» Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:57 am
We know there are about 280 perks in Skyrim, counting ranks. Assuming they're evenly distributed, that means each skill has about 15 or 16 perks (again, including ranks).
There are basically two kinds of Conjuration spells - Daedric conjuration and necromancy. Knowing what we do about the design philosophy, it seems pretty obvious that Bethesda will be dedicating at least some of the perks for specializing in one or the other. Furthermore, the benefits for specialization will likely be different for each specialty - look at weapons, for example, where we know specializing in swords gets you critical hits, specializing in axes gets you bleeding damage, and specializing in hammers gets you armor penetration. The ultimate purpose of this is obviously to make sure each specialty actually plays differently.
So, how could you use perks to distinguish between Daedra and undead? Generally speaking, you'll probably want undead summons in bulk (one zombie is just kind of sad, the discerning necromancer wants a zombie horde) while with Daedra you'll generally be trying to get the biggest, nastiest lone Daedra you can summon. That the bigger, nastier Daedra are much more impressive on their own also helps. So, as a baseline, we might see these:
Necromancer I, II, III: Each rank allows you to summon one undead creature beyond your summon limit.
Conjurer I, II, III: Each rank increases the strength of your summoned Daedra by some percentage.
Those are the most obvious perks. I'm not entirely sure which other ones you could use - that's only 6/15 there, I'm sure there's more possibilities.