New member here.
I'm having concerns on whether I should purchase Brink on the basis of finding lobbies.
I'm from New Zealand and from playing Crysis 2 on the XBOX 360, I've spent most of my time finding a game than actually playing it.
So after continued frustration with Crysis 2, I've decided to trade it in for Brink.
I'm starting to warm up to Brink and look forward to it but the main concern I have is finding lobbies.
Can anyone (a veteran forum member, moderator or developer...basically anyone) assure me that there is something in place to find lobbies for least populated countries.
Black Ops is starting to bore the crap out of me and want to play something different, innovative for once and fun.
Matchmaking is just my only concern at the moment.
Thanks and hope you are looking forward to Brink.