In that case I can't wait until i'm made the 10th divine then, I might actually get something done. Someone needs to remind me what Tiber and all his other alter ego's did to descend to Godhood, because in a span of 2 in-game years I have done far more to deserve that honor.
I am the revered Dohahkiin of legend who mastered the Thu'um. Thane to Jarls in honour of my feats. I who walked the planes of Sovengarde among the heroes of old and secured the safety of the districts from giants, beasts and monsters. I who recovered lost enchanted treasures and rescued the abducted. I who is favoured by the Divines(not including Talos) and Daedric princes. I who bay at the full moon with my brothers and slay zombies and warlocks and maurauders. I who play a pivetal role in the outcome of the civil war will blow a fus-ro-dah out my backside before I bow my head to Talos!

Talos who conquered Tamriel
Talos who made gods bow down to him
Talos who used ancient forgotten weapons in a way that even the creators had not
Talos who united an entire continent under one Empire
Talos who created peace and stability
Talos who lit the Dragonfires and was proclaimed Emperor
The CoC who found the amulet of Kings
The CoC who saved Martin Septim
The CoC who killed the Head servant of Mehrunes Dagon
The CoC who closed many Oblivion gates and saved every city in Cyrodiil
The CoC who defeated Jyggy and became Sheogorath
The Nerevarine who defeated Dagoth Ur
The Nerevarine who united Morrowind under a single banner
The Nerevarine who ended the reign of the Tribunal Temple
The Nerevarine who overcame Corpus
The Nerevarine who defeated the Mad-God Almalexia
The Nerevarine who won from Hicrine in the Bloodmoon prophecy
The eternal champion who united the staff of Chaos?
Who defeated Jagar Tharn?
The unknown Blade Agent who re-united the Numidian and made Mannimarco a God and yet kept him mortal? Who did god knows what more (because I can't remember the outcomes of Daggerfell)
Seriously the Dovahkiin isn't that special (yet), and of all achievements listed there, Talos did the most amazing things. None of the other people above became gods (except for the CoC, but he didn't become a new god. An old god simply took him).. So why should you?