If you buy games completely for single player, you will love this game because most games don't have much more than a 5 to 6 hour campaign and maybe some training levels. This game has an entire MP game crammed into it that you can play SP, so unlike almost every game there is out there, this is one game you can play MP on singleplayer. There will be less huge explosive COD moments, but you will also want to play the campaign over and over again as many different characters.
If you buy games only for MP, this game will give you an infusion of SP into mp. you will see a storyline unfolding as you have fun in MP.
If you buy games for a mix, that's exactly what you will get.
Well said
thanks, So was that "multiplayer advances your singleplayer character" not true or did i just hear it wrong?
Mingleplayer am I correct?
I was wondering about this a long time ago too. Set pieces will have to either be very, very original and outside of the box, or unfortunately absent.
HOWEVER, multiple dynamic objectives should make up for that.
Unlike Bad Company 2, the cutscenes in BRINK actually tell a story, though. They aren't just some background for the "Your team won/Your team lost" message.
Besides the cutscenes are basically the loading screen and that is awesome.