As he caught his first beam of sunlight thoughts filled his mind. He was fascinated by it. He wondered if he could control it in some way. He learned of magic and mages, and knew he would be one fo them. And so it was carved within his skull. He would. He trained for many years within the Mages Guild by multiple masters. By age 19 he was the master of Vivecs Guild Hall. He turned it over to his 2nd in command and left with dreams of travel.
Through the whispers and rumors of back alleys he heard of a not a cult, guild, or clan. More of a group that intended to be more powerful than any other. He passed the brutal trials needed to join the cult with flying colors. Within his youth he was master of this as well. The power had gone to his head. Visions of control of ultimate power and conquest breached his thoughts. He presented the ideas the to his followers, majority declined. The entire population was destroyed. Eventually little by little he took control from small towns and villages up to cities, eventually places like Balmora or Vivec were taken. At one Province taken he continued on with his second. Which was taken quickly. And all eventually fell under his dark whim.
Eventually one remained. Cyrodiil. He began fighting his way in. Damn near started a full scale empire to empire war. He gained at least control of four fifths of the province. This led to the overthrowing of the imperial government and destruction of the entire Septim bloodline.
He turned every region of Tamriel into desolation. With few exceptions none were left alive. He and his twisted followers achieved absolute power. He attempted to join the ranks of Deadra. His soul ascended and he achieved immortality. The world was darkened. The 4th era passed over quickly and by that time he had becore more powerful than Mehrunes Dagon himself. He now was seemingly unstopable. The beginning of a second dark era begins seemingly untouched by the 9 divines.
The lush tropical features of Cyrodiil have been burned and destroyed into a white ash hell. The Summerset Isles have been Frozen into an icy wasteland. Skyrim was torched into a dry vast hot dessert. Morrowind's outer ring was completely destroyed in the process leaving only Vvardenfell and peices of Solstheim. The Black Marsh has become a permenant inferno damn near resembling a realm of Oblvion. Elswyr has been seemingly untouched and both Hammerfel and High Rock have become large dark forests no trace of any cities or anything that once remained there and is a testing place for Xanics twisted creations on the innocent. Those places are to avoided.
Xanic rules over all creation and climate and can mend the world to his liking. He has the power to mend reality itself to warp a provence out of existence. The remaining citizens that dont follow his rule are forced into slavery. Any rebelion is immediatly found and all followers are destroyed. Except for the elusive ones. (They are the role that you will take.)
Basicly your role would be a survivor in search of anyway to avoid the dark grip of Xanic. Find food and battle with Xanics mutations attempt to find shelter and other survivors. Within your knowledge being most likely an offspring, (hell a whole era passed since the story started.) you really dont know much about history. You dont even know what the hell a Seep-tuuuum is. (sorry) At the time you are completely elusive to Xanics knowledge you somehow managed to avoid him. I cleaned it up with Word a few times and read it over a few times, if there are any fragments left let me know. Feedback and even possibly character sheets are welcome.
Character Sheet.
Here It Is:
Class (or Skillset)
Apperance (this can be formated in any way I just need to know what he looks like. This can includ eyes, hair, height weight etc.)
Bio (Dont write me a novel please I like them long and interesting but not grueling.)
1. Ubering is bad m'kay.
2. No godmodding, charecter controling etc. (Thats Xanics job it might hurt his feelings if you did. )
3. Romancing is fine I just dont see how it would help in this RP.
4. Don't void the autocensor.
5. Show respect to other RPers.
6. PM C-sheets to me first please.
7.Thanks to Badger no time skiping is alowed.
8. I though of this as well. Occasionaly if you aren't a stupid power freak, I will possibly let you be a servant of Xanic. AND this is the only way to gain access to a Lycan or Vampire character.
9. Overall just use common sense and dont be a [censored]

10. Rules are subject to change and will be over time.
1st offence Warning
2nd offecne Im a nice guy so another Warning is issued.
3rd offence you really starting to piss me off. you'll recieve a temporary ban.
4th offence An extended TB
5th you're done sorry bye bye
Any major offences will result in an immediate ban.