Upgrade to OBSE v18 final and try again. If it fails to recognize the command, post the contents of ConScribe.log (found in the same directory as obse_loader.exe).
That fixed the editing problem.
I must be misunderstanding something in the documentation:
begin gameMode
scribe "This will be printed to the Script log, but not to the console" 0
For this to work, how would the Conscribe.ini look?
This is my INI:
TimeFormat=%m-%d-%Y %H-%M-%S
This is my code using Scribe (Extracted with Oblivion Script Dumper):
; Set choice defaults
set iStatus to 1
set iLevel to 0
set iLocation to 5 ; IC
set iLocationType to 0 ; Str
Scribe "iLocation=%g" iLocation 1
Scribe "iLocationType=%g" iLocationType 1
; Read default values from INI file
Scribe "Read default values from INI file" 1
if FileExists "Data\ini\StartChoicesDefaults.ini"
RunBatchScript "Data\ini\StartChoicesDefaults.ini"
Scribe "SCD: Updated values from Data\ini\StartChoicesDefaults.ini" 1
Scribe "iLocation=%g" iLocation 1
Scribe "iLocationType=%g" iLocationType 1
Scribe "SCD: Did not find INI file, and will use default/stored values!" 1
; End Read default values from INI file
This is the static log.log:
OBSE Drop Lit Torches Initialised (Ini)
MMO:Init player marker array 0-30
MMO:1st time initialization!
MMO:Did not find ini file, and will use default/stored values!
EE:Updated values from ini file in data\ini\.
EE:Creating location prices lists
EE:Updating location prices lists
EE:Creating merchant prices lists
EE:Updating merchant prices lists
EE:Initing Tamriel Travellers merchant lists
(SL) Streamline attempting to initialize..
(SL) OBSE Version 18.00 Detected - Streamline 3.1 Initializing.
Inn publicans now offer misc items.
CB: Xskills not present. Aborting.
Cobl : 0
CB: cobl detected
CB: cobl index is 4
(SL) SL.ini appears error-free, happy gaming!
CBSkContQ: Woodlore skill intializing...
CBSkCraftingQ: Crafting skill intializing...
CauldQ running
Construction...target is
CBSkContQ: construction skill intializing...
Cobl: Now running OBSE v18.
Cobl: Now running Pluggy v125.
Exterior Cell, Trees 22, Flora 8
Type 1, location Forest
There are no Per-Mod or Per-Script logs.
The Scribe messages aren't there. I know the code "set iLocation to 5" above it is being executed.
What am I doing wrong?
I looked at zzPiiiPzzConDump.txt and saw that you use registerLog in zzPiiiPSanityQS.txt, but I didn't think registerLog was required.
Also, In the doc, the keyword for the option "Static Logging" is "Static". What are the keywords to specify "Per Game Load" and "Per Game Session" in the INI file?