I think some people may have connection issues with a router or whatever, but the main problem of suddenly getting kicked from a server with the dreaded 'Lost connection to host' message is common amongst most players. I was getting it myself on my own server but I seem to have fixed it for my server and also someone else who read my post said it made things better for their server too.
I think this is down to errors with the server files. What is happening is servers are crashing, so you and everyone else on the server loses their connection to it. I found out that the default server rotation config of a new server has a particular map running a particular gametype that it doesn't support. For example 'Impact' doesn't support the 'Crash Site' game, but they have this in the default rotation, and it might be causing server crashes.
It seemed to me that running my server in a mixed gametype was when it was crashing most. And I could be wrong about this but I have definitely sorted out the problem with my server.
On Saturday I changed my rotation config to make sure that no map had an unsupported gametype, I set my server to run unranked (I still go up in ranks and stuff) with a limit of 1 player and with a time limit of 20 minutes per game, 300 pts to win, running the Crash Site gametype all the time. After running around my server for about 5 minutes someone else joined, and eventually the server filled up with players and remained full all day and for the evening. I myself had a fair amount of hours playing on it with no probs at all.
So there is light at the end of the tunnel. GSP's are working on rcon control for server admins that will be integrated into the server control panel so we can kick and ban, and also as far as I know my GSP is releasing a server patch on Monday, I am hoping Cryteks patch will coincide with it.
Try going on servers with a custom setup rather than standard with mixed gametypes. Anyone is welcome on my London based server anytime if they want to test out the connection issues.
It's a rockin' good game is Crysis 2 when it works properly.