Confirmed that opening containers with mouseover is annoying

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:15 pm

what i've seen so far is that it makes for fast looting, I could imagine that it would be annoying accidentally setting it off though.

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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:17 pm

Im sure they had the exact same style/system in Borderlands. Where the gun info would pop up automatically. And the overlay was about the same size. I can honestly say it never did bother me. When your fighting, you are focused on fighting, when you arent, you can easily see everything.

Again, Ill have to see how it is when released, but I dont think there will be any problems with it.

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:00 am

Watching the leaks, I haven't noticed it become an issue during combat. In the video where the player's fighting feral ghouls, it actually really seemed to speed up looting after killing numerous enemies. Having to comb through your enemies' pockets while the game world is stopped just bring the game to a grinding halt for a few minutes, so I like this solution. That's not to mention the ridiculousness of being able to loot dead bodies in the middle of battle. It'll only be after I play for a while whether or not I'll start to feel that it needs some tweaking through mods or some sort of disable option.

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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:56 pm

You don't auto loot, you auto open containers.

Yes, that was straightforward, didn't notice annoyance there as well. But then I saw some gameplay videos in buildings with containers around you.

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:18 pm

Who on earth are these people who are so busy that they require a popup to tell them whats inside a container rather than having to open it manually? Honestly this catering to lazy gamers is really getting on my wick.

I seriously hope we have an option to turn that [censored] off.

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Imy Davies
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:33 pm

Ah, too late, all been taken down.

Oh well, so it'll need a UI mod. What else is new?

And i did come across the NMA thread, interesting change of pace to read forums where it has already been declared a crime against humanity from this place where it is already revered as the second coming :teehee:
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:03 pm

I think it's less catering to lazy gamers and more in the vein of keeping as many things in real time as possible. I'm reserving judgement on that until I use it myself though, I have never once agreed with a majority of negative reviews of games and other media I know I like. So whatever they're saying is as valuable to me as garbage.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:32 am

You see the loot on corpses and in some places. Closed containers still need to be opened to see what is inside. I witnessed this multiple times. I also never saw it be an issue during combat except when someone decides to loot before all the enemies are gone. In that case the realtime aspect gets you pummeled by the enemy you are ignoring.

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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:48 pm

Guys this will be modded out in the end if possible.

But in the end it sounds like the typical situation of "Hey it works but let's break it anyway" mentality.

No idea why the thought this would actually be a QoL fix for again something that wasn't broken.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:14 pm

I'm lukewarm on this. On the one hand, if it's a small pop up it most likely won't bother me - after all when you hover over items the UI already changes discreetly in all TES/FO games so where's the problem. On the other hand if we have a UI that is, as has been the case since Oblivion, optimised more for living room viewing, then I fear that it will be oversized and obstructive.

I look forward to trying it.

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:00 am

BGS Idea makes perfect sense. The mouse over idea is likely the best option they could think of to incorporate real time looting.

I'm not saying I love the idea, but I like the shift to real time ingame. I also understand that it would be a huge pain to have a popup box blocking the screen in real time every time i looted a container.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:27 am

But the question becomes, who wanted real time loading? It wasn't broke again. Not worried really, as somebody will mod it in the end. It would just be an annoyance like others have said in combat and he happened to mouse over something by mistake and lose pops up during combat
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:34 pm

There is no reason why it would not be real-time, if that popup doesn't appear automatically but after pressing a button.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:44 am

Oh man, the petty complaints from people who haven't played the game are hilarious.

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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:46 am

Like the dialogue choices I think Beth just looks at how things are done in other popular games and think, hey....that'll be good in ours.

Before I pass judgement on it though I'd like to see it in action. If it pops up the split second you look at a container, then that'll be a pain in the backside especially in combat. But if you have to focus on it for a couple of seconds before the contents pop up it might be better. Then again if in combat and you WANT the contents of the container quickly as it might have what you need, that could be a pain too.

Actually the more I think about it the more I don't like it. But let's wait and see.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:36 am

You speak of immersion... but who in their right mind stops to loot something in the middle of a fight? People complain about immersion but complain when it goes against what they want. I'm speaking about players in general mind you.
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:05 am

sooooo mouse over, my mouse that is my pointer on the game, i going over a container click it, pesss "X" button to loot all or select what i loot.

What is the difference from any other game on first person????

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:40 am

What I said.

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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:40 pm

Ah, well. I haven't picked up any Bethesda DLC since Oblivion. Passing over an entire game ought to be easy enough.

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hannah sillery
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:29 pm

There's no delay. We've seen it pop up in combat in two instances in the official videos--as soon as the enemy dies, if the cross-hair is on them, the loot menu appears. One case was during the E3 combat montage--a car blows up and sends a feral ghoul flying, and the menu pops up as it passes in front of the player character. The other was the Big Leagues Perk video, when the player knocks the head off the Diamond city guard.

In both of those cases, it appeared and disappeared so quickly that you had to pause the video at just the right moment to actually see it.

Personally, I don't think it will be a problem. You won't see it often during combat or general wandering, since you have to look directly at the corpse or container, and the menu vanishes very quickly as soon as your view moves away from it. I think it will come in handy when you have a store-room full of boxes to search through for useful loot.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:16 am

Guys for god's sake, don't be confused - the description of the thread is clear.

None is complaining about real time looting (personally I believe that's good). The complaint is about mouse-over container opening.

To me the automatic mouse-over opening pop ups are terribly annoying. I don't know how, but for others they may not be annoying (then again some people live without adblock plus on their browser, so it wouldn't surprise me much).

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:04 pm

Bethesda games aren't known for their good UI unfortunately. Most popular mod for skyim, by a landslide, is a UI mod.

And it seems again a UI mod is dearly needed.

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Lisa Robb
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:10 am

I really, really hope Bethesda implements an option to turn this off.

I hate the idea of it, and I know it's going to drive me crazy for all the excellent reasons that others have already pointed out in this thread.

Don't count on modders to fix this for you, Bethesda. If it isn't already an option, get ahead of the issue and get this into your Day 1 patch.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:12 pm

You do realize they did this because they thought this was the best option, not out of laziness. They dont need it "fixed", they dont want it "fixed". This was a design decision and they thought it would be the most helpful.

Plus sub 100 comments on a forum of people who usually dont have experience in game dev doesnt really seem to be the best place for game design decisions.

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Tiff Clark
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:59 pm

I'm sure the thread or a new thread will become more active once the game is released and people are playing it.

It's a major change of a core UI mechanic compared to the last 4 games they've released in the past 10 years.

They're the ones who "fixed" it when it didn't need fixing.
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