Yea, there are other textures out there to use. That said, out of all of his about 1000 or so textures, I only use close to about 600 of them as a few have been replaced by better stuff. I can name richer textures as a major one that is better and darknut's textures as well among a bunch of ones from here and there. My textures are a large patchwork of various sources which I have chosen for being higher res and/or closer to the original visual theme of the game. I am not everyone though, and while I go through and compare each texture I currently have with ones that could replace it, most people cant be bothered to spend that much time.(I was at a family thing in a hotel one weekend and so I spent my spare time going through many textures, after that I felt somewhat nuts)
Actually at this point I think it's more Connary's Texture Compendium vs. Half-Life 2: Episode 3 vs. Black Mesa Source. I'm not sure which one I'd put my money on at this point...
I would say 2011 should be an interesting year. Tamriel Rebuilt's next release is likely going to be out at some point next year as well. Heck, its been close to 2 years since they last released something and alot of their stuff(besides the next map) is nearing completion.(At least the TR people give us pictures and stuff)
Edit: The ultimate on the edge of your seat remake! Making a Morrowind TC into half life or vice versa. hah You will be waiting for this one until your dead! and then you will still be waiting. haha