And whats with the 4 year old PC? what does it matter? GTX 570 was released recently, so i dont get the 4 years... And everybody knows tha GPUs matter the most. I still dont get it why is GTX 260 outdated... just because i have problems ONLY with Crysis 2 with 1.9 patch? or because it's only DX10?
Seems stupid to me to give +260 $ just to play crysis 2 the way as i played before 1.9 patch. Because the rest of the games that i play work normally.
PS. GTX 570 svcks (compared to SLI GTX 590). so.. whats with the childish "gtx 260 svcks" ?
You're still retarded. Go play and don't post if you don't have any problems. I don't get it why you post... Just to have post counts?
I wait a real reply from Adam or someone who knows the answer and can tell me that: "yeah we enabled, X, Y, and Z as default, thats what is causing the slowdown..."
I and the others are not curious of your PC that mom and dad bought to you.
PPS. 10000$ PC was ironic. Google "irony" up to see what it means.