Alright. Two issues.
1: How would I set up a magic effect that does nothing other than activate when some conditions are met? It's an ability, constant, and on self and given to the player. It has a script effect, Hide in UI, No Duration, No Hit Effect and No Magnitude. I assume some of these are uneccesary, and maybe others are needed. Essentially it just starts a quest when certain conditions are met, through its script. How would I set up the ability with the MGEF attached? Is there a way to make it hidden in the UI so you can't see it?
2: For the MGEF, I want it to activate if any of the following conditions are met:
If A and B are true
If C and D are true
If A and B and C and D are true
I set up the condition stack like this, but I suspect it's wrong. How would I go about it?