I have personally never, ever used "Wrye", not "Wyre" Bash. I haven't the foggiest what it does. I have never had a conflict in Oblivion, even when using 50-100 mods at once. OBMM has worked well enough, so the .omods and a load order is all I would need to be extremely happy. And just because they wouldn't use it or someone else will make something better is a terrible reason not to do something. I can't understand that mentality, especially when programming.
Well your very lucky then

. You probably do have a lot of conflicts, you just may not realise it, and they probably aren't gamebreaking.
To address the point about the fact they wouldn't use it or someone else will make something better as a reason to not do something, that's a perfectly valid reason. Programming time is expensive time, and implementing something like OBMM would require a fair amount of effort, and it is almost guaranteed to come out with bugs/not quite complete for what we will eventually like it to do. Which means either spending extra time and money to keep the thing updated, or leave us with something that isn't exactly what we want. And that thing will inevitably be replaced, anyway.
Bethesda makes the tools they need to make the game, and then they give those tools to us. That's more than enough. The programmers won't just be twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to do, they'll all have incredibly busy schedules, and wasting that time on something that no-one else on the dev team will use, nor will the majority of the customers benefit from, would be a terrible idea, both business wise and in terms of the things they'd have to not program in order to give us something that will get replaced anyway.
Sure it would be nice if Bethesda paid a team to make OBMM/Wrye Bash and keep it constantly updated, but that's never going to happen. Especially considering Wrye Bash is being actively worked on a good 5 years after Oblivion came out, it just doesn't make any sort of financial sense. Better to just focus on something else, and leave us to make a program that does what we want and need it to do.