I believe we should be able to summon as many as possible. Conjuration is no doubt my favorite magic. Maybe increase the magicka summons take. Maybe use say: summon one costs 1x magicka it costs, summon 2 cost 2x, and so on.
or something like this :
Lets say i summoned a skeleton, lich, and a goblin. The likely hood that they would turn on me would be greater chance(or %) each time they hit something would be increased each time i summoned more and more monsters.
So mainly :
The more summons you have the better chance they'll turn on you.
As you go up in conjuration skills it gives a lesser chance they will turn on you no matter how many you have summoned.
So mainly:
1. More summons = better chance(%) that they will turn on you the longer they are summoned.
2. As you go up in conjuration ranks you begin to master the summoning arts allowing you to summon as many as you want with no chance(%) they will turn on you.
This should make for an even better reason to level up your conjuration skill so you dont die at any given time :celebration: .
Novice : each monster summoned after your FIRST summon gains a 20% chance they will turn on you each time they hit or are hit.
Journeyman : each monster summoned after your SECOND summon gains a 10% chance they will turn on you each time they hit or are hit.
Expert : each monster summoned after your THIRD summon gains a 5% chance they will turn on you each time they hit or are hit.
Master : Your monsters will no longer turn on you no matter how many are summoned, destroyed, or hit/ being hit.
I think this system will work perfectly! Just my opinion
