I bought the Ubisoft pack from steam yesterday and installed Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, Far Cry 2 and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood.
When I played CoJ my compuer suddenly crashed, not to desktop, just shut down. And it refuses to start up again unless I wait 1-2 min. It has never done this before so I thought it might just be some random thing. I tried the game again and it died on me after ten min or so.
I felt the fans, which are very hot, but they've been like that in most games, and the computer is built with these giant two fans to stay cool.
Anyway, I stopped playing CoJ after a third crash and went onto Rainbow Six. I played that for 3 hours yeterday and it went on fine. This morning I played Far Cry 2, no problems there either. But just now I started Rainbow Six again and I've had 2 crashes.
Now, I'm thinking either the computer is faulty or I've been pushing it too hard. I set the three above mentioned games on their highest setting.
I thought about going in to the pace I bought it and see if they could help me, but to save me some shame if they tell me it's my fault I need to know...
... A game that can crash my laptop from ovrheating, should that game also have performance issues? Because I've had great FPS and no problems whatsoever in the games themselves before crashing.
I can't find the notebook review on the laptop now, but I remember their test showed this machine should be able to play most games on higher settings, and all of these games are a few years old (most of them older than the computer I belive).
Other than that, is there anything else that could have happened to my laptop that has it crashing during games? Or anyway to find out what's causing it?
CPU: i7 720QM 1,6Ghz (2,4 OC)
GPU: 5870m
RAM: 8Gb
Thanks for any help on this.