Best to wait til game release guys, instead of killing the hype
Innocent until proven guilty and all that hoopla.
Best to wait til game release guys, instead of killing the hype
Innocent until proven guilty and all that hoopla.
Exactly. Plus Im not worried at all. I liked the system in BL2, and Im sure Ill like it here.
no you're right, it's much better to be a mage that freezes time to pick up a gun laying on the ground. right. sense.
Wow yeah, you're right. I never noticed it in the E3 combat vid, but I've just seen the Big Leagues perk vid, and it's almost unmissable. Kind of surprising they don't see this as at least distracting. I guess melee builds will be seeing this a lot.
The way you're describing this it would almost make the game unplayable. I find it hard to believe that Beth would [censored] up like that. I'm sure it'll be fine, or like you say, it should be an easy fix.
To be fair, can't we agree that both are kind of silly and just implement real time, pop-up-when-I-want-it looting?
I don't think that asking for anything crazy.
You missed the point.
This isnt about real-time looting, no one here is against real-time looting. Its about a window that pops up automatically for loot when you look at a container or body, versus having to press a button before you see the loot window.
As opposed to a somewhat smaller box popping up telling us to then press A to open container? Watching gameplay it didn't seem to be as bad as some condemning it as. It's a pretty petty thing to freak out about as I'm sure it can be modded to work the tradional way if there isn't a vanilla option to turn that off.
Can you read or what?
Perhaps you don't mind windows suddenly popping up while you are in combat, or looking at your surroundings minding your own business, but for others it's really annoying.
Have you watched all the leaked gameplay? I didn't see it "popping up in combat" once during the 30+ minutes I watched.
I saw a 2h gameplay that was up for a while on youtube. There are also vids on The player was exploring rooms in a building with the typical cabinets. It was like one turn 2-3 windows popped up.
Sad isn't it. All this hate... it gets to you... Like, leave Bethesda alone you guys!
Seriously though. Real time looting is great. We said that one bloody hundred times. But them deciding to make windows pop up on your screen as you walk through the environment, even from is obviously not the brightest idea.
then mod it out when you can?
complaints, complaints never change
That does sound annoying. Just having a little "Press E to open", and then having control over whether you want to look in a container or not.... what was wrong with that? More player control (as opposed to automated things that throw stuff in your face) is a good thing.
(sounds annoying for screenshots, too. Hope you never want to take a picture where you're looking right at a lootable corpse or container. Ditto with other contextual popups, like conversation wheels when looking at an NPC.)
From what I have seen, the loot menu is fairly small, so it won't be that much different from the old games, where the 'press E to search' text popped up on mouseover.
One thing that worries me though, is that the game may stutter slightly, when loading the inventory, if it holds a lot of items.
A small bit of text at the bottom of the screen where there isn't much relevant information, compared to a significantly larger box with loot that is much closer to the centre of the screen where there is potentially a lot of relevant information. This is not even a debate, the second one is objectively more intrusive.
You clearly dont think it's an issue but you are grossly trying to downplay it by even pretending these two are comparable.
So it may be petty to you, but for some of us this is something that could very well be of constant annoyance. We have no idea when mods even start showing up, let alone mods to UI such as this. If there is no option to turn it off such a thing has to be modded in as well as a new button with a whole new function has to be made in order to do that. I'm no modder myself, but that sounds like it could take some time.
It's not a deal breaker, i won't suddenly not play it, but for once i'd like it if a Bethesda game had a good UI from the get go that didn't require modding to make manageable.
Sure, they can. Make looting real time?
I don't feel like we are asking for a lot?
I guess the really enjoyable part about all this is that I don't mind it and won't have to wait for it to be modded out some will find it more useful/not annoying, the others will have to deal/mod it out. Just the same was a feature you might like and I don't. I'd have to mod it out if I wanna do anything. But this "Confirmed that opening containers with mouseover is annoying" is an opinion. It may have been "confirmed" for OP but others don't give a [censored]
Again, because *you* don't give a damn, doesn't mean all the rest don't as well, some do some don't, something which you can clearly see in this thread. You keep saying how it doesn't bother you, congratulations, we are happy for you, why don't you move along now? Perhaps because you are trying to persuade the rest of us who stated that we are annoyed by this that it is not, in order to have the same opinion as you? Or were you offended because you felt that we were directing hate towards the feelings of the developers with this thread? If either is the case move. along.
And about the title it is you who didn't read it correctly (again).
The "confirmed that opening containers with mouseover is annoying" title obviously means "I confirmed that opening containers with mouseover is annoying for myself". It wouldn't make any sense to say "I confirmed that opening containers with mouseover is annoying for everyone" so it's obviously "for myself", so duh, ofc it's an opinion, what else could it be? Also in this sentence it is obvious that the "confirmed" means "I confirmed" - if I wanted to "impose" it on everyone or state that it was confirmed by someone else, or the general population or whatever I would say "it has been confirmed" or "has been confirmed"/"was confirmed" without the "it". And the reason I didn't put the "I" there was because there is a limit of words in topic titles. Happy now?
So you're mad I have an opinion about having an opinion? Alright. Luckily it's the internet and that doesn't [censored] matter one bit
I have no problem reading, it's the dumb [censored] wording that throws it all off. Sorry OP can't string together a real thought in the title