Connary, you stated you're not doing faces, NPCs, clothing, which is fine because other great modders are doing those, like Westly, etc... But are you doing all or most miscellaneous and static objects in the game though?
My mod covers every nook and cranny of the game with the exception of faces. Clothing included.
I was of the opinion he was doing all the textures that someone else had not already created a texture that Connary himself was satisfied with. So if someone already made a fantastic texture for rock #382, for instance. Is that right Connary? I remember you were excited about a lot of work several months ago that some other people had release, perhaps the rock mesh corrections or something.
Im doing a second revision to avoid the inclusion of any texture reference from other mod/modder. Every texture must be completely new with the exception of a few references from my old mods, very few. Im studiyng how to improve the old daedric textures but maintaining the reflections.
Im including meshes from other modders trying to improve the game look. Like a Staff of Magnus with rotating textures from Archimaestro Antares....... This little things that improve the game a lot.
EDIT: I forgot?? well, I maintain the hanging moss on BC from Earth Wyrm. I love that textures??
Thank you for collecting some of the pictures Sister!

Yes, thanks.
These too: (Where is this? I've never heard of this place before.)
My mod will include some esp add ons that I consider indispensable (evidently they arent needed to play the game or my base mod). Places where I can experiment adding new meshes and textures. As you can see in the Balmora district there are posters, dirty water pipe leaks, wall paintings etc....
Balmora Docks district - Detailed Odai river docks. DONE.
Caldera walls - Closed Caldera with a better distribution, more streets, active doors, better surroundings....etc DONE
Open books - Every open book will have a texture relative to his content. STARTING
Kitchens - Added kitchens to important taverns following the different architecture styles. DONE
Holamayan path - Created a new path from boat to Holamayan for a more epic transition. DONE
Im also created new versions of 'Homes for sale' and 'dh-furn stores' to work together with my mods but I need to contact the original creators.
Also a new version of textures for Signed Signpost to maintain the same wood and general style.
All of these screens are radically marked improvements over your older work, Connary. I hope you decide to release something eventually, I believe this subforum has been holding it's collective breath for quite a long time.
But not all of us are blue in the face, yet. :3 Surely the wait is worth it.
I had read a post by you saying you weren't actively working on your pack these days. Is that true, or have things chanced since that post? I've noticed you've been quite a bit more active.
Thanks, Im trying to improve in every step. Im not as active as I was in the pass, Its dependent on my current RL projects. Im also modding for other game when Im tired of swords and sorcery.
I consider my mod a huge project in SIZE. As all the huge projects will be finished when it will. I will take my time, this process is the most fun for me. If Morrowind modding was totally stopped then possibly I had considered the release of the created content for the people playing at this moment but the reality its that there are huge projects in the works LGNPC, TR, MGE/MGEXE and a lot more. My mod no need to rush. Perhaps in a short future we will play a complete province with huge improvements in all fronts.