We're getting new weapons to kill molerats in the mojave... That is, if we choose to pay for gun runner's arsenal (which I will not)... And that's it? What is so special about a few new weapons?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to hate on the designers. I'm just confused about why this seemingly useless (useless for me, because I won't be paying real money in order to make a "fat mine") dlc is the cause of so much anticipation.
I just don't feel that $10 worth of new weapons will in any way make the game better. And I've already beaten the dlc's and the game on several characters, so starting the game over again with new weapons doesn't seem very appetizing either.
Can anyone clarify why they give a [censored] about gun runner's arsenal? Because from my point of view, it seems like a ploy to get money out of a game that has nothing more to offer after the release of lonesome road.