I occasionally come across people saying that the elder scrolls universe is mythopoetic; belief shapes reality.
The most prevalent example is that of the aedra being brought back to "life" via faith. Of course, this took nearly all of tamriel believing in the existance (and possibly interference and action) of the aedra, and for a very long time.
I suppose the same doesn't apply to rumors, for instance. That mostly because I think a mythopoetic action requires a large amount of believers and a long duration in which said belief is prevalent.
But what about circumstances that are less significant? What about beliefs or world views are prevalent throughout time and accepted by a significant portion of the population, or even the majority?
In the context of archeology; archeologists of tamriel make logical assumptions based on their findings. The theories which become wildly accepted in future generations will end up changing the past!
This means that later archeaological findings will conform to current theory more that they would otherwise!
Let's think of Akavir, for example. Despite the invasions from Akavir and to Akavir, we and the population of tamriel does not know much about it. What the population of Tamriel knows is bits and pieces about snow demons, tiger dragons, vampire snakemen and all that jazz.
This is true since the 1st Era. This means that by the 3rd or 4th era, Akavir (and its past) may have changed due to belief!
The same probably applies to all races and especially orcs. Prevalent stereotypes that persist for large amounts of time should affect the race in question!
What do you guys think about all of this?