» Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:14 pm
They are pretty easy to hack:
Select the first word, the terminal displays, for example 2/8 correct (the latter number depends on the difficulty of the hack).
Find a word that has the correct number of letter in the same place. When you have more than one word tried, find a word that has correct number of letters in all the words you've tried.
When you have only one try remaining, start looking for brackets: () [] {}, there maybe other marks inside them. They may remove wrong words, and hopefully one of them will replenish the tries. If not, shutdown the terminal and retry, otherwise return to previous step.
When you have only one try remaining, shutdown the terminal (the red button on lower right corner of the terminal) unless you are absolutely sure the next word is the correct one. You can try indefinetly if you shut it down before using all tries.