These posters fit in very well

Have you retextured these textures? =>
- Tx_bridgeropes
- Tx_rope_woven
- Tx_rope_woven_01
Because I have try to retextured them but it's not so easy >.< (damned ropes!! :banghead: )
Oh well you are fighting with the big beast, the hammocks, lol, for the moment i dont have a better option than a refiltering of the original ones. Every time im testing the game i see this hammocks and think that it will be hard to reach a good solution.
Thx connary, these posters look just great !
Edit: also note that Hrnchamd is updating his very rapidly. Now on 0.8.4 with bloom further tweaked and water caustics back !

Yeah im following closely the Hrnchamd mod. New version installed and working, XD.
The posters contrast with the wall, so yes they do stand out. But they should as that is what posters are meant to do also the style of the poster is quite fitting to Morrowind. I do not want to make a lot of work for you, but how about a nail for the posters? Makes them being pinned to a wall a little more realistic.

Good idea, i think in a transversal log in the wall, but a nail looks more casual placing the posters. I Buy it
Posters look great but wall is a little low-res looking in comparison.
And glad to see you Connary.
Glad to see you Vtastek. Waiting impatiently for your cloud shadows, well i know it will be a extremely difficult thing to get

About the walls, you are right i concentrated the same amount of pixels in the poster than in the wall, but i want every paper readable in some way. Collectibles....
Im also working against ultrarealistic textures for extensive surfaces that surrounds you in the scenery. A less real, perhaps blurred solutions works better taking in consideration the extreme repetition of the references. Less real but interesting, im working in this middle place.
There were nails in the vanilla mounted head meshes. I've separated the nails from it. If you'd like the mesh connary, I can send it to you. Just PM me. Otherwise, a nail shouldn't be too hard to find. Nice work on those posters btw. :goodjob:
I remember some interesting daedric nails. I will try to separate them to create a new nail mesh. Humm, a bucket plenty of nails......If i dont get luck i will contact you.