Those "Reduced LandscapeLOD Textures" are pretty old now. I mean, they'll still work, but there are (arguably) better, more recent alternatives that are - in terms of file size and such - very similar, or possibly a bit sleeker.
Which more recent alternatives are you referring to exactly?Yes, they do require several mods at 2048 or 4096 or whatever it is, as a foundation, but (as you can see in the filenames) they actually end up as 512 or 1024. The process is most likely similar to that for QTP3 -> QTP3 Reduced. I believe you need the original for that as well, and the reduced form merely adds on its own, well, reductions.
Basically, pick a resolution and style that appeals to you (whether that's Vibrant, Qarl's 1024/2048/4096, or something else again) and install any prereqs you need to, first. Generally, that'll be none, but in the case of "reduced such-and-such", it's often as above.
edit: Tomlong recommends "Optimized DistantLOD Max", I think it's called. Might be worth a look too.
OK. The confusion was compounded by old/new versions, differences in naming conventions, a trained eye to test with, etc.
Here's my current setup: The BAIN format came from Psymon's excellent thread.
BAIN_[DL ID]_Mod name_________________________________________Archive name
00___[PES ID=3813]Qarl Texture Pack 3 Redimized Patched ______QTP3_Redimized.7z
00___[Tes 5217]LOD NormalMap Fix MipMap Fix __________________Landscape_LOD_Normalmap_Fix__MipMap_Fix-5217.rar
10___[Tes 5147]Blade9722 2048 LOD replacement Border regions _Blade9722LOD2048Border.7z
20___[Tes 11441]QN 2048 Normal Maps __________________________Reduced_LOD_QN2048-11441.7z
30___[Tes 5146]Blade9722 BTQ 2048 Color Maps _________________btq2048lod.7z
40___[Tes 9952]Noise Reducer Koldorn Medium __________________Koldorns LODnoiseReplacerFINAL.rar
50___[Tes 15278]Optimized Distant Land Max (50%): ____________Optimised Distant Land MAX 1_1.