Sorry about that Kutta but im lurking this forums from the shadows seeing all the improvements in the works.
Im working slowly but continuously in the Compendium mod trying to get the level of quality desired. A lot of things had changed since the last teasers and a lot of things has been added.
Right now the compendium will add a couple of .esp add-ons to improve some game elements that i want changed in my own game. Thinks like the balmora river docks, the holamayan path in a epic version, kitchens in fort and taverns, specific pages for open books, etc.....
I want to create a new game experience with tons of little details that can change the feelings and emotions a player can get trough graphic details without touching nothing of the original game atmosphere. Sounds a bit excessively ambitious but im getting a lot of fun doing things. Other than that i retextured completely the Bonemold, one of the most difficult works in the game, also added teeth to the dragonbone helm, another thing im studying to change is ..... well, better discover this details in game.
Right now i think that i no need to hurry up things cause all the people that adore Morrowind will play this game discontinuously but far long in time cause no other game will take the place where this game reigns.
Was my fault to take out my mods from PES thinking in a nearly release but well, all of you must know that contacting me i will help.
At a time i will need the help from some of you to beta test the mod.
Saludos and good modding time??
P.D.: Thanks Tronvillain for help me to improve the kitchen results. Im also needed to consult the meaning of chuckle
