incorporates Lurlock's mod that changes writ names and descriptions to be more descriptive. [Apr. 2005.] [Baldurdash]: A comprehensive compilation of corrections for 2,968 textual errors in dialogues, journal entries, books, names and other game objects. [Jul. 2004. All corrections of textual errors in dialogue have been incorporated into the MPP, including the corrections to text in in-game books as of version 1.6.5B.] [Baratheon79]: Changes the two NPCs who provide teleportation between Ebonheart and Mournhold to provide regular Mages Guild-style travel, thereby allowing companions and pets (like the packrat) to accompany the player. [Jun. 2004. Verified.] [Bolgo the Madd]: A very minor quest tweak that provides additional quest development before the quest involving Maurrie Aurmine and Nelos Onmar. [Aug. 2008. Unverified.] [Bolgo the Madd]: Fixes some minor bugs and polishes the quest involving taking Rabinna to Im Kilaya. [Aug. 2008. Unverified.] [Nymeria]: Fixes incorrect ownership for the potion chest in Sadrith Mora Mages Guild and adds a Supply Chest to the Caldera Mages Guild (a more optional bit of additional content not strictly a bugfix). [May 2004. Partially obsolete.]
    The chest ownership fix is covered in the MPP, though the Caldera potion chest remains as a discretionary fix. However, note that the Caldera potion chest is also added by Midgetalien's Tweaks 'n' Additions mod. If you use both the MPP and Midgetalien's mod, you will not need this one. [TheOne&Only]: Addresses the problematic duplication, spontaneous generation and annihilation of quest rewards and quest items by making all such items, with few exceptions, physically extant in the game world throughout the entire course of the game. [Jul. 2009. Unverified. Author reports full compatibility with the MPP.] [quorn]: A fix/tweak that prevents Sleepers from attacking after the main quest, and also allows the Sleepers to have normal dialogue topics available when 'awake'. [Nov. 2008.] [SeekerVI]: Fixes the Bloodmoon expansion's heavy-handed and indiscreet addition of the Solstheim lore dialog to just about every NPC , even nolore ones, by adjusting the Solstheim dialogs so that only NPCs in northwestern Vvardenfell, Imperial Legion NPCs, and the CharGen captain will speak of it. Also corrects S'vir's dialogs being uttered by other NPCs. [Feb. 2004.]
    The MPP addresses this problem in a simpler and more limited way, by simply adding the nolore flag to the topic, disabling it after the player travels to Solstheim, deleting one of the dialogues altogether, and adding "Not Local Nolore = 0" checks to the last three of the Solstheim dialogues. However, SeekerVI's solution integrates the Solstheim dialogues into the game in a more elegant and immersive way, and can be used on top of the MPP if preferred. [PCC a.k.a. Blockhead]: Adjusts the volume and pitch for Bethesda's poorly-implemented ambient sound for Tribunal's clockwork city of Sotha Sil so that it is less loud, strident and annoying. [Jun. 2003.] [quorn]: Fixes an oversight by Bethesda in which the steel broadsword and the imperial broadsword are visually identical (they use the same mesh, texture and icon) by making the steel broadsword visually different. [Nov. 2008.]
    Quorn's mod accomplishes this by completely replacing all visuals for the steel broadsword—the mesh, the texture and the icon—with new, unique ones of his own creation, and repositioning all game instances of steel broadswords so as to prevent floating and clipping. Compare with Sapphron's Steel Broadsword Fix, below. [Sapphron]: Fixes an oversight by Bethesda in which the steel broadsword and the imperial broadsword are visually identical (they use the same mesh, texture and icon) by making the steel broadsword visually different. [Dec. 2005.]
    Sapphron's mod accomplishes this by replacing only the texture for the steel broadsword with a new, unique one designed to better match the steel weapons set. The mesh and icon remain the same. Compare with Quorn's Steel Broadsword Fix, above. [Slartibartfast]: The Solstheim companion for Slartibartfast's Texture Fix v1.8, above. [Aug. 2006.] [Hyzmarca]: A simple GMST tweak that implements a feature coded into the game but not implemented: trap disarming difficulty based on the strength of the spell used to trap it. Could also be considered a thief skill gameplay tweak rather than a fix. [Jun. 2004.] [Yacoby]: Fixes an annoying bug that causes a red ring to appear around the screen when a vampire player character enters an interior area while taking sun damage. [May 2005. Split into three separate ESPs for the base game and expansions. According to the author, "t is recommened that you do not use this due to it breaking some quests due to a Morrowind bug."]
    The Vampire Doors Bugfix places a script on all generic external doors in the game. Some players have reported that this appears to break the Vivec Arena and certain essential quests in the game. If you go ahead and use the mod, do so with caution. [The Other Felix]: Fixes and tweaks many issues involving greetings and voice samples, implements many of Bethesda's included-but-unused voice samples, and enables Tribunal's new faction and rank greetings in the rest of Vvardenfell. [Aug. 2003. Bugfix content integrated into MPP, but extra features are not. Can be safely used on top of MPP.] [titanomachy59033]: Fixes a glitch that makes talking to Vivec before you are invited breaks the main question. Also fixes the Wraithguard bug, adds Vivec's unused voices to the game, and replaces Vivec's mesh with one created by Psymoniser. Oct. 2008. Pending investigation as to whether the underlying bug has been fixed by the MPP.

Remedial Fixes

This section contains mods that are not intended for general "preventative" use, but rather for specific use when a certain problem has popped up.

In other words, you generally should not install these mods unless you need them to fix a problem you are, or are certain you will be, experiencing (and doing so can cause problems with a couple of them). Each entry below contains information on when and why it should be used. [Celtic RiverHeart]: Removes certain NPCs, creatures and corpses that have been known to cause the game to freeze (for some people) from Ald Daedroth, allowing the player to complete the portion of the main quest that requires cleaning it out for the Ahemmusa Tribe. Use it if you have the described problems, with a saved game in which you have not yet entered Ald Daedroth (if you have, you can use Enchanted Editor to clear out the cell entry; ask for help on the forums if you find yourself in this situation). [Jan. 2005.] [Fernurion]: A fix designed to be applied to an existing game in which a bug has manifested that causes Hircine's gate to become non-functional after Hircine is killed. "Only use this mod if the gate does not work." [May 2005. [Master Sam]: Returns Plaza Brindisi to its undamaged state upon completion of the Tribunal story arc. Author's warning: "Never use this if you havent finished Tribunal!" [Sep. 2005.]
    See Case's Fort Frostmouth Restoration and Talthybius's Frostmoth Repaired for the Bloodmoon equivalents. [Enmesharra]: The meshes for the Goblin Bucklers and Goblin Buckler Unique reportedly cause the game and the CS to crash for many people. This mod replaces the defective meshes with the mesh for the Chitin Shield. Use it if you have similar problems (such as the game crashing when you enter the Mournhold Sewers). [Mar. 2004.]

Obsolete and Superseded Bugfix Mods

This section is a listing of mods that are obsolete (i.e., the underlying problem has either been fixed by Bethesda, is fixed in one of the comprehensive patches, or is fixed by a superseding bugfix mod) and are only included herein for reference purposes.

Fixed in official Bethesda patches:
  • [LDones et al.] (Partially; the remaining fixes, including an older version of The Other Felix's BM Female Armor Fix (version 0.1), are superseded by the MPP and other fixes.)

  • [Inki]

  • [YrthWyndAndFyre]

  • [Escee]

  • [Scruggs]

  • [Psychosavant]

Mods superseded by Morrowind Code Patch v1.5:

  • [Tom Curtis] [Jun. 2006.]

  • [Zennorious] [Apr. 2004.]

  • [Zennorious] [Jul. 2004.]

  • [Spuzzum] [Nov. 2004.] (Superseded by Zennorious's Month Bugfix and Tom Curtis's Calendar Fix.)

    Note on calendar bugfixes: Morrowind has a very persistent bug built into it stemming from a bit of confusion between human-style month numbering (1-12) and computer-style month numbering (0-11), resulting in 11-month years in which month 1 is entirely skipped (Dec. 31 goes straight to Feb. 1, in game equivalents). Various methods of fixing the problem by adding scripts in a mod were tried, but all of them seemed to result in unforeseen problems. Even the Thepal's Unofficial Morrowind Patch v1.6.3b, the predecessor of the MPP, eventually stopped including the fix because "[a]ll methods of MonthFix produce problems."

    Even with the ability to change the coding of the game in regard to the calendar, it seems that the bug is very difficult to remove without unintended consequences in some other part of the game. Nevertheless, the MCPs deals with this issue at its root, obsoleting all the calendar bugfix mods. For reference purposes, however, I include most of the information on the mods here.

    The first fix (as far as I am aware) was Spuzzum's Year Patch, which was not successful in the goal of forcing the game to see through the whole month of Morning Star/January. It contained a simple global script that detected the first day of the new year, then changed the date to month 0 (January/Morning Star, that is). However, the game engine automatically moved to Sun's Dawn/February 1st on the day after New Year. Thus, the first month lasted precisely one day.

    Zennorious's Month Bugfix and Tom Curtis's Calendar Fix mods solved both problems by adding a further bit of scripting forcing the game to allow Morning Star to run its full length. Further, version 2.0 of Zennorious's mod changed the month lengths to conform to the Gregorian calendar and even added leap years (at the cost of a heavier global script running in the background). However, it became evident that
    these fixes introduced further problems: they interfered with the game engine's running of certain checks that are supposed to occur at midnight. To address this problem, Curtis's mod provided the player with the ability to temporarily turn off the calendar checking (via a global variable) to avoid certain foreseeable problems. Despite the ingenuity of these fixes, this was about as good as it could get via modding. Again, however, these mods are now thankfully obsoleted by the MCP.

  • [TakeMeToYourLizard] [Jul. 2003.]
  • [Elspet] [Apr. 2005.]

    Note on merchant equipping bugfixes: Another rather difficult-to-fix and immersion-breaking bug in Morrowind revolved around the fact that merchants tended to equip clothing and armor the player sells to them, instead of retaining the items in inventory, resulting in ridiculous-looking merchants from whom the the player could not buy back the items. The two primary mods made to deal with the problem, Elspet's Merchant Unequip and TakeMeToYourLizard's Fashionable Merchants, sought to fix it by changing the merchants themselves to set their Unarmored skill so high that the AI would never find armor preferable.

    Elspet's Merchant Unequip, the simpler mod of the two, changed 22 merchants to increase the their Unarmored skill to 50, and turned off NPC auto calculate stats for those merchants (to prevent the skill from being reset).

    TakeMeToYourLizard's Fashionable Merchants was broader, changing the Unarmored skill of each of 49 merchants throughout the game to 100 and turning off auto calculate stats for them. Further, it set up hidden script-bearing activators in all merchant cells that change the merchants' stats back to their original numbers. As it had been explained to me, only their
    initial skill values (in this case, Unarmored of 100) are used by the AI to determine NPC armor preference, and thus Fashionable Merchants fixed the problem without making potentially-unrealistic changes to NPC merchants' skill levels, at the cost of very light local scripts running in every location containing a merchant.

    A major drawback of using these fixes was that they conflict with mods that change merchant NPCs, notably NPC head replacers, and had to be merged to avoid one mod erasing the other's changes to the merchants. With the MCP, this problem is obviated, and these mods are no longer necessary.

  • [DinkumThinkum] [Aug. 2005.] (Fixed the problem by placing an invisible helmet in the player's inventory and running a global script that would automatically equip it when the player is wearing no other armor. No longer necessary when using the MCP.)

  • [Reznod] [Jun. 2003.] (Changes all "Attack" and "Hit" dialogue exclamations to trigger script checks, and so may conflict with mods that change the same.)
  • [Horatio] [Sep. 2005.] (A fairly extensive combat enhancement mod intended for use with MWSE (Morrowind Script Enhancer) that, among other tweaks, content changes and content additions, uses the enhanced functionality provided by MWSE to allow mugging.)

    Note on mugging bugfixes: Bethesda inadvertently introduced a bug in one of its patches which broke mugging -- knocking an NPC out with unarmed attacks until the NPC collapses from loss of stamina, at which time the player can access the NPC's inventory and take items from him. The problem has been provisionally fixed, pending some testing, by the MCP. The problem can also be worked around in vanilla Morrowind by casting Calm Humanoid on a knocked-out NPC, which circumvents the bug and allows access to the NPC's inventory. Nevertheless, before the code patch, the problem was addressed in different ways by two mods: Reznod's Mug Fix v2 and Horation's NPC Enhanced. See the short discussion of the bug and the various fixes for it archived at Mythic Mods,

Mods Superseded by the Morrowind Patch Project (MPP) v1.6.4:
  • [Denina]

  • [HappyHannah]

  • [Nightmare2013]

  • [Misty Moon]

  • [The Other Felix]

  • [Aedroth]

  • [Daleth]

  • [64057]

  • [shiva7663] (compilation of shiva7663's smaller individual bugfixes: Fast Eddie Fix, Buoyant Class Fix and Dren Plantation Faction Tweaks, the corrections of which have, in turn, been incorporated into the MPP).

  • [Lurio] (mostly — has some additional content correcting and expanding dialog responses that occur after one has completed the main quest that arguably constitute bugfix material, though may not be considered strictly so). [To do: Check if these are covered in Baldurdash's Morrowind Text Patch v1.3. If not, is there another mod that provides these expanded dialogues without the baggage of obsolete and conflicting bugfixes?]

  • [Shiva7663] (Superseded by Shiva7663's Bugfix01 and, later, the MPP)

  • [ps33/Peter]

  • [Saggitarii] (mostly — has one fix that is not included: it removes ectoplasm from the list of items (given in the relevant dialogue) Volrina Quarra requires the player to acquire for her, since the game neither checks for nor takes the ectoplasm). [This is good fodder for another fix.)

  • [Falnor]

  • [Zener]

  • [Warlord Jim] [Jul. 2007.] (According to the MLOX database, this mod is superseded by the MPP and quorn's Ascended Sleeper SFX Fix v1.1 when used together.)

  • [Raejak] [Oct. 2002.]

  • [Shiva7663] (Superseded by Shiva7663's Bugfix01 and, later, the MPP)

  • [Sapphron] (Bethesda's textures for certain pieces of ebony armor had a mismatched greenish tint, and the texture for the groin piece was missing; both this mod and the MPP provide alternative meshes and properly-tinted textures, though Sapphron's replacement texture for the groin piece is different from the MPP's.)

  • [TommyKhajiit] (Superseded by Sapphron's Ebony Armor Fixes v1.1, which is, in turn, superseded by the MPP.)

  • [Alphax]

  • [Mithrim] (Though this mod is obsoleted by the MPP, it can be useful in one limited circumstance: if you have saved game in which you became factor of the East Empire Company before you installed the MPP or this fix, and the rank bug has already occurred. In this situation, the MPP cannot fix the problem retroactively in this situation, but this mod will. But it is not needed for a new game under the MPP.)

  • [Ciante]

  • [Shiva7663] (Superseded by Shiva7663's Bugfix01), which has, in turn, been superseded by the MPP

  • [Lee Matthias]

  • [Craig Stewart]

  • [GlassBoy]

  • [Puma Man]

  • [God 2.0]

  • [Emprint]

  • [Robin]

  • [HitokiriOTD]

  • [GlassBoy] (Superseded by Alphax's Nerevarine Greetings v1.00 (which has, in turn, been superseded by the MPP) because GlassBoy's fix does two problematic things: (1) it deletes dialog entries, which is considered an unwise thing to do from a technical perspective, and (2) it places its replacement greetings above the slave greetings, which breaks their "go free" dialogue. As a more minor issue, it also contains errant GMSTs. Thanks to Alphax for this info.)

  • [Alphax] [Mar. 2007.] (Fixes the Nerevarine greeting bug by decreasing the priority of the "E-e-excuse me, sera..." greeting, making it so it will not be seen unless there are no other possible greetings for that NPC. Also changes one of the endgame greetings to be consistent with other similar greetings. Superseded by the MPP.)

  • [M'Aiq] (Superseded by MPP, which fixes the problem the same way.)

  • [Raptormeat] [Jun. 2002.] (Fixes the Nerevarine greeting bug by adding a condition to the "E-e-excuse me, sera..." greeting that checks whether the player has ever spoken to this NPC before, with the result that each NPC can only ever say it once, and must use other greetings from then on. Superseded by the MPP.)

  • [Adam]

  • [Cep] (contains additional content that expands on Drarayne Thelas's pillow shipment quest)

  • [emerald avatar]

  • [Nathan Strong]

  • [Stephane Geney]

  • [random name]

  • [Robin]

  • [Kicker]

  • [Shakti]

  • [Silver]

  • [Corrodedsoul]

  • [Mr. Versipellis]

  • [Kane]

  • [Zobator]

  • [Robin Lee Powell]

  • [Counciler]


  • [Alphax] [Nov. 2007.] (Provided a fix superior to the one in the Unofficial Morrowind Patch, the predecessor of the MPP. However, the MPP has since incorporated Alphax's fix, thus making this mod obsolete.

  • [FatherFrost]

  • [Max a.k.a. ~NOBODY~]

  • [The Other Felix] [Nov. 2002.] (The MPP supersedes two bugfixes contained in this mod: the Float script bug and the Sjoring Hard-Heart bug, and use of this mod could reverse important changes made in the MPP's fix of the Sjoring Hard-Heart bug, causing further problems. Furthermore, the mod uses the problematic and generally-avoided AddToLevCreate script command in two of its scripts. But, aside from the obsolete bugfixes and the two problematic scripts, the mod contains other valid content that could be salvaged. See the mod's entry in my for more information.)

  • [Enmesharra] (The MPP fixes this slightly differently, adding more checks for other situations, but accomplishes the same thing.)

  • [Oh-Dee] (It seems that the Turn Undead spell was actually never broken; rather, the problem was that the undead flee AI was turned off. See for more information.)

  • [Teppo Lehtonen] (Superseded by Baldurdash's Text Patch (TP) v1.3, which has in turn been superseded by the MPP.)

  • [ThePal] (Fully incorporated into the MMP.)

  • [Wormlore]

  • [Kal Choedan]

  • [Lord Gildor/Arjan Wardekker]

  • [Shaminar the Dragon]

  • [Alphax]

  • [Mashin]

  • [PCC a.k.a. Blockhead]

Superseded by other mods:
  • [Lurlock] [i][Feb. 2005.] (Completely incorporated into and superseded by Alaisiagae's Left Gloves Addon v2.0, which applies the same changes to the content added by Tribunal and Bloodmoon as well.)

  • [Nick Cowan] [i](Superseded by Baratheon79's Mournhold Teleportation Fix. Both mods change Asciene Rane and Effe-Tei to provide Mages Guild-style teleportation service. However, Nick Cowan's mod makes some other highly-questionable changes. It contains dirty references to a couple of statics, and it makes several strange and pointless (and probably accidental) changes to Ebonheart and Mournhold cells (such as modifying the doors, rugs, a Helseth guard, etc.—likely dirty references rather than actual changes for the most part.)

  • [Kung Fu Sung-Hu] [i](Superseded by Slartibartfast's Texture Fix series, which does the same thing and has greater coverage. See Kung Fu Sung-Hu's note in the mod download comments at the Planet Elder Scrolls link provided.)

Change Log

Version 2.04 (Oct. 19, 2009)

  • Reorganized the document by adding two new sections, Visual Fixes (thanks for the suggestion, abyssmal terror) and Remedial Fixes, and moving relevant mods into those sections. Revised the entries in mods in the Remedial Fixes section to add specific guidance on when they should be used.
  • Changed name of "Currently Valid Bugfix Mods" section to "Important Nondiscretionary Bugfix Mods." Now I can sleep better.
  • Moved Lurlock's Improved Followers v1.3 Beta into Important Nondiscretionary Bugfix Mods section.

Version 2.03 (Oct. 6, 2009)

  • Added titanomachy59033's Vivec Glitch Fix and More v1.1 to list of Optional/Discretionary mods, pending investigation as to whether the underlying bug has been fixed.
  • Updated entries for the Morrowind Code Patch (MCP) and the Morrowind Patch Project (MPP) to reflect recent updates.

Version 2.02 (Sep. 5, 2009)

  • Added Fernurion's Glacier Portal Fix v1.0 to list of Optional/Discretionary mods.
  • Added Denina's Ash Ghoul Hearts to list of mods superseded by the MPP.
  • Some minor revision of the Introduction.

Version 2.01 (Aug. 23, 2009)

  • Updated entry for Morrowind Code Patch to reflect release of new version 1.5, and correct lacking attribution to project collaborator Psyringe (sorry, Psyringe!).
  • Added Alaisiagae's Soldier Belts Fix v1.0 to currently valid list. Added Mr. Versipellis's Solstheim Dialogue Fix v1.0 and Oh-Dee's Turn Undead Fix v1.1 to obsolete list.

Version 2.00 (Aug. 20, 2009)

  • Moved The Other Felix's Tribunal Integration v0.5 to obsolete list and updated its notes, adding a link to its complete entry in my

Version 1.99 (Aug. 18, 2009)

  • Updated entry for ManaUser's and Wrye's Less Lore v0-02.
  • Added Nich's Correct UV Rocks r10 and Correct UV Trees r4 to Optional/Discretionary Bug Fixes.
  • Added M'Aiq's No Annoying Solstheims and Almalexias (NASA) to list of mods superseded by the MPP.

Version 1.98 (Aug. 17, 2009)

  • Resumed maintenance of the guide. Major overhaul, incorporating much of the information abyssmal terror provided by abyssmal terror, Dragon32 and John Moonsugar's MLOX database. Removed a large number of now-obsolete mods to appropriate lists, most notably Baldurdash's Text Patch v1.3 and Thepal's Unofficial Morrowind Patch v1.6.3b. Also added a significant number of newly-found bugfix mods to the obsolete list.

    Added to Essential Bugfix Compilations section: quorn's Morrowind Patch Project v1.6.4 (and updated obsolescence section to reflect MPP, rather than the old UMP) and Hrnchamd's Morrowind Code Patch v1.4 (and added section on mods obsoleted by the MCP).

    Added to Currently Valid Bugfix Mods section: Kahkahra's Complete Armor Joints v1.5, TheOne&Only's Guar Followers Fix v1.00, Mytch's Her Tamed Lightning v1.0, Alaisiagae's Left Gloves Addon v2.0 and Plangkye's Telvanni Exterior UV Fix v1.1.

    Added to the Optional Discretionary Section: quorn's Ascended Sleeper FX Fix v1.1, Bolgo the Madd's EB_ACTOR_QUEST_FIX, quorn's Gnisis Eggmine Pass v1.1 , quorn's Hospitality Papers v1.0, John Moonsugar's JMS-shishi_door_fix v0.3, TheOne&Only's Object Permanence v1.20, Bolgo the Madd's MG_SHARN_NECRO QUEST FIX, Bolgo the Madd's MV_VICTIMROMANCE_QUEST_FIX v02, and Bolgo the Madd's MV_SLAVEMULE QUEST_FIX.

    Updated entries for ManaUser's MiniMods Collection v1.1, quorn's Steel Broadsword Fix v1.2 and Yacoby's Vampire Doors Bugfix v1.0.

Version 0.99 (unreleased)

  • [ . . . ] Last version before hiatus, left unreleased.

Version 0.98 (Feb. 4, 2008)

  • [ . . . ] General updates.

Version 0.97 (Jan. 21, 2008)

  • [ . . . ] General updates.

Version 0.96 (Jan. 18, 2008)

  • [ . . . ] General updates.

Version 0.95 (Jan. 13, 2008)

  • First full release.


Thanks to many many members of the Morrowind modding community for help with the information in this guide, notably: abyssmal terror (to whom much of the revised guide can be attributed), abyssmal terror, Alphax, Dragon32, Hrnchamd, povuholo, rocker, Symon69, triffidfood and wheatthin. And much, much thanks to those behind the Morrowind Patch Project for bringing it all together in a single extensive patch. Cheers to you!


Anyone may use this list for any purpose short of prosecuting me with it. Then again, I imagine prosecutors rarely get permission anyway. In the event that I disappear for a substantial length of time and fail to respond to PMs or e-mails, I grant permission to anyone who wishes to continue take over and continue any of my guides and catalogues, as long as the usual courtesies are given and it is made clear that the list/catalogue/guide is no longer actually being maintained by me.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:50 am

I have long thought that something like this would be a great help to mod makers and users alike. Thanks for sharing this.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:22 am

Wow, this does appear that it will be a very handy list to have. :goodjob:
How about links to each of the bugfixes that aren't obsolete though. That would make it even more handy!
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:15 pm

Thanks for the kind words, guys!

Links (and formatting easier on the eye) are definitely on the drawing board for v1.0.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:11 am

OMG! Fantastic work, Gluby! You need a beer. But all I have is cake :(


Thank you! :thumbsup:
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:28 pm

Really useful looking list. I was trying to figure out which bug fixes to install (other than the Unofficial Patch) when I started a new game a few week ago, but gave up because there isn't really much info about this, and I was worried about causing problems if I had two mods trying to change the same thing (i.e. in different ways?)

Anyway this looks really helpful, thanks for this Gluby. Printing now (I'm getting tired of staring @ the screen.......:huh:)
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:04 am

OMG! Fantastic work, Gluby! You need a beer. But all I have is cake :(

But here's some ice cream and cookies as well! :cookie: :icecream:
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:38 am

Thanks guys!

Relatively soon I'll have this rendered in a form less painful to read. In fact, what would be best? A regular HTML page? A PDF? Just a plain text file in a zip archive? Something else?

Also, if anyone has any intentions to consolidate any of these fixes into an Unofficial Patch Part 2 or something along those lines, please tell me and I can send you more detailed "Obsolescence Reports" I made for a few mods (Lurio's Bugfixies, Max's Quest Mods, and BugFix01 and 02, and I'm working for one for MA's T'n'A) that go through every change listed and identify whether it has been fixed and so forth.

Also, if anyone knows of a bugfix mod not listed here, please do let me know!
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:50 am

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:59 am

Relatively soon I'll have this rendered in a form less painful to read. In fact, what would be best? A regular HTML page? A PDF? Just a plain text file in a zip archive? Something else?
Tbh, I usually copy lists such as this over to a word doc, change the font to Verdana & then print them out (partly for convenience, but also because staring @ the screen too long gives me eyestrain :huh:)

Anyway, could I ask a question here please (not so much about your list, but about using bug fixes generally...)

How safe is it to use two (or more) fixes that attempt to change the same thing? For example, quoting from your list:

* BUGFIX01 [shiva7663]: Eight groups of minor fixes that correct ownership
for several items in two cells, fix typos in the Buoyant Armiger class and
the sSoultrapSuccess message, correct a few dialogues, and change some
other minor quest and faction issues. [Nov. 2004. Verified valid fixes
except for sSoultrapSuccess message, which is fixed by UMP.]

... it's the bit I bolded above I'm not sure about ... if I use BUGFIX01 (for the other fixes it includes) with the UMP, will this cause problems if both attempt to fix the same thing (i.e. if BUGFIX01 loads last, what happens if it 'finds' the sSoultrapSuccess message bug already fixed?)

Sorry if that's a stupid question, I'm just really cautious about causing any more problems than necessary ... -_-
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:54 pm (~about half way down the page) seems to contains fixes, in so far as it restores dialogue (well, greetings) to the game that Bethesda originally mistakenly (??) left out. I'm not sure if that counts as a bugfix or a tweak, but anyway I just thought I'd mention it (& completely coincidentally, bump this topic @ the same time of course ^_^ )
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:38 am

(Damn, accidentally edited this instead of the main post. Ugh.)
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Charles Weber
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:49 am

I'm under the impression, however, that something like that GMST entry will not cause problems; BUGFIX01's entry will simply overwrite the UMP's entry. As I understand it, most conflicts are benign, and, where two mods change the same entry, the last-loaded mod will supersede the earlier. The real problem is where the canceling out of one mod's changes to an entry by another mod causes a functional problem. Mods that modify merchants (TakeMeToYourLizard's Fashionable Merchants and Elspet's Merchant Unequip, for example) are a good example of this. Can anyone verify whether I understand this correctly?
Sounds right to me :thumbsup:
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:27 am

FAQ HTMLized and updated. All mods are now linked. As usual, please inform me of any errors or any other information that could be useful on this list.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:39 pm

Here is a working download for Srikandi's Bloodmoon Ammo Fix.

On Firefox it takes a few seconds to start, but it does download.

One other thing 7-zip could not open it on my computer, but using Microsoft to open it worked.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:19 am

Can I suggest a tweak:-
King's Oath Fix [Paktu]: Fixes an error in the enchantment for the King's Oath sword that causes its damage to be applied to the player ("Self")

Surely this is not a fix, as Helseth intends the player be harmed! It's a tweak!
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:06 am

Another couple that I use (or currently have installed anyway ~ I haven't really tested the 1st one, since I haven't become a vamp in my current game yet). ~ enables you to fly (~levitate) when/if you become a vampire, which Bethesda apparently intended should happen but messed up the scripting for. ^_^ ~ modular plugin which fixes many of the landscape seams in MW (if you use texture packs these can sometimes be really annoyingly obvious & glaring, but this does help a lot to address this IMO).

Plus there's also Slartibartfast's landscape/ seam fixes for, & (though I'm not sure if the last 2 would count, in terms of this list? :huh: )
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:12 pm

I'm under the impression, however, that something like that GMST entry will not cause problems; BUGFIX01's entry will simply overwrite the UMP's entry. As I understand it, most conflicts are benign, and, where two mods change the same entry, the last-loaded mod will supersede the earlier. The real problem is where the canceling out of one mod's changes to an entry by another mod causes a functional problem. Mods that modify merchants (TakeMeToYourLizard's Fashionable Merchants and Elspet's Merchant Unequip, for example) are a good example of this. Can anyone verify whether I understand this correctly?
I had an example of exactly that sort of problem very recently .... Fashionable Merchants conflicted with Economy Adjuster Merchants mod, so that traders torsos completely vanished if I sold them clothes (though not armour, that seemed okay). Anyway I moved FM further down the load order & that seemed to fix the problem (at least in terms of the dematerialising traders, FM could now be causing the EA plugin not to work in ways that aren't so obvious, I guess....... :embarrass: )

Anyway thanks for the explanation!
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:06 am

I still have unsorted bugfix in my hard disk,,
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:05 am

[Oops -- I accidentally updated this reply, rather than the OP.]
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:01 am

Thanks gluby it was your list that convinced me to undertake my mammoth Ultimate Morrowind Patch. As such any help you could lend me would be much appreciated in the identification of any bugs not already listed as well as the reports that you mentioned. Also if your interested i'll probably need somone to advise me on what is an actual bugfix and whats a tweak(is setting the archers in fort moonmouth as members of the legion because they are wearing the legion uniform a fix or a tweak for example) as well as testing.

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jessica breen
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:28 am

Thanks gluby it was your list that convinced me to undertake my mammoth Ultimate Morrowind Patch. As such any help you could lend me would be much appreciated in the identification of any bugs not already listed as well as the reports that you mentioned. Also if your interested i'll probably need somone to advise me on what is an actual bugfix and whats a tweak(is setting the archers in fort moonmouth as members of the legion because they are wearing the legion uniform a fix or a tweak for example) as well as testing.


Right on. I'll help in any way I can. Are you intending on making one enormous patch (including the UMP), or are you intending on making a sort of patch for it with all bugfixes done since?
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:11 am

Slartibartfast's texture fixes definitely seem to be valid fixes to me. Vampire Levitation Fix, on the other hand, is now obsoleted by the UMP. I'll write 'em up and get 'em on the list shortly. Except, of course, the BE and TR mods, as you noted. :)
It is? I didn't realise that, I'll uncheck it then...

There's also a similar (much more recent) mod @ PES, which does the same thing + also fixes something else. I'll try to find it anyway (the "something else" bit might still be valid...)
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:22 am

Awesome list you have here. Nice job!
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:22 pm

In finding links for posting in your, I made my way to Blockhead's I noticed on there a couple of plugins:
This plug-in fixes two odd word-use errors in the dialog and greetings for Morrowind. The errors are:

(1) mis-use of the word "issues" in a guard greeting and again in a Fighters Guild quest
(2) under the Topic "blight disease", the phrase "an diseased kwama mine" should be "a diseased kwama mine" (say it out loud to really hear the difference!)
I think these will have already been fixed by the UMP. For completeness I thought I'd mention it.

Sotha Sound (
This tiny plugin makes the ambient sound for Sotha Sil less annoying. Requires Tribunal and at least the first official Tribunal patch.
Not sure if this is a fix or a tweak.

Also, FYI, has gone to v1.0b, adding:
Telvanni Guard Fix.esp

This plugin fixes the absolutely s**tty assignment of stats and weapons to the Telvanni Guards as pointed out to me on the ES forums.

[Edit: edited the quotes]
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