» Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:42 am
^ Yea, this is true. On paper the PS3 is great, but everyone seems to forget this is on paper. They decided to go with an architecture no one knows how to write for (even sony), and then the fans complain when their game doesnt look as good as the Xbox, which uses the same architecture as everyone else.
Yes, PS3 games can look good... when you write for ONLY the ps3. Even then, its nothing amazing.
Sony needs to L2Design and use a pc-style CPU for their next console.
I take it you haven't played God of War III, Uncharted, Killzone, LPB, or basically any PS3 exclusive? Yeah, plenty of dev. studios know how to program for the PS3. When a game is designed from the ground up to be mult-plat, however, it's programmed with PC/360 architecture then ported (poorly) to the PS3.
As far as nothing amazing, again, you haven't played GoW III. GoW III smokes almost any game you can put it up against graphically, including the PC v. of Crysis 2.