I see, but...
Well the level scaling is major flaw.
The setting also didn't fit the lore.
Some people will say that "no item/spell/weapon/skill X" is flaw, but that was based on whether or not you used said skill/weapon/spell, if you didn't, likely you didn't care about its removal.
Well the level scaling is major flaw.
The setting also didn't fit the lore.
Some people will say that "no item/spell/weapon/skill X" is flaw, but that was based on whether or not you used said skill/weapon/spell, if you didn't, likely you didn't care about its removal.
How about that Morrowind graphics were better than Oblivions?
More unique models for soul gems, candles, potions etc. No fat suits. better looking daedric and glass.
One dimensional models for things like bushes for crying out loud, thats Daggerfall level of tech.
How about Morrowind offered a depth unheard of in Oblivion?
Compare the various accounts and histories of the ascension of the Triune to the big bad demon comes to kill the world, save us good guy, that Oblivion offered?
How about armour and weapon variety? Oblivion didnt have any.
How about removing a core RPG element as hits based on dicerolls and skill, and replace it with hack n slash mechanics?
How about a unique and handmade world? Oblivion got really annoying for instance finding out that every bookcase was just a copy/paste with the same old boring books in them? Books about things that should have been in the manual anyways, not the game.
Im of the opinion that I have yet to find one single thing in Oblivion that was superior to Morrowind.
I really could go on and on.