Well now, let's please try not to start a debate on a thread devoted to celebrating our forum's "revival" :sweat: Especially over something as trivial (if helpful) as the guide that has been here for years now. If we can't get along in a simple conversation thread, how will we manage an actual RP?
Blade, please avoid outright insults if you disagree with Scow's opinions. I understand what you're trying to say, and do not disagree that the guide has its uses, but that's no way to express your opinion. I'm sure Scow does not appreciate it, and neither do the rest of us; how will we get anywhere if we start bashing people as soon as they come back to the forum? And for the record I like TVTropes :unsure:
Of course, that's not to say that I agree with Scow's opinion, but as everyone knows, he is completely entitled to that opinion. I know what you mean that sometimes we take roleplaying too seriously; I admit that I tend to take things "too seriously" myself, but that is only because I appreciate the time and effort everyone has put into the RP, and do not wish to ruin their carefully crafted characters and plots with a single invincible assassin-mage that doesn't feel pain. While such characters can be fun, I have always been of the opinion that the history and personality sections of the character sheet are more important than the weapons or skills. Characters are more than their badass-ity, they are meant to be complex, realistic people that interact with other real people. While we are obviously in a fantasy universe, which gives us much more allowances for super characters, the main goal should still be realistic character interaction.
I have been in both "basket-weaver" RPs, and "super vampire ninja" RPs, and I can honestly say that both are fun. There is nothing wrong with a powerful character, as long as you do not abuse that power. If you can handle an uber character, which I'm sure many of us could, feel free to use one (so long as the RP creator agrees). I know FC4 used plenty of self proclaimed uber characters, as did many other roleplayers we can all agree are excellent at what they do; I am still using an uber Psijic mage in one of the RPs I'm in. The only problem is, I spent so much time on that Psijic mage's powers that I didn't flesh out his personality enough; now I'm stuck with an anti-social Altmer that runs around on rooftops and doesn't have any friends to interact with. Not to say that you can't have uber guys that are also fun to be around, but my point is that awesome powers do not make a good character

I appreciate what you are saying, and know all too well how elitist this forum can be to new members. People have called me out on the exact thing on many occasions, in which I flat out told people that I didn't think they were good enough to RP here. And looking back on that, I am absolutely disgusted with myself for saying that. Who are we to tell people they can't RP here? Are we so great that we can't help out newer or younger writers to become better? If all of the old members of this forum never helped me to learn what I was doing, I would never have become a fraction of the writer or roleplayer I am today (not that I am very good now, of course). And my point is this: the guide only helps those who come here not knowing what is "bad". While some people can handle uber characters flawlessly, some newer RPers abuse them and simply ruin a perfectly good RP. That is the whole point of the guide: to help new RPers so they don't constantly get yelled at by us stuffy old folks

So the guide is just that: a guideline. It is not the end all, be all of the forum, and it is not a divine mandate sent from our holy goddess Illusionary

Some people take it too seriously, I admit, but all in all it has helped far more than it has hurt. I agree that when we had a better blend of roleplayers here the guide was more useful, but that does not mean we should throw it away now. We should strive to recreate that atmosphere of free thinking and wall to wall excellent roleplaying :goodjob:
And the first thing we can do is stop all this pointless bickering. I far prefer forums where everyone knows and accepts each other, where we can all be buddies and have a smashing time roleplaying with one another. And I for one think that we can make that kind of place here

On another note, Blackhand, the Children's Quest has just now started. Half the players haven't even finished their introduction posts yet; I'm sure Story would love to have you

The Timeline is something you want to get into sooner rather than later, trust me. I waited until just recently to join in, and feel a little out of place. Of course, that's not to say people can't join. They were all very helpful in telling me what all I missed out on, and even have several little summaries to give a broad overview of the events thus far.
On another another note, Uglius is back :celebration:
PS Apologies for the long post; I'm afraid I'm still rather wordy, especially in trying to settle debates :blush: