Connection lost when loading mp map

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:16 am

Wtf, yesterday i tried to play the mp but every time i entered a server and loaded a map i got "Conection to server lost problem". I thought maybe its a bug of one day but today I tried again and there is the same problem.
I bought this game, the first game I ever bought, i was disapointed becouse of the bugs and the DLC not free packs, and now i even cant play mp.

What I have to do???
soory for the bad English.

edit: soory fot the double post

Now I tried again and i entered a game for a while but after a minute, "Conection to server lost".
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Julie Serebrekoff
Posts: 3359
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:41 am

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