Computer logs not selecting and settler job roles.

Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:59 am

When you are on a computer and you start going through the Logs/menus, even though your mouse is on the next log, the log you where just on stays highlighted and you open the same log again. which is very fustrating when you on a terminal that
has lots of menus and log.

Settlers needs a job role or something next to their name so you can see who is assigned to what job.
I keep assigning jobs to people then finding something i need is no longer manned.
Under the settler title just have somthing like JOB: NO ROLE or JOB: FOOD SUPPLIES

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:27 am

Oh pretty please, fix that settler thing already Bethesda! I′ve got 18 in Sanctuary and one is a [censored] slacker, but i will be damned if i can find him. Already spent hours looking for that bugger...

Edit: Hey, i resent that censorship! Are we in a church or what? Since when is using the word "god" and "damned" together at the level of other curse words?

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