Confused about 'resist value' option inside a magic effect

Post » Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:37 pm


Let's say I wish to create a poison that only harms undead.

Many undead like draugr are immune to poison so, of course, the poison is not going to work.

But then I realized that the reason why poison resistence helps mitigate the effects of a poison is because the poison's maggic effect has a 'resist value'... and such value is set so that the target's poison resistence is taken into account.

So I thought: if I set this 'resist value' to none, my poison is going to damage undead normally even if they are immune to poison. Unfortunately, that didn't work and draugr continue to be immune even though their poison resistence shouldn't be playing any role.

Now I'm very confused. If there is a 'resist value' and it can be set from 'poison resist' to 'none', how come my poison still doesn't work? And, more importantly, what can I do to make undead susceptible to my anti-undead poison?

Thanks in advance!

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Jason White
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